Otzdarva’s stream today



  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    If you miscalculated your distance when using a loop, you can use it to get to a pallet. That might extend the chase another minute or two or even 3. The killer can lose the entire match because a survivor actually made a mistake, pressed a button to get him to a pallet. That's a lot more game changing than NOED.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    may i just quickly take the opportunity here and ask how a killer perk that is 100% survivor reliant to ever activate can be unfair towards survivors?

    also the games i remember from his stream were the survivors literally throwing themselves at the hook. he didnt prove anything NOED related, all he proved was that apparently even high ranks feed campers (he even said that the experiment didnt at all turn out the way he expected, as it ended up being a camp experiment rather than a NOED experiment)

    seriously, they all 4 ran at a facecamping bubba on multiple occasions. most of the time he never even made it to endgame under normal circumstances as they would just end up having 1 hooked, 1 slugged or dead and at least 1 more guy standing next to him watching the killer camping, shaking his head, pointing at him or trying to bait him away.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    So now exhaustion perks need to be taken out of the game too? Because someone used Dead Hard... Which btw is probably the most difficult thing in the game to use. I'd never touch Dead Hard. I'm too noob. I run Lithe and jump through a window instead.

    But exhaustion perks are more broken then running around at the end of the game with increased speed and just 1 shotting people? I don't know man.... Not really seeing the comparison.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Wow you actually laid out everything pretty well. Good job.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Nope, he'll be too busy camping the hook to grab the last two survivors, assuming the third doesn't lose them with their adrenaline

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    The devs can't and shouldn't do anything to prevent overly-altruistic survivors from being punished

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    And that, my friend is why campers suceed. Stop feeding the campers, killers will stop camping.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Sorry man i dont have every Dev comment on file. Hell i cant even find my own old stuff. How about this

    @Peanits i remember you saying something along the lines of NOED being strong by design and thats why its tied to totems. That its counter is simply to destroy the totems. I don't want to quote you if it wasn't you that said it. Can you tell the class if this is in line with the dev teams thoughts? Please and thank you!

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    The devs can,and should do anything in their power to make the game better and more skill intensive, and that involves making camping as obsolete and innefective as possible.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    It's only effective because the Survivors MAKE it effective. I guarantee a camping Killer will never, EVER get a 4k if the survivors use their brains and genrush the everliving hell out of the camper. Considering most Killers(myself included) consider anything under a 3k to be a tie at best, Killers will never "win". They will also never rise above brown ranks and will almost never score more than 15k BP.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    You don’t need to camp the hook once your NOED procs, lmao. You go to where the last survivors finished their final gen for an easy clean up. As long as you’re not blind it isn’t hard to find survivors running for the gates.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    As a survivor main I really don't want a totem counter.

    However it could be part of a perk, probably Small Game or something. I'd be fine with that. But at base, no.

    Alternatively instead of any kind of counter add some kind of map wide sound effect for when a dull is destroyed. Then you know when a totem is done but have to keep track yourself.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    It is effective because DBD is a game of information and solo survivors have considerably less information to work with than SWF. Unless every game starts being a SWF both camping and NOED are gonna keep being design problems.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I mean, that's exactly the same thing. You could remove the generator counter and everyone playing would still know how many are missing because of the notification. I see no point on this specific stance, but okay.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 417

    The real issue is survivors are fed up with core game mechanics. And so are killers.

    "NoED is OP because we can't track/be bothered to do totems." "Camping is stupid because how dare the killer use the hooked person as bait, it's not fun for THEM"

    "DS is OP because I'm too lazy to chase more" "Adrenaline is OP cuz survivor didn't earn it" "Gen rush is OP cuz the survivors should just wait for me"

    I have NEVER seen any asymmetrical pvp game achieve balance, or even agreement on what balance is. Both sides will always complain about something being unfair to them. The reality is survivors and killers aren't on equal ground at all. They will NEVER be.

    Killers can blame survivors for gen rushing all they want, it's their objective to get gens done. But it's an OPTIONAL objective to do totems, some do them but most don't.

    Survivors can blame killers for camping/tunneling/NoED all they want, it's their objective to kill you. But it's OPTIONAL on how they want to do this, some camp/tunnel and use NoED but most don't.

    I'm saying this because everyone is sooooo concerned with each other they fail to realize that this problem is bigger than these petty issues. It's a problem with the design of the game as a whole. Like I said before, asymmetrical games will NEVER achieve balance because you just can't make everyone happy with every change.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    They are NOT the same thing. Not at all.

    If you have to track it yourself, there is room for error. "Did we do 5 totems or only 4? I was being chased half the game and missed it." This is SUPER common with exit gates. "I was mid-chase and didn't see where the gates are, HALP".

    If there is a counter it completely removes any room for error. "Did we do 5 totems or only 4? Oh wait 4 because the number on my screen tells me." Gens are different because they are the MAIN objective, it's a bit necessary there.

    Asking for a totem counter is like asking for a clock on the screen so you can track the EXACT timers on every perk. Or asking for exit gates to stay permanently lit for survivors so they always know where to go.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611
    edited April 2020

    I can kinda see your point, but I still think there should be a counter.

    I don't see a reason to keep things in the game in a way that favors SWF over solo survivors this much. It makes no sense to me and goes against everything this community asks for everyday.

    Besides, the difference in the value of information is very different. With exit gates, you could potentially just die if you don't know where they are. It puts pressure on people and makes for interesting gameplay. For totems though, it just feels nitpicky making people memorize something else just for the sake of it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020

    I mean, SWF is not infallible. They can make mistakes. My group is a bunch of really REALLY good survivors but we still ######### up from time to time. Sometimes royally.

    I literally had a game where I had a map and my ONLY JOB was to cleanse all the totems (this was my job for the last like 10 games which I did no problems). Last gen about to pop my friend goes "did you get them all" I said yes. Pops it BOOM, NOED. We laughed (well I laughed, she was screaming at me, but came around and started to laugh at me for being incompetent). It was a hectic game and we had like 5 games in a row on MacMil so I just lost track (and somehow this totem didn't show up when I looked at the map the last time).

    Point being, a counter removes all room for error. We don't need it. If it's tied to a perk (Small Game) or there is a map wide noise that requires you to track it yourself, then sure.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Again, I really really HATE the idea of tying something that can be achieved with communication to a perk. A good player messes up that way with comms maybe once every 50 games and that's it. But tying something SWF players have for free to a perk feels just ######### to me. I could fly with the map wide noise, even though I fundamentally disagree with it and think it's unnecessary "skill expression", but tying that to a perk is a no go to me.

    It's like, oh, you're playing with friends, you get to run 4 chase perks/second chance perks. Oh, are you solo? Yeah, slap Kindred and whatever is used to track totem count in there, now you have two perks left. Don't want that? Play without information that SWF have for free. I can't agree with that and I hope the devs don't follow that direction with the game, otherwise we're gonna see the gigantic power gap between solo and SWF forever.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    These are the same people who unironically said "Just pressure gens bro" when ruin was nerfed

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Yeah. Offering simple "solutions" to complicated problems as if no one ever though of that is extremely annoying.

    What annoys me more is people coming here with "the devs said it's fine so stop complaining" as if the devs never got anything wrong with the game. Appeal to authority is one hell of a drug when it reinforces your own narrative.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    I have never seen a camper that leaves the hook, even when NOED procs

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Because NOED is only run because ruin got gutted and games go too fast.

    Also is the plan just to keep whining about killer perks until they all suck? What's next, BBQ or Infectious Fright?

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Assuming the Killer doesn't have Insidious or is Ghostface, you should be able to tell that they're there just by their TR. If theres no TR when you go to the hook, one of the following is happening:

    1. The Killer has Insidious, with a 95% chance of being Bubba.
    2. The Killer is Ghostface or Pig hiding around a corner
    3. The Killer is a cloaked Wraith
    4. The Killer isn't camping

    In the case of Wraith, just run away, he can't chase you too far or he'll risk losing his hook. If it's Ghostface or Pig, you should use your brain and look for them first. If it's Insidious Bubba(or even Bubba in general) you really shouldn't be going for the save anyway, since you KNOW he's gonna be there. You can also run Kindred, since it's been buffed to grant aura reading if somebody else gets hooked as well

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    You know, that "argument" holds zero merit, It's a lot easier to think the entire world is against you than to think critically about things. That's why the "Oh wow, Spirit and Nurse got nerfed because survivors complained, now they're gonna nerf EVERY SINGLE KILLER, rip Billy" came up in the first place. And that didn't happen. You know why? Because the devs aren't evil entities that hate killer players. They want their game to be good, believe it or not.

    Did they nerf EVERY SINGLE SURVIVOR PERK after reworking DS and nerfing MoM? No, they just nerfed the unhealthy stuff. Did they nerf every strong killer after nerfing Spirit and Nurse? No, they only touched forever Freddy, which was unhealthy.

    Instaheals are gone, toolboxes got nerfed, and moris are still in the game. Does that mean the devs are killer sided?

    The sooner you stop thinking everyone is out to get you and realize that other people playing the game are human too, the better.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Just run a perk for information SWF have for free 5head

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Your point being? Killers need to waste a perk slot for NOED, going with 3 perks for 90% of the game.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Solo shouldn't have to give up an entire perk slot for something swf have basekit.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I thought we were talking about camping. Does every camping killer run NOED? Do you need NOED to camp?

    Also yeah just walk towards the hook to check if there's a facecamping killer with no information as to where the other survivors are. It fits very well into the 'the survivors have time to do 15 gens, go to the moon and back and do the peppermint roll while the survivor dies, just get good"

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Killers have a 24-32m TR, if you can't figure out that the Killer is camping by the time you're 20m away, I don't know what to say. Also, the majority of camping Killers do run NOED, generally because they're new and don't have any good perks unlocked.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611
    edited April 2020

    So survivors have time to, while a single player is hooked, do all generators, all totems, and walk from the other side of the map until they're 20m away from the hook, come back and finish the objective and do the victory dance around shack?

    Ngl you must be a REALLY good survivor player to bend spacetime like this

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Better tied to a perk than to just give out the information for free to everyone. That doesn't make sense to me, to just hand out the information "because SWF gets it". SWF gets a lot of thing solos don't, that's not an excuse to make it part of the base game. Otherwise might as well delete like 75% of the survivor perks from the game and make them base kit. I'm pretty sure even you would agree that's unnecessary.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    That's actually completely necessary. Killers will be impossible to balance properly until solos are brought to swf level.

  • Predator3174PL
    Predator3174PL Member Posts: 302

    Just do bones… Jesus f Christ. It was said time and time again, but people don't seem to be bothered by this. As someone said at the beginning, he really used this perk 2-3 times? NOED is punishment for your lack of care for totems' existence.

    Meanwhile, I'm punished for playing good as a killer with:

    -Dead Hard when I catch up to survivor, hit him, capitalize on surv's mistake just to eat dust and see pallet thrown down, or their end of back behind window. But to be fair, most survivors just use it to avoid hit, and waste it most of the time.

    -DS when survivor gets down after unhook under one minute, even if I didn't tunnel. Seriously, we can't just keep up with who we hooked all the time. "Oh you are doing gen in front of my face, don't worry, I'll ignore you or I will get hit by DS"

    -BT when survivor literally runs to hook in my sight and unhooks another survivor in my range of heart beat. So now, instead of capitalizing on this dumb mistake, and downing unhooked one to slug him, I have to deal with white aura of immunity and unhooker than has most likely DH and if was hooked previously and 1 min didn't pass, DS. Oh wait, he can have Unbreakable too...

    -Unbreakable, when entire team gets downed, because they made ton of mistakes, but hey! With one simple button and few seconds, I can destroy entire pressure killer had! Isn't that amazing?

    And to be worse, you can combine all of this perks to become unkillable one man army.

    These perks were made with good intentions, don't get me wrong. BUT, survivors are simply abusing most if not all of them and killer can just negate some of their effects (there are no real counters to them other than wait it out or ignore survivor to not activate an effect). These perks just like NOED (kinda) can be abused by players and get bad reputation.

    NOED is just one and only second chance perk, one that is active only during endgame. And at least for know, it's only second chance perk with true counter. All you have to do is do bones. If you don't know how many your team took down, just run around map for some time. If you had time to do gens and loop killer, you will have time to cleanse totems.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I'll agree that it's unnecessary to give away all the information perks give but quite frankly, when introducing new things to the game, I'd prefer it if the devs did stuff that brings SWF and solo closer together instead of not doing so.

    Also what's wrong with giving that specific kind of information for free? A lot of games follow the trend of moving away from memorization and literal time counting in order to emphasize in strategic and mechanical aspects. I'm not saying it's always the right decision, but I don't think the game would get any less deep by introducing a totem counter in comparison to what we have now. If anything, it would make things more strategic, like choosing whether or not to deal with NOED and find the lit totem afterwards. Right now, for solos, it's just "welp I did like 3 totems let's pray the others are done too" and then bam, exposed.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    You can still 4k against adrenaline and DS most games though. Most of the time one person will be killed with NOED

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Thanks for being the typical biased main. "Just do bones forehead!" Just ignore the fact that it takes 70 seconds. "Survivor perks punish me for playing good!" Good players don't need to tunnel and don't care if a survivor punishes their greed with Unbreakable or Dead Hard. Please try playing survivor before you go out and preach about how survivors should strategize, it's really cringey when you don't.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    How is BT overpowered AT ALL? Its literally to counter an almost uncounterable playstyle and even then...it can still be countered.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Adrenaline isnt even that bad at all though and rarely comes into any sort of clutch play soooo

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    No it's not necessary.

    NOTHING you do will make solos and SWF even because communication will still trump any amount of information you provide. If I have a plan to do something, no matter what's going on, if I can communicate said plan to others it will be INSANELY more effective than if I just did it without telling anyone.

    Honestly solo survivor is not that bad. If you play more selfishly you can escape more often than not. Giving out free information ruins the game because it removes a lot of what-ifs.

    The goal should not be to bring solo up to SWF, it should be the other way around. Put limitations on SWF so they have to play more like solos. For example, if you are in an SWF then there can only be 1 instance of any given perk. This prevents SWF groups from stacking DS/BT/Adren on everyone. Things shift to team builds instead of everyone run meta. And since you have the added advantage of communication, having limits like that wouldn't hurt you so much that it'd become impossible to escape.

    Like if the game is already pretty well balanced for solo, but potentially unbalanced for SWF, it makes no sense to break the working part of the game only to redo all the balanced after. It makes way more sense to fix the unbalanced part and leave what isn't broken alone.

    If it ain't broke don't fix it. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. That's how I look at it.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070
  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Think critically? You are advocating for nerfing a perk that is maybe active for 5% of the game, and has clear a clear counter play to it. Even if you don't cleanse all the totems finding NOED isn't that hard because the majority of totem spawns are super obvious. The whole reason NOED is being used is because without old ruin the game is still way too fast unless the survivors are legit throwing themselves at the killer.

    Do you have a suggestion to make other options more attractive for killer? No, you just want NOED nerfed because you don't like it and refuse to do its counter play and then say everyone who disagrees with you is salty, not thinking critically and their argument has no merit. Pathetic

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611
    edited April 2020

    Please show me where specifically I advocated for a NOED nerf. I'd love to see that, because all I've been saying in here is that I think the game should have a totem counter so that solo survivors have the same information to work with that SWF have.

    If killers truly are running NOED because games go by too fast, then they should be DELIGHTED that survivors are spending time looking for and cleansing all the totems. I wouldn't call that an effective nerf.

    So unless you're running NOED for entirely different reasons, like, say, getting free kills when you fail to prevent survivors from doing all gens, then I'm not advocating for nerfing everything. Stop putting words in my mouth when you can't reply to what I actually said.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,055

    It's a complicated discussion. I personally never run NOED, because I think it's most of the time not that strong, when survivor know how to deal with it during the Endgame properly. But that's mostly my personal experience.

    But I have to disagree with the "Just do Bones"-mentality. Yeah, it's a way to eliminate it. But a quite unreliable one. In worst case scenario you are just make it sure that the NOED totem will end up be at the most hidden spot on the map. Especially on newer maps. And tbh. the thing with NOED and it's "Do Bones" condition is also kinda in a conflict with the general credo that Hexes should be better hidden on maps. Yeah, you can track them with perks and items. And you can try to memorize totem spots on all maps on the game. But it's not really beginner friendly and becomes quite bloated with the addition of new maps.

    To be fair, I didn't watch Otz stream. So I can't judge how strong NOED was or how he even played. But I'm sure that as a killer you can "win" with a cheap playstyle with it. Still I'm personally uncertain, because I think that survivors can actually deal with it during the endgame. Don't know....