Shadowborn feels like a movement speed perk

Whenever I use Shadowborn, I feel like going faster, despite this perk only increasing the field of view and nothing else. Can someone explain to me this phenomenon? I see such a huge difference in speed, even if it is just an illusion, that I have grown addicted to it and feel like a snail when not using it.
It’s FOV that does it
its the same in every game, Dbd just locks your fov to a very low degree
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It's just the fov change,same with stretched res. You try playing fr e.g 1280x1080 and 1920x1080 and u'll notice a major difference. Just fov,nothin' else.
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Maybe someone could explain this in a bit more detail ^^ ?
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You field of view is bigger like you said, so it kinda sets your POV back a bit which simply makes it seem like you are walking faster. Idk I suppose it's a bit hard to explain. But just use Monitor & Abuse and you'll see that your camera lightly goes forward when you get in a chase, because the FOV thing gets turned off.
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It's just your mind playing tricks on you, basically. In a real world scenario, increasing your field of view means you see more to your sides. On a screen, though, increasing your FOV doesn't stretch your screen (obviously). So to get around that, increasing your FOV in a game crams more stuff into the same space, making it seem zoomed out. Things around the edge of your screen will often be stretched or warped.
To give a better idea, here's an example someone made for Destiny:
I'm no scientist, so I'll just do an ELI5 version.
Say you wanted to walk up to the wall straight ahead. With a tighter FOV, it already looks larger, so as you walk towards it, it's going to feel like it's getting bigger pretty slowly. That in turn makes you feel like you're moving slowly. Meanwhile with a high FOV, it's the exact opposite. Your camera is so wide and zoomed out that the wall ahead looks small -- you can even see over the top of the building. As you move towards it at the same rate, it's going to appear to get bigger much faster, making you feel like you're moving faster.
On an unrelated and fun note, console games will often feature a lower default FOV (often around 70) than PC games. This is because consoles are most often played on TVs, which are a good distance away from your couch. Ideally the right FOV makes your screen act like a window, so it doesn't feel like it's zooming in or out from the perspective of a player. Meanwhile on a PC, you're typically much closer to the screen, so a lower FOV can feel very zoomed in an nauseating. I don't have any examples of this handy, unfortunately, but I could totally whip up some crudely drawn pictures if you want to know more. FOVs are a pretty interesting topic in games.
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STAY AWAY FROM THE PERK! It's not healthy because it's very addictive , I myself am addicted to shadowborn and anytime I play without it I suffer eye strain. Do me and yourself a favor and avoid that perk because trust me, the perk is like cocaine. It's addictive!
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side by side example:
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Thanks for all the great comments explaining in such detail, really appreciate it! The only thing left for me to wonder is why doesn't the devs make the shadowborn a passive perk to all killers, since it kinda doesn't really change the game itself but rather just makes the gaming more comfortable, kinda strange to keep it behind a perk. Again, for someone who literally can not live without it since without the perk I feel like a sloth and really can't enjoy the game, but then again, it takes one perk...