When people ask me why I’m toxic I just show them this ..



  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Wait....so me getting buggered over with taxes ISN'T a valid reason to rob a bank....




  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    And this is exactly why this game can be punishable for both sides. Yikes.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    It lasted 18 seconds which is long enough to make a decision. Unless you're under the impression that a survivor can teleport from one side of the map to the other instantly, there is no good reason to need to wait more than 18 seconds to observe how long a chase will last before heading over. Of matter of fact, waiting to see how long a chase lasts would be one of the stupider things you can do because it could have very well ended up with a hit rather than an escape in which case your chance of making it that far before the killer downs the 2nd survivor greatly lessens.

    And do you honestly not understand why somebody wouldn't keep recovering when they can clearly see one person in chase and the other just working on a gen with the 4th survivor dead? The downed survivor was clearly recovering at the beginning but for some mysterious reason decided that crawling to a better spot was a better option at the time. Then continued recovering again after the first chase ended almost as if there was a reason to do so again.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I also explained that already. Laurie was crawling around, so being at most at a third recovery progress when they arrived at the gen. And it still stands that it is a decision to make. You somehow make it sound that it is no decision but only one option. I also already explained both options and what are the risks. What exactly do you want to tell me?

    And regarding the second hit? Still Laurie was crawling, she stopped crawling round about after the chase was over. Meaning, at that time she was even less recovered. So you would have never recovered her in time. I hate it even more when people jump off gens as soon as there are some altruistic points to snatch, that is currently the reason why no gens get done in most of my games. People are just swarming hooks, already during chases, and more likely grant an easy hit and follow up chase rather than anything else.

    And 'do you seriously think' that 5m next to the downing point is a much better and saver place and the killer will never find that Laurie again? And if really the reason for not recovering is, that Laurie "gave up" on recovering because OP was on the gen, then this is throwing the game more. She obviously had the better information on the killer being busy with the chase and should have healed as much as possible.

    Btw as we all saw, it was the correct option in this game to work on the gen, because the gates wouldn't be open and the Laurie escaped. Just for info. It all comes back to "you have to decide" and "you never know, because of lacking information". I can just repeat, over altruistic teams get no gens done. Simple as that.

  • domai36
    domai36 Member Posts: 89
    edited April 2020

    I couldn't watch it with sound and I skipped some parts, but I think the OP played reasonably well. We are missing a lot of information, and outside of the very first hook, it does appear the killer was mostly camping the rest of the game - as leatherfaces are known to do from time to time. Because of this, the decision to focus on gens was probably the correct one, even if it may have been by accident (or maybe not, who am I judge).

    Watching someone play without any proper aura reading perks is painful though. How do you get an accurate read on the state of the match if you're just running gens the whole time? You're putting a lot of burden (and trust) in your teammates to do the reconnaissance for you. I would personally poke my head around a couple more times than you do, just to get a feel for what's going on.

    I think your decisions ended up working out for the best, though how much of that is down to luck is hard to say. Maybe you're just really good at subtlely reading the flow of a match from afar?

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    yes this game is stupidly unfair most of the time doesn't mean you have to turn into an ######### just be nice and feel like you're the one good apples in a bad bunch. Also the camping was justifiable because it was super late and bubba probs saw the guys at the gate with bbq and just wanted to secure a kill. Maybe before being an ass in a match put yourself in the killer's boots. and the end of the day there is no excuse for being toxic.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    After being camped and tunneled off hook a thousand times, morid off hook, carried my team only to be left behind after NOED then called boosted and such, I don’t care about trying to be nice anymore

    if the other side played a fair decent game, still just say gg and move on but toxicity breeds toxicity, and I am fine with being part of it now

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    The leatherface didn't camp until the very end of the game, and at that point it was understandable. He saw both survivors at the exit gate with BBQ so decided to just confirm his 2k.

    I don't think op did anything wrong, he focused on gens and made sure they were done but this forced the other survivors to use up all their hooks and recourses saving each other and when it came time for him to be saveed...they were both on death hook against a leatherface.

    So imo the op was feeling a little entitled in that situation. I'm guessing he wanted another survivor to sacrifice themselves to save him but that's just unrealistic especially in solo.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    so for a game you behave toxic? wow, it's very justifiable.🤣

  • domai36
    domai36 Member Posts: 89

    I detected some potential proxy camping, just judging by the time between unhooking and the killer hitting someone. Not proof or anything like that obviously, as we have limited information. If you studied the video closer than I did then I'll trust you. As far as not being rescued at the end - that's just the way the game goes - I completely agree with you.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742
  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    What was your team supposed to do? Come there and die? You let them all lose hook states to do gens.

    What was Leatherface supposed to do? Leave you to get unhooked and escape? It's ######### end game.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Imagine justifying being toxic for no real reason other than bad games (in this case heavily your fault)

    Boy, it ain't a wonder this community is falling apart with peeps like you.