Leaver and Campers ~


Yooo boys and e-grils so since i startet playing again 2 weeks ago i already reached rank 11 (startet at 20)
but since im arround rank 14~16 theire is something it happens again and again and again ~

  1. people ragequits after 3mins of gaming before even the first gen is done so i know the killer gets some bonus for this situation thats fine and fair ~ but what about the suriviors? the game become much harded for them if some one leaves in the game ? i think they should get a compensation for this , too ~ its feels very hard to pip up after u get a toxic leaver in the team ~

  2. I also feel like the pip up system need another tweak for "Camping Compensation"? Cause u get minus points if a surivior gets hooked up (the basic of this idea is fine get a reward for helping a m8) but when i killer is camping this guy and u cant safe him u get minus points for ur killer beeing a dickhead?! or u unhook him unsafe and get this minus points... and u cant take borrowed time always cause u dont know what kind of killer u get in the game ~

sure the most people will say "punish the killer with genrush" -> in swf easy -> as solo surivior not that easy u fist got to find out that the killer is camping so u sneak ur way to the hook and back to the gen ~ after this the surivior ist almost done at the hook so u get done maybe 1 generator when u were fast and as bonus u get a bunch of minus points cause u didnt safed ur surivior bro ~

In my oppinion this really need a little tweak~ Cause life feels really hard for me as solo surivior if u get often matched with dickheads (killers and suriviors)

Greetings a crying solo-surivior-player ~


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    1. Has to be adjusted tho. You don't want people to leave on purpose to "reward" their team.
    2. Bad game happens. Sometimes you get camped, which allows you to get in the next match rather quickly anyway. I don't think you deserve points for getting caught and killed.