issues with vaulting saftly

i dont know when this started but ive started seeing it more often of vaulting saftly to the other side and killer hitting me

i just played a game on lerry memorial against a ghost face, i was playing dwight and fast vaulted over window, before i could move more then a half centimeter he hit me thru the window, i got to the otherside saftly and right as i started moving like i finished vault animation and began moving animation for running away from killer he hits me, it used to be they couldnt hit me thru the window like that and now it basicly renders windows useless more or less, since if the killer is close to u vaulting a window isnt worth attempting

not only that but pallets if a killer hits u right at the end of the pallet slide u still take hit despite the knife not hitting u cause ur clearly on the other side of the pallet

during animation u hand that is in the middle of the pallet is the last part of ur body to finish the vault animation and now if they hit u near the end of said animation of the hand u can hit the player

prior to these situations there was a decent opertunity of not being hit now its greatly increase the chance of killer hitting u and killer is already fast by default making it unbalanced

i dont know if this was intended or a bug but im hoping its a bug

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  • iPandamystic
    iPandamystic Member Posts: 4

    It's called being dedicated , also the killer might just be high latency.

  • luciferAngelsTTV
    luciferAngelsTTV Member Posts: 31

    that makes no sense whatsoever cause as a killer i can do it to and i have good latency would also appreciate not getting responses from someone who isnt a mod or developer so that its not spammed with useless comments and it can get reviewed by someone who can potentially fix it as this wasnt happening a week ago

  • PatBrutal
    PatBrutal Member Posts: 566

    Hello luciferAngelsTTV,

    Just letting you know that I have pinned in the bug section a template on how to report your issue. As of today, I will go through the threads and I will ask the community to follow this template. Like this it would be easier for you and for us to get all the info needed.

    When you have time can you edit your thread and use this template : that would be super helpful, then we will be able to edit the status and proceed with your issue.

    Thank you so much for your help!

    Have a great day!