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So i've been trying to get adept killer achievements but I'm come to the conclusion it doesn't work if u get a 4k with the 3 teachables it asks for a merciless victory. is that mean how many bloodpoints? or like does it mean you have to get like all iridescent emblems im confused


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    It means that you need to scrap and collect any potential points to gain a near-perfect or perfect score. If you get a Merciless Victory in-game with the 3 perks, than you should've unlocked the perk.

    If you didn't, than you need to focus a lot more on these three factors below. These three key things need to be done in order to achieve a near-perfect or perfect game.

    • [Number 1] (You need to focus on hitting a Survivor a lot and I mean A LOT. By this I mean you need to hit them constantly with your M1 basic attack to gain points towards the Brutality score. You're not focusing on getting BPs, you're focusing on improving your emblem score overall. If you're using a Killer with an insta-down power OR a Killer that puts Survivors into the dying state, than you need to focus more on damaging thing with your M1 attack, rather than insta-downing them. If you just insta-down them, than the chases end a lot sooner and you gain less points as a result.)
    • [Number 2] (You need to have a decent chase for most of your chases. If you end the chase too early than you gain less points, if you end it too late than you lose Generators AND actually gain less points as well. Find a middle ground when you're in a chase, focus more on damaging them with your M1 attack for some brutality points, this will help you in the long run with the Chaser Emblem as well.)
    • [Number 3] (You need to keep as many Generators as you can, for every minute you gain a point towards the GateKeeper emblem, these points are multiplied by the number of Generators that're in-game for every minute that passes. It does cap eventually, but it's good to keep up as many as you can to maximize your potential points. Also, since the new update to the gatekeeper emblem, you know gain bonus points for keeping both gates closed when they're POWERED, not when they're unpowered. It's sort of a "bonus" if they finish all the Generators but couldn't open both gates in time.)

    There are some smaller details as well, but these 3 factors are important to keep in-mind when you're going for a near-perfect/perfect game. Remember this and you'll be able to maximize your potential emblem points.