Some modifications to survivors.
Survivors need to rank up slower. They level up by doing basic things within the match, mostly to people or objects that let them. They can rank up easily without ever escaping. Killers rank up much slower, which creates an issue. Even if matchmaking is fixed, a killer is, generally, going to be stronger than a survivor of the same level. This leads to survivors thinking killers are OP, and can lead to them having a bad time. It is also the reason there are so many calls for nerf. Survivors rank so quickly that rank is completely unrelated to their actual skill. They need to have the criteria required for ranking up to more in line with killers. Make it a slower process and make so that rank is earned, not just given.
However, it should, in no way, negatively impact their bloodpoints. In fact they should get more, for various actions. Staying on a hook rather than suiciding or DCing should be rewarded more with BP. They should get more BP for recovering while slugged. This would have the added benefit of encouraging player to recover rather than just lying their waiting for someone else to come and heal them. It amazes me how many people don't recover. Tie more BP to it and it will fix that problem, plus, again, it may reduce the amount of DC's. I'm sure that you can't think of other things too. None of this should progress their rank, of course.
The other issue is that it appears that some survivors rather call for nerfs rather than adapt and use other perks, or look for totems. They didn't want to look for the Ruin totem, and now they can't be bothered cleansing totems to prevent NOED from kicking in (or use other perks to counter it, but that's a different issue).
I recently started playing Nancy Wheeler, and decided to just play her from scratch without any pre-leveling, and thus, not having any meta perks. I started using Inner Strength, which requires that she cleanse a totem before each use. Then while leveling up, small game came up in the blood web, and I thought that would be a great to use with inner strength, allowing her to use it more often and getting rid of some of the totems in case others were also cleansing, for NOED.
I think it may be a good idea for other perks to be made like that. Requiring totem cleansing for some good perks will get survivors more use to cleansing totems, and will encourage them to do so for other reasons than to counter the killer. For example, Unbreakable, could require a totem cleanse before being viable. It would work for many other perks, as well.
You want the hex system to work, but atm only killers have to deal with it, and that's in a negative way. If you want the system to work, you need to encourage survivors to also engage with it on a regular basis.