Solo survivor is where it’s at. I don’t have the same lame *** whiny, crying baby experience that I see here all the time. I want a hard game, everyone else wants a pass it seems. I want the randomness of a terrible team. I want the evil camping killer that makes you choose between objectives and altruism. I want to be tunneled. I don’t understand why any of you play this game if you want to be babied every second that you play it.

SWF is For people who can’t handle solo. People who are to scared of things they can’t control. I like moris, in fact, I like ebony moris. I like the game hard and scary. What is with all the whiny little baby survivors who can’t handle the game??

Im a survivor main who plays solo queue. I don’t want an even match, I want to go head to head with a psychopath, and barely escape by the hair of my chin.



  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Hmm yes deranking because of forces outside of my control could be a fun experience, mostly because the devs are scrapping the ranking system and making it official that dbd is a party game.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Now you are speaking my language! Let’s go die together!

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    It’s quite reasonable to complain about the lobby times, but camping is part of every multiplayer experience since it was invented. It’s a legitimate strategy. It might not be the best, and it sucks for the guy on hook, but it creates a new game type within a game. In a lot of ways, I love campers even though I hate them. There is always the possibility that the psych you face will be your demise.

    So don’t let him catch you,

    Moris just excite me. Yeah they are unfair, but who cares. It’s a new dangerous adventure. Survival of the fittest. Find the hatch, stun the killer, sprint for all your worth!

    The lobby wait times tho...

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    I agree. Solo queue is the way to improve your survivor skills; swf is the way to win

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I do respect your opinion, no doubt. It's good when more people don't have a problem with camping.

    But personally I would say that camping isn't nearly as bad in most games due to design. In FPS games for example, camping can indeed be a good strategy and dying to it can be frustrating. But some enemy camping won't completely deny you the ability to actually play the game, which sadly is the case in DBD when a killer camps you. That's why so many people complain about camping in this game. It's not really comparable to camping in other games.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    Lol I totally agree!

    And quite frankly, if people want to be babied to the point the game holds your hand to escape; play something else. Not everyone is like this, and some complaints are valid. But most people who complain do so because they can't cheese their way out of a paper bag.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627

    Aw jeez, I guess if I want to have some fun with my friends I'm a coward...

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656
  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    Go ahead and play with friends, all the power to ya.

    To be honest, it's an opinion. But call it whatever makes you feel better.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656
  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Not bait. I started playing this game primarily because it was lopsided against survivors. That’s exactly what I wanted. A major challenge that is thrilling and heart pounding. Most of everyone else just wants to escape every freaking match without having to work for it. Most survivors think that having to do gens is working for it. They have no strategy, very little skill, and they are used to playing kids games like fort nite and Minecraft. I for one want a real game without all the fairness bs. I want the experience.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I am not buying that a guy named "JediWithASniper" is a survivor. This is a straight killer name. And his commentary sounds like a killer trying to make it sound like 'some survivors' are A-Ok getting tunneled and slugged every game because it is a challenge. There is no fun or challenge to being tunneled off your 1st hook to death. I don't mind mori's and I am a survivor main, they are not in every match and you still have to ut in at least some work to use them. I like a good challenging match too, I like it when they are 20 min of hard fought back and forth between killer and survivors. But killers no longer seem intereseted in this kind of game. So it is stay at the hook, tunnel and slug, over and over in every match. If they last till 10 min it is some kind of miracle anymore.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I'm sorry, I simply don't believe you. No actual survivor main would have this perspective.

  • Deathstroke667
    Deathstroke667 Member Posts: 15

    Good for you, we're still gonna play with our friends tho.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Essentially what Fibijean said... You don't have to put other people down just because you prefer to play it that way. And no, just because somebody doesn't maintain rank 1/2 doesn't mean they "aren't good enough." Rank is borderline meaningless in this game so any argument you make based on it is flimsy at best.

    I'm glad that you're fine with/enjoy the "randomness of a terrible team" causing you to not be able to play and even get sent back into queue again early, but a lot of people aren't really fine with it, and would rather not run the risk. There's a difference between that and "everyone else wants a pass." Don't be so cynical.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    Bruh,you can't tell what someone mains by their name. Even if someone put like legion main or something similar they could still be playing survivor,a name doesn't give you anything. Unless you use the dbd leaderboards to see stats you can't know for sure.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    But... he wants to play solo.


  • chaosdriver
    chaosdriver Member Posts: 74

    I got to rank 1 solo. It's possible guys!

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    Yep, playing survivor as solo is actually quite good experience and it makes your blood rush in some tight situations, although actually getting scared happens too rarely. Making challenging plays as solo is so rewarding when they pay off. It really makes you a better player and improves your situational awareness when no one holds your hand.

    I'm also very tired of seeing claims like "Survivor and especially solo survivor is so horrible because 90% of killers camp and tunnel with ebony mori and NOED!!1!!111!"

    NO! This is so false. I see camping rarely and when it happens it's usually in the end game. If the killer tunnels you have DS for that and a good survivor can waste killer's time enough to at least 2 survivors to escape. I see mori maybe in 1/15 games. I see NOED in maybe half of the games and it doesn't even proc half the time and if it procs it's found instantly. As a solo, if you don't have time to cleanse, MEMORIZE the totems you pass by. As your awareness gets better, you will know where the totems are and if you only cleanse three totems you can easily check the remaining two after the gens are done.

    At least on PS4 europe most red and purple rank killers are not a**holes and solo surviving is possible and fun. Also I don't BM the killers so that might affect to my experience. That being said SOME survivors should look themselves in the mirror and think what they themselves can do to improve their gaming experience.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Thank you. This is exactly right. Everyone seems to whine constantly that these things happen every game. They just don’t. Most killers are pretty good guys/gals. Unless they are a Bubba. Only about 1% of Bubba’s are good killers. But I still like that when it’s a Bubba, the steaks just went up to not get downed at all. Bubba forces your A game because he will most likely camp you to death. I’m totally fine with this. Also, the slugging thing hardly ever happens. Finally, rank does matter. Everyone can spit all the BS they want, but rank 1-2 are smarter players than those below. I’ve got enough hours in the game to tell you that green ranks don’t know how to loop, they don’t know when to save and when not to, they are afraid to take a hit by a killer.

    Basically, good strategy in solo queue starts at red ranks, but you only see the best strategy and gameplay from 1-2’s. Sorry if y’all can’t get there and stay there, but it does matter.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I only play solo on Xbox. Rank 4-5. I Cant loop for crap but I know when to take a hit. When to unhook. When to dedicate the gen.

    Moris are uncommon. Maybe 1 in 40 matches. Tunneling once in awhile. Camping sometimes. DS hardly ever procs for me.

    Solo is hard and teammates being good is random. But its not impossible nor is it not enjoyable.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    I’m only putting down the whiners that exaggerate all the things they don’t like as though they happen every game. You should feel bad if all you have to do is whine about the game. A lot of us love all the aspects that get whined about constantly.

    The quality of killer you play against improves as you get out of green ranks, and then again when you get out of purple ranks. Maybe get better, and your experience will improve.

    If you want to play swf, go ahead, but quit whining about solo queue. Solo is where the best players play. Swf is a crutch.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited April 2020

    I disagree there are 10 upvotes to his post including mine so there are 10 others currently.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Dude I haven't whined at all about solo. Just those that farm me in front of killer who then send a message saying killer tunneled, no you farmed me.

    Plus your whole post was an insult to all of us that swf, some weird rant about how great solos are compared to swfs.

    I'd argue that it's the individual skill that defines a player, not if they swf or not.

    I respect all of you good solo players that join our lobbys and escape with us. But there are also many that farm you, self heal in the corner, camp the hatch and such. Just being a solo doesn't make you any better then the next guy.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Solo would be fine if it didn't constantly match you with 3 other grey rank survivors who go down in 2 seconds and suicide on hook or against a grey rank killer who gets looped for 3-4 gens and then roast s'mores in front of you

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    Who are you to tell other survivor mains what they can or cannot like? The forum is to share opinions. Opinions can't possibly be fake, since they're based on PERSONAL preference and feelings. Are you saying that those who share an opinion contrary to what you believe are all liars and fakes? Because that's awfully hypocritical of you.

    Try to add something constructive to a conversation rather than your own "statements" with no reasoning to back it up. At least others who disagree are saying why to have a conversation.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    If we're going to turn this into a solo queue what really GRINDS MY GEARS, thread. I don't hate getting camped by the killer. Because if they gen rush I completely understand he needs to try and get a kill.

    But it's super annoying when you loop a killer around the map for 3-4 gens and your teammates don't even attempt to help you from getting 1 hooked. Feel like it's usually SWF teams that leave you for death too. They're so afraid of losing they have to form groups, and going next to a hook might result in them dying once in awhile. Oh no!

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Well you don't have to be a killer main or survivor main. There's plenty of people here that play both sides. So if you play both sides obviously you're going to be more open sided to both arguements.

    I personally end up defending killers in post game lobby all the time. When whiney survivors stick around to say "TUNNELED!" "CAMPED!" And I'm like... Dude 4 gens were done in 3 minutes. He had to tunnel and camp to have any chance. Relax! And then they flame me. :P

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Look out, we got a badass over here.

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    A. Men.

    Absolutely superb post and I couldn’t have put it better myself. A tad confrontational maybe, but refreshing.

    I’m a serial solo. And sometimes you get camped, tunnelled, and moried. Sometime it’s just a slaughter. And that’s great! It’s rough! The game should be brutal! It’s survival horror!

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Definitely swf groups that leave you to die like that. I think it’s usually purple rank swf that do that, the reds are a little better about stuff.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    10 up votes from killer mains who like this person's masochistic mentality means nothing. :) #stilldontbelieve

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    No SWF are for people that you know... Want to play with their friends? We don't buy a Multiplayer game, just to play it solo.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    But why do swf then dont want to get a fair game? a blancing for swf is often called "punished for being swf", while in truth people just want to balance out the advantage. Can you explain? Did you buy an asymetrical game to get unfair easy modes?

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    The killer should always have the advantage in this game. Right now, this game is the easiest that it’s ever been since I started playing it. Most games I play, unless against a rank 1 killer end with 3 or 4 survivors escaping in solo queue. Yeah, 1 out of 5 or 6 games, the killer gets all 4, but it has to really suck being a killer right now.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Yeah, and bad survivors can pretend like the game isn’t slanted heavily towards survivors right now.

    point is, there are too many whiny survivors who complain primarily because they lack skill, and want an easy game with no regard to the killer.

    Ive played just enough killer to know how the other side lives. I got my trapper to rank 50, and I’ve messed around with huntress a bit. Can’t get a handle on nurse at all. (Hangs head in shame like nurse after missed blink) This game sucks for killers right now, which is why the devs are finally throwing killers a bone. They were starting to hemorrhage killers.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited April 2020

    I would agree, if it wouldnt sound too extreme.

    When Im mad, I play Pig. What I do is I take Rancor and slug my obsession. Im doing it purely to vent out and chill. There is pretty much nothing my obsession can do to survive it.

    After 1000h I can calculate a win or lose after playing 1 min. If you want a poor matchmaking, it will be boring. It will be boring for both killer and survivors.

  • Pornbjörn
    Pornbjörn Member Posts: 52

    If you don't want an even match try to play killer, it might be just your thing.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Not a bait post, and not a much of a killer. Like I said, I’ve got a level 50 trapper, and I think my huntress is around 25, and my doctor is like 12, and my hag is like 15 because I spent points to get ruin.

    Im a survivor main, not a whiny baby main. I like the things that basic survivors don’t because I like a challenge.

  • Snoot1Booper
    Snoot1Booper Member Posts: 34

    So u didn’t play dbd for years and have to carry the potatoes teams every day? For me it’s not a challenge anymore that ######### bullshit is only tilting! Every patch red ranks play worse and I hate what the solo q experience had become…

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah Lal, is using the logic of, if you don't agree with me. You are part of the out group. Or to put it another way, if you not with me, then you are my enemy. For rather than questioning the logic or asking why they think this way. Nope, they must be lying and be part of that nasty nasty out group.

    I mean heck, we got alot of logical points in this thread that disagree with the op. Some just wanna play with friends. Since heck, sometimes your friends might be worst than randoms or maybe the whole point is to have a bit of fun with your friends, not playing as a team but trying to simply out last one another. That or merely enjoy playing with their friends, for they just enjoy that style of play more. Lots of legit reasons, while Lal just goes this is bait or your lying. Like the op wanna a challenge, people like games like dark souls due to the challenge. It's rather believable, someone might play a certain way to give themselves more of a challenge. Otherwise, i don't think games like dark souls would be so popular. There are even nuzlocke challenge runs for pokemon games. Yet if we apply Lal logic here, that can't be possible, people don't like challenging games, no one really likes dark souls, which is why it did so well it got three games in the series and the studio is still making challenging games like sekiro to this day.