When people ask me why I’m toxic I just show them this ..

For people who don’t wanna watch the video I did all 5 gens got chased a little and then one hooked at the end game by a camping leatherface who hit me on hook and my team did absolutely nothing
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Everyone in that game sucked. Teammates died and did 0 gens, went down easily and escaped. Killer played bad and got a 2k out of it.
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I experience a lot of games like this ..and I only play solo so you can understand why I’m toxic (I hope)
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I do understand to an extent. I'm pretty sure everyone at least once has complained about their teammates.
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At this point I’ve put into over 3k hrs (almost 2 years) it’ll be 2 years in September..and in that time it’s almost all solo survivor (rarely swf) and killer..killers a different story but I play atleast 6 hrs a day so ya I get salty and when I’m salty I get toxic
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Assuming you're talking about toxicity in the sense of saying rude or abusive things to the other players, and not just something like teabagging... while the impulse may be understandable, that doesn't make the action justifiable. I think that's an important distinction to make.
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That happens. When its in the end game sometimes that’s only play left for killer.
My theory is the hitting might be to annoy a survivor into suiciding.
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This seems fine, sure you ended up dying due to unfortunate circumstances but I don't think anyone played badly.
The leatherface didn't camp until the end of the game and he probably saw the other survivors opening the exit gate with BBQ and assumed that it was already 99ed. So I guess he was happy to just confirm his 2k, I don't think it's scummy to camp at this late stage of the game.
The survivors were both on death hooks so coming for the save would have been suicide especially against a leatherface and would have probably led to at least a 3k.
Either way this game imo doesn't justify being toxic.
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I play solo survivor too 95% of the time, and while I have a lot of terrible games (especially during rank reset), that in no way gives me any excuse to act toxic towards other players or killers. Acting toxic because of other people doesn't help the community whatsoever.
You will have terrible games, but that's the luck of the draw when you play solo survivor. Move on to the next match.
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Actually, what I saw was a survivor so gen oriented that they didn't go anywhere close to other survivors unless it was to do a gen. The leatherface played perfectly fair the entire game. Then, played to his strengths to guarantee one (or more) kill once the end game happened.
I saw three survivors on one gen and saw you run up to gens that were already in the process of being worked on (but were unattended because unlike you, the other survivors were trying to help everyone else). You're claiming a lot that you didn't actually do. You act like you did everything alone.
You never once helped another survivor, then complain that they didn't help you. Guess they were too busy saving eachother while you played gen jockey.
The Bill went for you and couldn't. Because Bubba would have killed him instead. It was the right decision.
So according to what I watched, you get salty when you play selfishly and aren't rewarded with an escape, and instead CHOOSE to be toxic as a response to not being rewarded for a selfish playstyle. Sounds to me like you just throw a hissy fit when you don't get what you want.
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An eye for an eye makes the world blind
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Your joking right? Pls tell me your joking
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Selfishly ? Your funny I literally did 5 gens if you think that’s selfish then you need help .. because if I didn’t do anything everyone would have died your a joke lol I bet your one of those survivors who hide in a corner doing nothing all game
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Well no...what should the killer had done in the end game? Or the other two survivors?
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It’s better then letting it build up lol
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Youd idn't unhook or heal anyone. You avoided everyone until the end.
And you can say that you doing gens is what let people get out. But maybe if you had gone for an unhook or heal, the damage would have been more spread out so the gens could have been finished and everyone could have escaped.
You're just salty because your selfish gen jockey focus wasn't rewarded with an escape.
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No I’m salty because I did everything and your trying to say I’m playing selfish what I’m fact I’m not ..do you think I wanna do gens ??? I don’t but if I don’t then no one else will I carried my team and because of me 2 people escaped even tho they didn’t deserve to
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You could also take a break to calm down
Works a lot better imo
I know the play civilitation instead is quite the meme but it's actually golden advice to really keep enjoying this game
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Man, I see you’re point. Yes, you carried the team and got 2 out. Yes, but you lack the altruism to help take hits and eat a hook go the team. You got 1st hook in the end. Not bc you ran the killer and he could catch you but bc you evaded him and your team. They were all getting downed and takin hits and eating hooks. You could taken a hit and maybe the Claud wouldn’t have died. You could’ve eaten a hook and maybe no one would’ve died. You gotta be a team player. Can’t avoid everything and expect the your team not to notice. Yeah you did gens but anyoen could’ve done them. You gotta have someone keeping the killer busy. You were full health and full hooks. Not fair to the team who were all on death hooks. Should’ve eaten one for the team at that point. They could come a gen while someone ran him and someone else saved.
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It looks like all three of your team mates got hooked a different points, one of them died, and you never attempted to unhook anyone. After playing thousands of hours are you surprised no one bothered to unhook you? What did your behavior look like from their point of view?
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Looks like you got what you deserved to me.. Yeah you did gens; but did you bother to help try and heal them? did you try and rescue them? No.. so why should they return the favor? The Billy camping in the end was unfortunate, but he was locking down a kill so he didn't depip.
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ah the old "do upon others what has been done upon me" mentality, classic, really makes the world a better place.
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I’m surprised they bought you time to do all the gens by yourself. Lol
Whenever I solo queue, it’s pretty much the same experience. Only difference is if I get chased and no one is doing anything I just sacrifice myself to the entity.
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I didn't watched the video but based from the comments seems like it's another solo survivor experience. I play solo and most of my games are like this.
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*sees perks*
*watches rest of video*
Foreward: This post isn't to "prove you wrong" as much as it is to take this game and try to help it be a learning experience. If it comes off differently for any reason I apologize, but I hope it helps you improve from a fellow solo survivor main.
That said, run kindred. If you ever doubt what your team is doing and can't understand when to adhere yourself to a gen and when to make space for the rest of the team, take kindred. Every time anyone is on a hook, you will see your entire team. Those partially finished gens could have easily been finished if the killer's attention was elsewhere, and when you were on the hook everyone would know where everyone else is which would allow them to divert the killer's attention from the hook enough to get a save. I honestly don't know why solo survivors think they're too good for the perk, its like a godsend for games like that. I mean by contrast, you didn't exactly get much from that WGLF....
All you really did was tunnel gens on a large map vs a killer with no map pressure. Which in itself IS what should be done vs a killer who has no map pressure or who camps, but not by a single person. You want to either be doing a gen, going for the save, or leading the killer away from the hook (especially killers with instadowns and especially leatherface.) Without knowing if your teammates were actually doing 2 or 3, you kinda just stayed safe with 1 and hoped for the best. Thats where Kindred would have come in 1000%.
All that aside, your chase was pretty decent, and you got a lot of mileage out of that jungle gym and those pallets before dropping them so you clearly know how to waste the killer's time. (If I had to be critical though, the pallet throw at the 10min mark was a bit bad: You had dead hard, so taking an M1 to save a loop would be ideal, especially since it would have given you the ability to DH to a window/pallet later, but also saved the pallet so that the obsession wouldn't have suddenly found themselves in a dead zone.)
The shack play was good until you tried for the sneaky reverse vault and got bodyblocked, thats pretty much always a terrible idea against anyone who can instadown or if you're injured. It would have been much safer to just get the additional loop out of it and vault out in good position to run to the nearby loops, as there are generally like 3 safe loops that spawn near there so your chances of having one remaining were still pretty good.
Lastly at the end when you were on the hook, there were only 2 left and they were wandering in the vicinity of the gate to listen for the TR: Leatherface is at his strongest when near a survivor who is on the hook, so them not hearing it meant that they were assured he was staying near the hook. If you had Kindred, they would have literally seen his aura when he stayed there, so it would have been even more and they probably would have just left instead of waiting that whole time. Can't really do much about that personally, but that part is just kinda luck of the draw, and you getting chased so far from the gates at the least pretty much assured they would be opened and the others would get out. c'est la vie.
If you think your teammates are struggling in chases to buy enough time, get chased on purpose to buy them room to breathe. If they STILL don't get gens done while you're getting chased for 2-3 minutes at a time, THEN something's wrong. But gluing to gens without going for anything else while you're teammates' chases are the reason you HAVE the time to glue to the gens makes it a bit hypocritical to claim they did nothing.
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Lol, you either weren't expecting people to actually watch the video or didn't bother looking at it with an open mind. This camping Leatherface you speak of actually left the hook every single time he hooked somebody, even on the hook after all the gens were done when I definitely wouldn't have bothered leaving. Sure he came back when the door was opened, but the fact that he even left for that long was more than should be expected once all the gens were done. So you were the final hook against the Leatherface and want to complain that you didn't get rescued? What the hell were you expecting to happen? Somebody would come up and magically not get 1 hit by LF during an egc hook? And it's quite hypocritical to complain about not getting unhooked when you were to heavy focued on gens to go unhook anybody else. The reason you ended up doing 5 gens is because you didn't really do anything else. They had to keep leaving gens to get the unhooks or get chased which is the most likely reason their gens never got finished. If they played like you did, everybody would have gotten 1 hooked, but the game would ended much faster probly still with 2 kills so less bloodpoints for you.
If you show this video to people when they ask you why you're toxic, all you're really showing them is that you're not that much of a team player. And if you complain about what happened to you as you show it to them, you just reinforce the idea that you're toxic.
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Ooph. Wasn't my take but have an up vote.
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Why even run WGLF if you’re going to avoid your teammates like the plague? I’d swap it out for something more useful - like Ryuhi said, Kindred can help you in solo coordinate gens and altruism much more easily.
I mean, you accuse your team mates of “doing nothing” but how do you know they weren’t trying to do gens, but got pulled off due to having to unhook every time because you refused to? It seems to me like the three of them were swapping out hooks, heals and chases because you didn’t get involved and give them any breathing room to do gens.
Even at the point where the Laurie was slugged and you could see for a fact that the Bill was being chased, you left her to rot on the ground. If that was me I’d be disinclined to save you later as well, especially since they were both on death hook.
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I'm not sure how much you can blame the team here. Sure a bit, when they all left the gen you were working on in the barn was a bit strange and why at least the Bill didn't finish the last gen while you were in the chase is also not too good.
But that they didn't get you in endgame against a camping Bubba is comprehensible. And you have no idea what happened during the game. Most likely the Bubba was playing like that the whole game and the team had a lot to do to get everyone off the hook in time. Don't forget that they all were on death hook. They might be SWF and organizing themselves to get the unhooks done properly. So they were busy to keep the team alive while you could do the gens without pressure most of the time. That might actually have been perfect team play. They doin the chases and unhooks, you the gens.
Just as an idea. Not sure if it was like that, but you don't have a lot of information on what the other did, except "no gens".
He didn't let her rot, he got in chase after that. If Bill was chased instead, he would have had the time to save her. I wouldn't have gone for the heal either instantly, because you could have expected Bubba being near. And when it was clear that the save needed to be done, he was chased, allowing the Bill to heal
You guys (@GHOSTfaceP3 too) are quite quick with telling what is "deserved". As you are all lacking information, you can't say that the others didn't deserve escape, and lacking altruism doesn't mean you deserve death. It might actually have been useless to go for the unhooks, when there are already 2 people around to do so, so it would be no gen progress at all during the attempt. Btw that leatherface surely pipped in this game, the other three were all on death hook, one died. He had 8 chases and hooks at that point. Letting the unhook happen and get another chase would probably have rewarded him more. But you don't know what's going on in his head.
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If you actually watched the full video you would see that he made 0 attempt to ever help his team throughout the entire game.. He deserved it.
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You’ll see what I mean if you rewatch at about the 7:30 mark. OP left Laurie on the ground for nearly a full minute while Bill was being chased - Bill was the Obsession so it wasn’t like it was impossible to know what was happening. Bill unhooked Laurie, Leatherface hit Laurie down, he then left her slugged and chased the Bill, presumably because he was expecting DS. The OP could clearly tell all of this and they made absolutely no moves to get Laurie up, and after nearly a minute the Bill unintentionally brought LF to the OP.
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If you would have read my post, you would have noticed that it doesn't always make sense to go for a save. You don't need 3 people to unhook
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Well, Laurie was crawling, so not healing, first point. Next: the chase didn't last that long, actually round about the time when Laurie stopped crawling, the chase ended. And then Spinechill got activated short before Bill was in chase again. I wouldn't run across the map when I know there is 0 progress on the healing yet. And the broken chase would make me guess that Bill stopped running and they have a faceoff, or that the killer returned to the slug
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That sums up my games too. Everyone goes down in 5 seconds. Killer camps hook and people just feed the camper. 2 gens get done then our team is finished and since a survivor cant 1 vs 1 the killer you’re screwed.
If by some miracle the gens get done then I die to NOED and get left on hook even though I was the only that did totems and most of the gens.
Solo survivor is having to put in 200% effort with a 10% chance of escaping. Shame because back in the day the red ranks seemed less watered down and you had to play hard but not work your ass off like never before and you actually had a fair chance at escaping too.
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What's 'toxic' to you? Teabagging, sandbagging, sending salty messages or what? In any case I don't really see the point, you know the next game will probably have different survivors and a different killer unrelated to this game right?
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She crawls for like a second or two a few times, most of the time she was on the ground she was completely still and obviously recovering.
You wouldn’t run to help your teammate when you haven’t even been chased for a second, there’s one gen left and both of your teammates are on death hook? Harsh.
I mean, play however you want. We’re all free to leave people slugged or on hooks until they die if that seems fun. But if you play completely unaltruistically you can’t complain about your teammates leaving you behind. Especially if they’re all on death hook because you didn’t take any aggro all match.
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I'm not sure if anyone of us gets confused by the resolution of the video. But I think there is at max 5 seconds in the beginning and then like 5 seconds before Spinechill activates (and during the second phase I already said I would expect the killer be near the slug). And I agree that during the game it would be better to take a hook for the team, especially when you are apparently not that bad at looping.
I'm just talking about that situation. If the killer is waiting for a DS timer to run out (and noone knows at that point), you would only benefit the killer waiting at the slug for making no gen progress, showing him "here I am as well, let's all waste time near the slug until DS ran out". With the gen progress you can at least hope for a double escape. You never know what is the best decision because of missing information. The only safe information I see there is a crawling Laurie and a broken chase, which are normally bad indicators to go for a heal.
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It doesn’t take that long to recover, she stayed in place long enough to recover a decent amount, if you’re recovered more than halfway it takes a couple of seconds to pick someone up, and when the Bill goes back for the pick up it’s a fraction of a second so she was obviously fully recovered by that point. You also don’t need to sprint right up and make it obvious to the killer that you’re there, but at least go and investigate. Use Spine Chill and the terror radius to figure out if he’s camping the slug, if he is go back to the gen and get it done, if he’s not pick her up. This is PS4 as well so you have better visibility of the killer through corn than they have of you.
I see what you’re saying in general, and sometimes it’s better to leave someone on the ground, absolutely. But we’re talking about this scenario in context, in which the OP left people on hooks repeatedly, to the point that the Claudette put herself into struggle phase because she obviously saw nobody coming for her, and then they left the Laurie as well. Playing that way makes people less inclined to save you later.
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Recover is the same like Selfcare. Getting healed takes 16 seconds, self recover being at 50% speed. So when they came to the gen, Laurie was at most on 1/3 progress. Even if Bubba wasn't following him and he heading for the heal instead, the Laurie wouldn't be at 95% yet. And still my argument is valid that you could expect the killer to be camping the slug with the information given. It comes back to the beginning. With not all information, you never know if something is right or wrong. Noone to blame here. But also still, according to OP, no reason to become toxic by this example
And the claudette did a double kobe attempt and was saved short after that. She totally killed herself, noone else to blame here.
And still, we don't see anything of the other team, EDIT had a break before posting and forgot what I wanted to write here ^^Post edited by Deadeye on0 -
"Noone to blame here" also meaning that, yes, it would be an option to go check, just to make sure that the slug isn't sacrificed with the option possible to being healed up in time. Just keeping in mind that it would be possible, that the gen doesn't get finished, slug is camped, DS running out and the Bill dies next, cause he tried to save Laurie as well.
So I don't try to say "You are wrong", just trying to say that there is no clear mistake in this scene. It's a decision you have to take and it can be both, wrong or right, caused by missing information
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so your excuse for ruining others fun is that you had someone else ruin your game at some point?
by that logic i shouldnt ever play without a red mori, cause i too have been genrushed before.
i can understand some toxicity towards the player who was toxic towards you, but its in no way shape or form an excuse for being toxic towards others who had nothing to do with that game.
i hope i just misunderstood your post here and you ment it in the way where you were only toxic towards those players, but if you actually ment it the way i think you did, thats not at all an excuse imo. be better than those guys.
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Information like the HUD showing the obsession being chased?
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One of your teammates was coming for the save, but Leatherface came back and camped. Nobody in their right mind is going to go for the save against a camping leatherface. Yeah, they didn't do any gens. But they drew the aggro and saved each other. Which allowed you to do gens in the first place. They were also both on death hook. You also never unhooked anyone. After the second gen, you went for a third gen instead of trying to unhook your teammate. There's nothing wrong with that, but you can't really complain about doing all five gens when you prioritize them over saving teammates, leaving the others to do it. And Leatherface looked like he camped to get his second kill and only after all gens were done. He didn't need to hit you on the hook. That was uncalled for. But him camping was about the only thing he could do at that point.
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If you didn't follow the discussion: the chase didn't last long and was just in the beginning, when Laurie was at 0-10% healing progress. Then the chase stopped. Telling me either, the killer is just circling the slug and Bill stop running, having a faceoff, or Bill trying to get the killer away and killer returned to the slug. Or, what actually happened, killer just lost chase somehow and now follows the scratch marks.
Still if I see the above situation, option 1 and 2 is the most likely to happen. And also as already said in the discussion: when they arrived at the gen and then going back to the slug to heal, Laurie would still not be fully recovered when returning because she crawled around half of the time.
Conclusion: it is a decision to make. Go for the heal to get her up, expecting there is a chance (which in my opinion is pretty low) and risk the 4k by losing gen progression, or stay on the gen, trying to get Bill out by finishing gen and gates, risking Laurie to die (most likely) and letting the chance go to get her up. And this decision can be good or bad, but not determined from the information you have. And my choice would be influenced, due to the fact that both of them are on death hook, that there will most likely be no 3 people escaping at that point.
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You only did gens your teammates that didn’t deserve to live helped keep him in chases the entire match hence why you could just sit there on gens and not even deal with him plus they helped rescue ppl who btw were always on the other side of the map as you because he was chasing them. If you were my teammate I’d leave you cause helping out with chases and rescues would give other ppl more chances to do gens. You had the easiest survivor game ever sitting around literally doin nothin but gens while your teammates dealt with killer and hooks and you complain wow.
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So why exactly are you toxic? I do not understand this at all by showing off this video.
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Solo Q is just trash experience and Bhvr is still not doing anything to improve it. In fact, they made it worse with the new rank reset system. Now there are more idiots in higher ranks
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I mean...that's not gonna stop toxicity from spreading.