NOED and DS. The problem perks.

Two perks that killers and survivors whine and whinge the most about.

Lets discuss

Both sides will insist that they "need" the perk in order to play, you? Its a nice thing to have in your back pocket, but is it really "needed" in order to pip in the red ranks?

Well, lets look at each perks intended usage, and how players actually use it.

NOED - A nice boost to help a game going poorly. Punishes survivors for not doing totems and aggressively repairing gens.

DS- A saving grace to those unfortunate enough to be aggressively tunnelled by a brain addled killer. Punishes killers for not pressuring other survivors.

Now, the actual usage

NOED- Free instadowns for not defending the objective

DS- 60 seconds of invincibility, even if the Killer isnt tunnelling.

The fix?

NOED should only activate if the gens were completed too fast. Lets say, if the exit gates are powered in under 15 minutes, NOED activates and is a totem as usual. That way, its intended purpose of punishing genrushing actually means something

DS still activates after an unhook as it does now, but instantly deactivates when

A. You enter a locker

B. You are fully healed

C. You start repairing a generator

D. You attempt to rescue a hooked survivor

E. Another survivor is hooked. This way, only one DS can be active at the same time


  • gofu
    gofu Member Posts: 133

    I can't stress about the amount of times I've seen 4 survivors all have DS in the red ranks and it's very frustrating brcause you're always trying to make sure to pick up the survivor you never hooked or the one with no cosmetics equipped.

    But also the fact that you're never sure you cleansed ALL the bones especially if you're going for survivor solo also leaves one worried all the time and if NOED activates, the killer pretty much has evil within 3 until the game ends combined with his original ability.

    Decisive Strike

    60x4 = 240s of invincibility AT MAX, lets say 30s each for the average so 120s time wasted for killer and a guaranteed minimum stun time of 20 seconds (and obviously losing 4 potential hooks) so 140 seconds total


    All totems must be cleansed to prevent.

    Average survivor takes around 15 seconds to find a totem (if he's actively looking for totems) and another 14 seconds to cleanse it

    (15+14) *5 [the number of totems on a map] = 145s when you can repair almost 4 or even 5 gens in that time if the whole team gen rushes

    140 seconds : 145 seconds average on 2 perks that have been flooding the posts on this category for a while.

    I say ######### them both and the devs get rid of them providing refunds in 2000 iri/500 auric for the DS owners.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    The exit gates are going to be powered in under 15 in 99% of games

    The fastest that survivors can be is gens done and gate open in 5 minutes. Typical games are usually from 7-12 minutes though.

  • silvio00
    silvio00 Member Posts: 40

    as a survivor I never find NOED a problem and as killer I rarely find DS to be a much of an issue as well.

    Yes I'm playing as rank 1 on both sides.

    You don't want NOED to activate then please do totems when you have 1 gen left.

    You don't want to get stabbed then go after another survivor. I am aware there are times multiple ds's will be active at one time. It's just a matter of remembering who has ds active.

  • tizzi717
    tizzi717 Member Posts: 89

    i can't count the numer of games when i don't have ds and i got 2 hooks in raw only because the killer want the easy hook and choose to focus me instead of going for the unhooker. A lot of times they break the chase they currently have to other survivor only for coming back and tunnel me or the survivor that has been unhooked. So ds doesn't need to be touch, he got already his nerf.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    So in summary: No change to NOED, and making DS trash. Its not like this was already mentioned thousand times before. LOL

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    When did NOED become a problem?

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344


    I think deactivating DS in some scenarios, as you said, is a good idea. However, in my opinion, it should only deactivate if the unhooked person touches a gen, bones, hooked person and locker.

    DS should not deactivate if someone else is hooked. If someone is hooked in a dead zone and an injured person without BT comes to unhook you, the Killer will down the unhooker and then down you. The killer hooks the unhooker, your DS expires and then he hooks you. You had no chance to do anything and DS is there to prevent tunneling/farming. That's a reason why DS should not deactivate when someone else is hooked because the killer can easily play around that in some scenarios.

    DS should not deactivate when you get healed. In most cases people heal under the hook. If you get fully healed and the killer comes back he could also go for the person that healed/unhooked you. I honeslty would say this is still tunneling if the killer has the choice who to hit if both of you are almost next to each other. Also the killer can injure you and leave you in which case the time spent healing was pretty much for nothing. Another reason is that running around injured may be better instead of healing then, because you can still use DS if the killer goes after you and you did'nt waste any time healing. People should not be encouraged to run around like headless chickens after the unhook.


    I honestly don't see a big problem with noed. I think the best way to nerf it is to remove the last bit of speed boost it grants you when the totem is active.

    A random thought:

    Noed could get 5 tokens and for each person you hit you lose one token. You can only insta down survivors if the perk has any tokens left. That means you could only insta down 5 times and after that you only get the speed boost from noed. Just a random thought.

  • Trollthem
    Trollthem Member Posts: 186

    Noed isnt a problem , just cleanse totem and don't rush gens , that's why devs made it like this .

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    My opinion

    Most of the time the gens are done in minutes and defo under 15 minutes. It's the survivors fault for gen rushing and ignoring totems.,

    DS does how ever need to be nerfed. It's used by skill players to become even more invincible in an already disadvantaged match.