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Remove the dc Penalty

I cant stand this any more me and my group were play a round of the great game bit one of are guys lagged out and he got a 30 minute timer and it pissed all of us off Devs Please lower the time limit or just remove the dc penalty.


  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    Devs - Please do not remove the DC penalty.

    OP - Help your guy get a better connection because in order to get a thirty minute timer, s/he might need some improvements there.

  • sethgameboy101
    sethgameboy101 Member Posts: 11

    cant blame you for siding with the devs all they need to do is lower it or remove it. that all to do not that hard.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    The wierd thing is me, an Xbox player, and my three room mates (Two PS4, One PC) are all yet to disconnect since Deidcated Servers came out.

    The thing is you even said yourself why he disconnected. "one of are guys lagged out". This is due to his connection.

  • sethgameboy101
    sethgameboy101 Member Posts: 11

    still it counts it as a Dc so they need to fix that or not have it at all

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032
    edited April 2020

    It is a disconnect. There’s nothing wrong with the DC penalty applying in the story given in the OP.

    I want you and your friends to play, too. Having the bandwidth to be able to play online is a base requirement for multiplayer games or it ruins other players experiences, even if you and your guys are willing to look past it.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I would fully support removing/lowering DC bans. I have never in 2 years had a problem with players DCing, in my survivor matches or my killer matches. Sometimes, I have agreed with their decision to head out, no one should be forced to take abuse, in a game that should be enjoyable. And if I was mildly inconvenienced by it, well there is always the next round.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    You cant blame/punish someone for having poor internet as it could be all they have available in their area or all they can afford.. besides half the time its DBD's servers having the issues anyway.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    I won't lie, dbd's servers at times feel like they are mushed together like a raspberry pi that was mistakenly put into a sandwich, but at the same time you have to purely recognise that despite the poor connection (Expecially in this scenario) its not the devs fault? Hell i was getting disconnected from half my games last week which sucked and i honestly thought i had something wrong with my pc/wrong with the servers in nz, but i waited and they've evened out. even bought myself a new wifi dongle to use since mine was showing issues (being 9 years old as it was.) Nothing but stable internet since.

  • sethgameboy101
    sethgameboy101 Member Posts: 11

    Right it not always are problem that the severs are crappy is just the luck of the draw and we get punished for it

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032
    edited April 2020

    I get it. There are people who cannot afford a computer, console, or the price of the game either.

  • sethgameboy101
    sethgameboy101 Member Posts: 11

    Bro I swear I am play some ps4 round ( with some friends ) and its a Michel and he walks past me and I get disconnected from the lobby and my friend tells my the game is still going on ( but for me it shows the killers has dc and i tell his perks to my frinds, and it was a rank ######### 4 killer) so the best part of this ######### is I get a 30 minute is this dc PENALTY trash or am i right