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Otzdarva’s stream today

So Otz set out to prove that NOED is overpowered and more importantly - unfair. As everyone who doesn’t play one side exclusively would tell you.

He decided to play like 90%+ of the EU servers, that being proxy camp, tunnel and NOED.

He was shocked to find that he won game after game after game after game after game. No effort, no skill required, just proxy camp to bait the unhook then tunnel mercilessly with NOED as back up. The survivors all had their “broken” perks, DS, BT etc but it wasn’t enough to escape. He was using Legion too who most people try to claim isn’t a viable killer.

Now you can try to put it on the survivors saying they should “rush gens etc” but you’ve likely got people who just want to unhook their friend so they can enjoy the game, or solos who just want to pip so they NEED the unhook as the game requires you to get it.

This isn’t a shock one bit. I’ve said it many times. Killer takes no skill. Camp, tunnel, NOED and you’ll do really well in most of your games with no effort required.

Now only at the very end did one team manage to escape. He played daft on purpose I think 2/3 made it out, would have been 2 but he purposefully let one go so that would have been a tie. It took a combination of DS and luck offerings for kobes to make it happen. Know why the last team did so well? Because they were a swf, one on the hook told the rest to just rush gens. So one took the sacrifice for the team. That means the gameplay consisted one one person queuing for 7 mins in the lobby just to sit on a hook for 2 mins and be out of the game with a depip. The others just had to hold M1 and hope the gens were done before their friend died. Killer mains in their effort to try and justify winning at any cost say this is fine but we all know its just garbage. Nobody wants to play like that because it’s not fun nor exciting.

I don’t expect anyone here to agree. Forum is mostly full of the most biased killer mains who try to justify anything so long as it favours their side. Otz explains perfectly why NOED is cheap and needs a change. Anyone but the most biased players can see it.

So I guess this is for the dev team. The question is are you willing to be brave enough to shake up the game? Or will fear or change leave it in the state that its in. Killers want more time, survivors want less tunneling. The nature of the game should change based on that.

In b4 “legit strategy” “balanced perk”



  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    NOED is not overpowered, its overpowered by the fact that there is no totem counter for solo players. imagine going to a swf team being solo get 1 or 2 totems dont know if there is still others up.

    If anything put NOED in Base kit and add the totem counter.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Even if things like camping and NOED aren't OP (I personally don't think they are) they make for pretty unheathy and unfun gameplay and should be further discouraged by game design changes.

    Here's the thing though. Just like devs constantly need to evaluate why people DC (besides people who just DC at the slightest sign of inconvenience) they also need to evaluate why people camp or play in unfun ways,besides just salty people who would be unsportsmanlike anyway. I think they're doing a good job with the map and gen changes, but I think there's still room for improvement on both sides.

  • Smiler
    Smiler Member Posts: 165

    Just saying the truth. Be ready for it and just cleanse totems. If you hate NOED so much, use that one perk that helps you find the totems.

  • Smiler
    Smiler Member Posts: 165

    I call that a bad execution. It should only take 1 survivor to ge totems. Other 2 get gens while the last one gets chased.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Isn't salty people the only reason? It's the only reason I see on the forums or from the scant amount of replies I get from killers on xbox.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    That's not what most people want. People want the game to go back to the healthy state it was once in. Where killers didn't run NOED to win games. Believe it or not. Killers used to be able to get multiple hooks in a game and keep the game competitive. They were strong and it was a challenge to beat them. And back in those times no rank killer would be running around with NOED on.

    I defend NOED right now even if I hate it. I completely understand why people are using it. Doesn't make it any less annoying though. It sucks a lot.

    I'd much rather have games that people got hooked frequently and every game was a challenge. But right now killers get 2 hooks total before the exit gates are powered on. And NOED comes into play. Make it so they are stronger and they can have 5-6 hooks already by time the exit gates are finished.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    its really not hard to get totems, you say youre tired of hearing it but thats the direct counter and isnt that hard to do, making to endgame anyway should be good enough so seeing NOED shouldnt be an issue, iv personally never seen an issue with NOED as a survivor i just get the totem when its active or all totems before, there is 5 totems and 4 survivors you have time to get them. but if you and so many other think NOED is really over powered even though it only activates after 5gens and can be stopped then i think its fair to balance DS/BT on their own they arent annoying but when everyone runs them and you get hit by DS even after hoking 1-2 other people yeah its an issue im getting punished for being good even after going out my way to hook others first. iv never used NOED and i dont see the point as its not that great against decent teams and like i said its for such a small portion of the game too. gotta be fair to both sides.

  • Smiler
    Smiler Member Posts: 165

    Exactly, it balances out. A second chance with the one, is a second chance with the other.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Anyone in their right mind would trade Adrenaline for NOED.

    Let's make it happen.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I'm pretty sure it's not the only reason. Unfortunately camping and tunnelling are very consistent plays for risk averse players/people who don't trust their ability to catch other survivors. There's also the problem that facecamping happens to be very good versus altruistic survivors - just check how many survivors who would otherwise escape die because of late game altruism - and playing altruistic is much more fun than just rushing gens for most players.

    In my opinion camping and tunnelling should just be universally bad plays, but don't ask me how to do it design wise. It's too complicated, just like balancing gen times in a way that punishes high level survivors without making average to below average players miserable.

    NOED is also a very tempting perk because of how forgiving the game becomes for the killer players. Personally I'm philosophically against late game perks for killers in general, but at least things like Blood Warden and Devour Hope are very situational. NOED just works every time, because it's pretty damn unviable for solo survivors to do all the totems consistently. This game very desperately needs a totem counter, I don't understand why it's not a thing yet.

  • Smiler
    Smiler Member Posts: 165

    There's always the possibilty of just being better and outrun the killer.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited April 2020

    Imagine thinking a typical DBD game lasts 3 minutes. They all last between 6-12 minutes, depending on the skill of the survivors and killer.

    Edit: NOED is a perk that provides a massive reward for not doing your job. Adrenaline is frequently compared to NOED, but survivors have to finish all the gens or be alive when the exit gates are powered after a hatch close for it to proc (which requires many gens to be done unless you’re the last one alive).

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    I personally don't see why noed needs to be in the game. Since the release of dbd I never saw the need of noed. Do I use it? Yeah, when a new killer gets released and I have literally no better perks I will take it. But I don't even use NOED on clown. Are games hard and fast? Yes they are. But at the end I win 90% of the games and I'm totally fine with that.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020

    On topic, I can see both sides.

    For me I'm to a point where I just expect NOED most of the time unless I can confirm otherwise (killer has shown 4 perks? no NOED). Whether I play solo or SWF (which is mostly the latter) it's always a factor in the game. A lot of the time if I'm playing solo and my team is doing a good job on gens, I just go totem hunting. Even if they did totems, you can still see them destroyed so I just go around and make sure I get them all. Sometimes I don't and NOED still happens, but in my experience at high ranks on Xbox if that is the case the other survivors either leave, or find the totem (assuming it's not in the most ideal spot). If the killer hard tunnels the first guy they caught that's usually dead giveaway they have NOED, so I either try to find totems (not actually DO them, just keep track of where they are so I can take out the NOED when it lights up) or rush gens and just leave. Generally NOED is not very effective at high ranks, SWF or solo.

    I have 2 smurf accounts though, and I will say that a LOT of low rank killers get away with kills they definitely should not have gotten because of NOED. They do pretty much exactly what Otz did, camp, tunnel, NOED. Some of them don't even try to hid it, they just stand at the hook and wait. Never do survivors just do gens and leave, they ALWAYS try to save. And they usually die. Thankfully for them, I was in their game and know what this is and what to do (usually with another friend of mine also) so the results aren't always a 4k, but they sure would be if it was a group of actual low rank survivors. [BTW I want to make it clear I'm not a bully. I let the killer kill me at the end if they didn't get anyone. I don't rush gens or even do gens sometimes, all I do is try for chases and memes. I have these accounts for silly non-tryhardy games and also because I have friends that don't play the game nearly as much as me and are legit rank 15's and such. It's not fair to them if I play my main account and we get rank 1 killers, it's barely fair if we get a rank 10 killer, so don't hate on me.]

    So there is definitely truth to both arguments. I personally feel like NOED should have some sort of tell (outside of the killer behavior) so that survivors can pick up on it and slow down. The game could also do with some extra protection on the first guy hooked, but for that to happen there also needs to be some mechanic to prevent gen rushing at the start of the game (something akin to @ScottJund "early game warm up" suggestion, though I wouldn't go with his exact idea because I feel it's janky and potentially exploitable, but we do need something that is basically EGC for the start of the game). That would lessen the negative impact of NOED without needing to change the perk itself too much.

    IDK it's a tricky situation. If you gut NOED then you just leave open the flood gate for unadulterated gen rushing. If you don't gut NOED, then a lot of low rank killers get freebies.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I mean. I feel like it's a common thing that I do 3 totems in a game. I'm not saying that I'm the problem. But as a solo survivor. When I have done 3-4 totems, I assume NOED is not in play. But then boom. It hits me. No one on my team did a totem. And they're all running out the exit gates while I die on my first hook.

    And there's a lot of reason's why I'm not cleansing dull totems. There's a thing called a point system. You can't just run around the whole map and do totems. Otherwise you're not going to get points in other categories. I have plenty of games where a killer chases me through 3-4 gens. I kind've want a chance to get on a generator at times. Maybe some objective points would be nice, instead of cleansing a totem that gives me more boldness. Which I've been capped out on for 3 minutes mind you!

    That's why your do bones theory is so blah. Yeah it's true. That's how you get NOED out of the game. But as a survivor you can't just take a killer for a long chase and then cleanse 5 totems and get any points. It's just all in one category.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Not only would I make that trade, I'd include a future draft pick. Next survivor released only gets 2 perks.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Punish altruism 🤘🤘🤘

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    That's still a guarenteed win. 3 gens pop in 80 seconds, assuming all 3 survivors were split. The Survivor on the hook still has 40 seconds on the hook, 25-30 after factoring in time to find generators. the 3 survivors can finish a gen together in about 36 seconds, so they have MORE than enough time, since the Killer will have to reach the generator theyre on, assuming he picks the right one. If he guesses right, the two survivors not being chased can finish the final generator in about 45 seconds. Since the Killer is camping, he likely is fairly bad in chases, so it's entirely feasible that the two survivors can finish the last gen in the time it takes the last survivor to go down. Then the last survivor can pop their adrenaline/DH to reach a pallet or lose the killer, thus all three survivors get out.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    You do know you can do totems on your way between generators, right? It's not a one or the other deal. Keep an eye out for totems as you travel, then do a quick circuit around the gen to see if theres a totem by it, since totems tend to spawn near gens. Once theres only one gen left, you can check for totems again if time permits. You can even find a totem and leave it for endgame. once the gates are powered, come back and check the totem, see if it lights up