Head-on: What is a "Rush Action"?
I just started playing Jane Romero to try out Head-On, but I have tried it a couple of times and don't get how it works. I expected to see a key reference while in the locker, but I don't get one. I tried Googling what a rush action was and it said that it was any power that uses Space+Shift. Then it gives examples of vaulting, and such (it was a pre-Head-On thread). However, I don't have Shift bound to anything. Is it safe to assume that it means whatever button you have bound to "Run", or does it specifically mean shift?
If so, how do you use it. Can you hold down the run key and then hit space when you want to burst out of the locker, or do have to hit them both at the same time when you want to exit?
Best Answer
simply hold the run button & press space(you can enter the locker normally, just have to leave quickly)
Thanks. :D
Since trial and error has been getting me hooked, it was getting a little frustrating. :)
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It should be noted that when you activate Head-On by holding shift and than pressing space, the hit-box for the stun will linger for as long as the animation is playing. So if you time it right, you can actually stun the Killer, even if they're several feet away from the stun itself.
Think of the hitbox as a square that's about 2-3 meters from the locker itself (probably more like 5-6-7), if the Killer is in that range than you can stun them with good timing, regardless if they're running past the locker or not.
This wasn't what you asked, but I thought it was worth noting in-case you try to pull off some crazy stuns with this perk. The perk is pretty fun to use, so i'd recommend using it with another perk called Quick and Quiet. Quick and Quiet will mask the auditory notification you make when you quickly enter a locker. It can only be used once though, than it goes into a cool-down afterwards. FYI, Quick and Quiet is a Meg perk.
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No, not what I asked, but definitely what I needed to know.
I don't have a lot of perks on Jane, yet, but Quick & Quiet is one of them. I initially thought that wouldn't be necessary, since you would want them to come near the locker. But, as I have noticed, if they check to quickly HO doesn't have a chance to activate. It's also better to surprise them, so I will be running with Q&Q now.
I also had no idea on the range. I was wondering how close they had to be and how closely I had to time it.
Thanks a lot. :D
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You can try looking up some videos about it for a visual aid on the range, but it should be about 4 or 5 meters when I think about it. You can also think of it as 2 Killers in a line facing the Locker.
Or better yet, the range is usually determined by how far you jump out of the locker. So even if you're out of the locker mid-animation, they can still be stunned by it if they lunge during the final frames of that animation.
Anyways, glad I could add something to this for ya. It's definitely useful to know this if you try for some sneaky Head-On stuns.