A unique change to No Mither and Second Wind

Both of these perks are very low tier, with No Mither in particular being maligned as the single worst survivor perk that doesn't provide you any sort of benefit. While some may say "It's just meant to be a hard mode for survivors", well don't worry, the changes that will be made will not remove that functionality. It will just warp the perk into something that is more generally useful against certain killers, perks, or with specific builds.

No Mither- You are able to pick yourself up from the dying state. After picking yourself back up, you will receive the broken effect for the remainder of the trial. Any time you are under the effects of the Broken status effect, your grunts of pain are reduced by 50/75/100%, and you will not leave any pools of blood.

Second Wind- After healing a fellow survivor from the dying to the injured state, or the injured to the healthy state, Second Wind activates.

When active, you will be afflicted by the broken status effect for 24/22/20 seconds after you are unhooked, or unhook yourself. Any time you are affected by the Broken status effect and the duration ends, you will be healed back to the healthy state and Second Wind Deactivates. Second Wind will also deactivate when you are put into the dying state while Broken.

So as you may have read, the big idea with these changes is to make them synergize with the Broken status effect as a whole, allowing for interesting counters, and interesting builds overall. No Mither will allow the survivor to essentially have Iron Will and Lucky Break for as long as they are broken, and this can be for any Broken effect. It could be from Legion's Legion Pin, using Deliverance, using For the People, and would allow you a small blanket of safety for the risk of being Broken. You will still be Broken for the entire trial if you pick yourself up from the dying state, and it doesn't do much by itself against Plague as she can still hear you cough and vomit, but I think this would be a very cool change for No Mither.

And as for Second Wind, this could make for a ton of cool and interesting plays. Combining this with For the People, or after being hit by Legion's Legion Pin would allow you that feeling that I think this perk is supposed to provide. The feeling of "if I ignore this, it'll just work out". As with No Mither it wouldn't synergize against the Plague, as you'll heal up to healthy after using a pool of devotion anyway, but still this could make for some very fun scenarios. Particularly if you combine both of these perks, after being unhooked you can have the comfort of being silent, leaving no blood, and knowing that after about 20 seconds you'll be back to full health. These of course are both just ideas, and I would love to hear your feedback. Whether it's about upping numbers or full on changing certain aspects, I'd love to hear it. Good luck to everyone in the fog.


  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    I said it before, but better way of doing No mither would be to basically:

    No mither grants you unbreakable. If you use it you are broken for 2-3 minutes and gain 50% noise reduction at all times and no pools of blood.

    Second wind should work as it does atm,but you should never be able to lose it. What i mean by it you get unhooked and get downed again perk should still heal you. It would also make deliverance stack with it: timer still counts down from 30s then its paused until you are no longer broken.