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What about perk rotation?

How about a rotation with perks that can't be used for the week. This way both survivors and killers won't be using the same perks over and over again. So there will be more new fun combo's in matches even in red ranks. Like as a killer it is really boring to see every survivor running dead hard, with ds and borrowed time. And for survivors it is probaly boring to see every game NOED and bbq.

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  • Member Posts: 3,426

    I'd be against it as it would ruin fun for both sides. Ds deactivated? Killers tunnel. NoeD deactivated? Survivors gen rush not doing totems.

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    I've always wondered what would happen if survivors were given a capacity number which is increased by prestige. The number allows you to pick 4 perks. More common perks would have higher numbers while less common ones have smaller numbers. This would prevent stacking of massive meta perks.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Ahh yes, it would really be fun to limit what survivors could run lmao.

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    You mean you still need perks to be a good survivor what a scrub? JK I agree, but it would prevent stuff like 4 second chance perks being slotted or the same builds day in and day out. It would open up a lot more builds and ideas into DBD.

    Have you never played a game where they have capacity on weapon mods or armor mods to prevent stuff like this?

  • Member Posts: 86

    What about Killers too or would you want this to only effect survivors? Just asking because Killers can prestige too.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    There are too may cons than pros. How about the opposite: a rotation of perks that give an incentive for using them (like bonus shards, for example).

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    I like the idea of a bonus for a rotation of perks that encourage using them. Something like the shrine/dailys, but you get bonus bloodpoints for using them. Bonus applied after the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    This would be great. Get 25% more blood points when using premonition this week. Maybe have like 2 perks on each side so a total of 50% more bloodpoints

  • Member Posts: 82

    Maybe instead of blocking meta perks make it so like every week 4 less used perks for killer and survivor get chosen and for every chosen perk you run you get 25% more blood points. It would encourage players to use different perks while not forcing them.

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    I've discussed it with friends. It was mostly meant to spice up variety among builds and players who would stack things like DS, Adrenaline, DH, ETC. While I do think it wouldn't be bad on killer as well I do think it would hurt killer significantly more than survivors would be. So the overall capacity would more or less have to be doubled over what the size a survivor could have.

    My idea was a P3 survivor would be able to slot 2 meta perks and have room for another 2 or maybe a 3ed meta perk, but a P0 would have room for 1 meta perk and another perk or 2 which is clear that they have invested time and gotten the points to do this with a difference in capacity.

    If killer did this it would allow up to 3 or 4 meta perks anyways. If you give both sides the same capacity then in that way Killer would be significantly nerfed.

    Than every month the average use of a perk would increase or decrease its points from the overall use over the course of a month. It would also mean that each perk needs a point cap so no matter what people are able to use it still.

  • Member Posts: 86

    I've always thought´this game needs ways to make people wants to try new and imaginative builds instead meta. My idea is classify perks by values. For example, DS = 5, Dead hard = 4, Self Care = 3... and stablish a limit value for build, for example 10, and you need to fit your perks to this limit. If you run a meta perk with high value, you'll have to compensate running other perks with lower values to not exceed the limit. Thus, the game won't ban any perk, but you will be forced to balance your build.

    Of course this is an idea for survs and killers.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Peanits, do you think perks should have storage points?

    If both killers and survivors can have a maximum of 10 storage points, you can balance perks more easily.

    A strong perk would have around 8 storage points because it has the ability to change the tide of the game. Weak perks would have around 2 storage points because they aren't as effective as strong perks.

    Players can't use a lot of strong perks, while weak perks can be used freely. This could be expanded to allow players to use as many perks as possible as long as they don't go above the storage point limit.

    Just spitballing ideas here! :D

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    A better way to shake up the meta is balance the game.

  • Member Posts: 179

    That kind of balance would be almost impossible right now. The game is balanced around a lot of perk combinations more than a couple thousands that devs would have to take into account and weight each perk with a value and the calculate which is the total weight a build needs to be "balanced".

    Also we have this kind of restrictions already, you are limited if you use multiple exhaustion perks because of a shared cooldown for example.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    It would actually be pretty simple. A perk like Unbreakable can swing the game in the survivor's favor very easily so would be rated higher. Premonition doesn't affect gameplay too much so would be rated lower. Also, since we have restrictions already in place that means we know how to implement restrictions to balance the game in an effective way.

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    Also to add onto this, what would happen when (if a majority) of those perks were those that were non-teachables? newer players/those that don't pay for more content and have decided to earn it, would be roughly out of a majority of their perks seeing as how it can be quite a grind if someone wanted to earn a majority of their perks and not purchase outright the dlc killers/survivors. Not in a pay to win aspect, but that it might get to that point if non "paid"/earned perks were blocked.

    Also i like doing my meme builds thank you. diversion/quick and quiet/red herring are just fun.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    You mean the restrictions that only affect exhaustion perks? Exhaustion perks don't even scratch the surface of how many perks we have in DBD, so for the most part, I believe my idea still holds.

    I'll just give you a general rundown on how this would work. 😄

    Monstrous Shrine: 1

    Predator: 1

    Iron Grasp: 2

    Brutal Strength: 2

    Agitation: 2

    Dying Light: 3

    Thanaphobia: 3

    Hex: Devour Hope: 0 + [Number of Hex Perks Equipped]

    You could equip the following:

    Monstrous Shrine: +1

    Predator: +1

    Iron Grasp: +2

    Agitation: +2

    Dying Light: +3

    Devour Hope: +1

    Total Capacity: 10/10

    Remember, my idea is still fairly rudimentary, I just came up with this on the go so there will be a lot of flaws at a glance! 😅

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    The problems of perk system is no matter how bad/good a perk is, they will always take a slot.

    Image the perk system work like Charms in HollowKnight where powerful one takes more slot, weak one takes less. It would bring in the choice between like "6 useless perks or 3 second chance perks"

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Lol, when I saw the thread title I thought it was going to be the opposite. Having a handful a free perks each week for players to use. Which actually seems like a good idea. It wouldn't effect me at all. But it might make life easier or at least more interesting for newbs.

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    No. Since my perks counter ######### killer play styles - not their perks/addons - and those play styles can be present in every single match. Hard pass.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Well, this problem really doesn't effect killers as much as it does survivor. Sure, there is Forever Freddy, but he got nerfed to be half as good not too long ago. Most killers earn their pressure. Survivors don't have to since their perks do that for them.

  • Member Posts: 1,776

    Making non-meta perks more viable would be a better option.

  • Member Posts: 998

    What you want is meta change. Usually it is done by devs buffing/nerfing perks so that people don't have one fit-all set or ever have large enough group of useful perks so that we won't see repeating sets over and over.

    Sadly I don't see it changing any time soon as it would require either changing existing strong perks like DS, BT, Unbreakable, Noed, BBQ, Sloppy. They simply have effects that either add completely new options or hard counter some mechanics.

    I honestly don't see much of a perk repeat in killers loadouts other then noed and BBQ but BBQ doesn't really do much and has a lot of counters anyway.

    For me the games where both sides run non-meta perks are more fun as nobody needs to sweat hard to win and has fun playing instead but sadly these games are a rarity.

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