So maps are becoming like Meat Plant?

I just want to get this straight...
Meat Plant, easily one of the most killer-sided maps that is possibly most hated and complained about because of:
- How ridiculously small the map is where 80% of the game is spent in killer’s terror radius and not knowing if the killer is on the same floor as you.
- There are essentially no safe loops or pallets on this map
- Very few vaults
- Gens are in a very awkward place
Yet you decide that the best thing to do for the maps is to make them smaller and remove loops..
Despite one of the issues of doing objective is getting stuck in a 3-gen situation where killer can easily monitor all three gens that are in a close proximity of each other - despite that being the objective for the survivor. This is already an issue in the “big maps that take ages to walk across”.
if you’re going to make these spaces smaller and removing loops then ATLEAST fix the issue of getting hit through a vault, and nerf gen specific perks for killers. ESPECIALLY since gen rushing is being nerfed for survivors again
Your crazy if you think there isn't any safe loops on meat plant. There's literally 2 pallets on that gen near basement that's safe asf. I will admit it's small but compared to how killers without mobility suffer it's really needed.
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Gideon's Meat Plant has at least 3 God Pallets that the killer MUST break in order to advance.
4 if you count the ones under the stair cases, a great drop loop, great T-Walls and L-Walls, many LoS blockers.
Agreed. Much agreed.
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Don’t agree, survivors mainly suffer here due to the several drops in the maps - where whilst killers don’t get a stun, survivors do.
Those pallets aren’t really safe, you’re mostly stuck in a corridor with little indication of which way the killer went - whilst the killer can track you.
mobility killers thrive on this map, stealth killers thrive on this map, second-objective killers thrive on this map. The only killer that is severely disadvantaged on this map is Myers.
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So you’re going to forget that Killer has advantage in chase - eg. Constant drops which kill chase immediately? Not many vaults, constant tight spaces and corridors which eliminate possibility of 360’s or mind game?
the moment “the god pallets” are gone, it’s pretty much game over.
most gens on that map are also free “grab” opportunities for killer considering how they’re nearly always next to a door or weird corners
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Also just to clarify something the map changes aren't removing the amount of loops (if it happened on PTB I'm pretty sure it was confirmed to be a bug) they're rebuilding the loops so that a mindgame can be mostly fair for both sides.
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Never have I ever seen so much one sided rage in a single post. Im not even going to try to argue with you.
Just saying, maybe try to break the stereotype that all survivor players just want free wins and think every killer is OP?
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I’ve only ever seen a killer pick this map as an offering. This isn’t a one-sided rage. The map is literally a killer free-win match because of how stupidly the map is designed.
I’m not saying that survivors should win - but they don’t even get a chance on this map and the only killer that is disadvantaged playing on this map is Myers.
if you don’t like the truth then that’s on you lol
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No one in their right mind would use God Pallets at the beginning of the game.
They're only used at end game, 1 or 2 gens left. Possibly when the killer has at least hooked everyone once.
So no, they won't be gone, they'll be up for grabs and what mobility killers?
Billy? With 100's of LoS blockers? Nurse? With more LoS blockers?
The only killers that can have an advantage would be stealth killers.
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Apart from the Skill check Doctor the first thing I think when I see a Jigsaw piece is Scratch Mirror Myers.
Also Huntress don't have much angles to work with so she has some disadvantages going there, the map being smaller affects Jigsaw boxes distances so Pig also suffers a bit, Billy has fewer chances to use Chainsaw at this map and Trapper suffers with the lack of grass bushes and things to hide his traps.
I think you don't know enough about either the map or the killers because almost everything you say in that regard tends to be wrong.
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The Game is NOT killer favored in the slightest. The map is nothing but safe pallets that are basically endless that the killer has no opportunity to mindgame at all. You must kick the pallets to advance in a chase and if the survivors can preserve pallets and keep chase for a long time then you will lose. The Game is nothing but pallet kicking simulator 2K20.
A lot of killers have no opportunity to use their power effectively. Billy? Forget about it. Oni? Too many sharps turns. Huntress? That’s laughable. Deathslinger? Not with all those pallets. Plague? They are already behind a wall by the time your puke is charged. Trapper? I can see your traps from a mile away big boy. Nurse? Good luck not getting your blinks shortened by debris. Spirit? Even she can’t deal with safe pallets.
The map is boring for both sides so nobody likes it besides stealth killers and maybe big terror radius Doctor.
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If it's not killer favored, why does it have one of the statistically highest killer kill rates? There's a few good pallets, and that's it. Other than that, it's a stealth killers dream and as long as you avoid the god room it's a pretty easy time as killer.
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Nurse has one of the lowest kill rates, but does that make her a weak killer? I take those statistics with a grain of salt.
“A few good pallets”. You mean every pallet on the map? Maybe two of them are mindgameable, all of the other ones are uber safe.
If you want to do nothing but kick pallets and have no opportunity to mindgame pallets then be my guest, but you’re gonna be really hurt when you’re an M1 killer on the game against a good team.
The map is only killer sided if the survivors use their resources quickly because they have nothing left to work with. Good survivors will most likely always win on this map, but the majority of the playerbase are causal and don’t have 1000+ hours so they aren’t that great. So most of your matches will be pretty easy as killer regardless of the map you are on.
The Game is so boring that most people don’t even try on that map. All the indoor maps have statistically high kill rates but I wouldn’t say that they are the absolute BEST killer maps. I would argue Azarov’s and Shelter Woods are better maps for killer.
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I run the game as an offering on many killers, with super cheesy builds. You ever try rusty shackles hag on the game? Survivors just suicide. It is very powerful when you play to it's strengths. Even m1 killers can slap on brutal / enduring and be totally fine. No god windows, great totem spawns, just a few good pallets, and a ton of LOS blocks for easy hits.
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Actually this map works really well with killers like Huntress, Billy, Plague because of the tight corridors that forces survivors to walk in a straight line majority of the time. There’s little chances of 360’ing or trying to even evade the killer.
Trapper DOESNT even need to hide his traps to be effective, place them at a vault or a pallet and that will do enough to stagger, literally he can block the “god pallets” that you’ve mentioned with his ability.
your cockiness is not an attractive look and it seems like YOURE the one who doesn’t know the map and how it gives killers the edge
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You don’t need to mindgame, kick the pallets and the survivors are guaranteed dead. Seems like you have some superiority complex, but that’s on you if you’re so stingy about kicking pallets not everyone else.
Billy works well with this map, he can cross the top really quickly because of how small and open the map is, and the tight corridors downstairs? Literally a dream come true for his ability that denies distance and instantly knocks someone down? Are you sure that’s a no? Lmao
ive had multiple 4k games as spirit with no perks on this map, I honestly have no idea what you’re even talking about. Someone seems in denial
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I actually love the game on both sides. As survivor, i suck at looping, but i am good at jukeing. On the game, the killer loses sight of you soo easy, you lose him sooo easy there.
As killer, i like it because most survivors think looping is the only way to play this game, and dont care or know about jukeing.
It fits my playstyle.
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Meat plant has a ridiculous amount of pallets... Also that safe vault that everyone uses. And the god pallets...
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Meat plant is a very bad made map, you will either be on the side where is too many pallets or on the other side where is like two of them.
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Literally more than 90% are just safe pallets..
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literally 100% of the pallets are breakable, and lack of LOS on killer means that the survivor has little idea of the proximity of killer and which way to run to create distance whilst a killer can easily track scratch marks that follow narrow corridors and one way paths.
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Pallets are 100% breakable. Vaults are also unsafe for the fact that servers prioritise killers and will give the hit to the survivor even if the survivor 'did a safe vault'.
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Losing a killer is not easy on Meat Plant, he can keep following your scratch marks until you mess up and he will just gain bloodlust and get faster in the chase... lol
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I have to disagree about Meat Plant having no good pallets. That map is pallet city and has some decent loops. The only thing I hate about the map is that (as you said) I can't tell where the killer is if they have a standard T/R. That being said, I don't think that's a map issue, it's more of an issue of how survivors can read and hear the T/R.
On a sorta side note, it would be cool if we can have an animation pointing up or down to convey that info to your team.
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lemme go through your list one by one:
1) meatplant is still one of the smallest maps in the game, all they did was making the insanely huge maps a little smaller. also, the whole "not knowing which floor the killer is one" aspect is still exclusive to that map, as its the only map with two layers.
2) that is simply false. Gideon Meatplant is currently the map with the most safe pallets in the game. there are lots of pallets there that leave basically no room for mindgames whatsoever, so the killer is forced to break them. popular examples for that: basement pallets (2 above and 2 below), drop down pallets, staircase pallets or exit gate pallets
3) i dont get how you got that idea, they didnt remove the windows. the killer can just walk around them now, so its no longer a god window with no counterplay. gideon is still gonna be the map with possibly the fewest windows in all of DbD.
4) gen placements have not changed at all. i dont even know how you got that idea tbh.
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If you decide to run around a pallet and waste time instead of breaking it to close distance and break the loop, then that's on you. :)
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Meat Plant also has the highest killer victory rate.
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My biggest issue is that indoor maps like meat plant have no Los. Nearly every killer can suddenly pop out around a corner like a stealth killer. Besides the fact that stealth killers like GF have the easiest match on those maps
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yes,now there are 70 gens on map and you have to complete 50,all maps have top floors and second floors,pallets and windows removed from the game,all gens are next to each other in the middle of the map,you're welcome
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I hate this map equally as both killer and survivor for the reasons you mentioned. I play killer mostly and patrolling gens here is a huge pain.
As a survivor I very rarely get to start working on a gen without running into the killer beforehand, the gen placement is so stupid.
Somebody else mentioned the terror radius issue here which is also annoying, I'll be repairing a downstairs gen and my spine chill is going off the whole time because the killer is in a chase on the floor above me.
I hate hate HATE this map, I have no comment on the balance of making the maps smaller in general as I am new to the game (two weeks in) and will have to play after the patch to see how it feels (on both sides of course).
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i'd say thats due to the combination of multiple factors:
1) the very small map size and very strong map pressure the killer can have
2) the lack of stealth options
3) the lack of ability to track the killer, especially bad due to the TR being the same on both levels
4) the randomness of the map (where is the staircase, is there a pallet behind it or above it, which doors are open, ...) without having any overwiev (sucks for both sides tbh)
though, those are very much exclusive to that single map.
the other maps will not be affected by at least 3 of these points - and the map size is not always an indicator of how killer sided a map is (best example here would be Haddonfield), still most of the changed maps are going to be larger than the Gideon Meat Plant.
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So you'd rather run around a loop and hope that the survivor messes up? cool that's your style, but don't complain about pallets if there is literally a solution to get rid of them lmao
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I remember I was playing a game on Bedham (preschool), i was in the school basement doing a gen, there was like a drop right beside me, so anyone could drop down. Unfortunately for me, Pig happened to drop down (after she was sneaking around so I didn't even hear a terror radius), and because of her hitbox, i initially thought it was a survivor until i heard the roar and i started to run for my life as she lunged at me lol - this was all at the start too so no one knew who the killer was. I generally have terrible luck of spawning right next to stealth killers and having to find out the hard way who the killer is and letting my team know as i get smacked.
This is my exact point. People are using the no LOS as a killer disadvantage but it's literally an advantage as the killer can follow scratches. It's so easy to track a survivor on the map - especially since most gens are also placed right by doorways which is a gift wrapped nicely for the killer to grab you off the gen as you don't know what floor they're even on most of the game.
Also that shower room? yeah, that's a death trap, you have killer walk in, then you need to hope that you manage to 360 them in the tight space and run out, or if they drop down from the hole, then you better hope that they don't catch you quickly enough before you get to a safer area in the map.
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I can't even imagine how someone can post so many false assumptions. Pallets are 100% breakable, like lol? You know what a safe pallet is? Also "safe vaults"? I mean, if you argue with servers, there is pretty much no map with a safe vault when you talk about killers swinging at a survivor that tries to vault XD "safe vaults" are about the size of the loop, left and right of the window!
Yeah, I think I will agree to that one, before I comment on 15 nonsense responses o.O
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These map changes are good for the game, I hate The Game on both sides but if you think the new map changes are bad for the game you need to grow up and play killer
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Literally no Killer in their right mind would burn a Game offering except pre-rework doctor or a Pig main that wants to be lore-friendly
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So i've been playing against over-buffed survivors? because i've only even been in games when it's burned by the killer, and not the survivor/s.
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I main killer and I groan on every inside map.
The irony of calling them killer-sided... or maybe I just don't know any better. With all the tight turns and tons of nooks and crannies to hide in or crouch behind... they're a pain in the butt to hunt in.
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The pro-killer on indoor maps is minimal LOS and easy blood tracking. Iron Will is almost with zero efefct on these maps. And stealth killer have a great advantage
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I'll have to research this. I must rely on line of sight too much as a killer. Or, maybe I don't play stealth killers enough.
Thanks for the insight.
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Discordance, Surveillance, BBQ. Will help a lot on indoor stealth killers. Or of course a favoured combo is Sloppy and Nurses
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It’s just a play style that you’ll have to get used to, you want to pressure survivors into having to run around you so that you can follow the scratch marks that they leave behind.
the only indoor map that I complain about when playing killer is institute because of the several pallets and vaults that are all linked together in some way or another. But institute is generally confusing and I get lost on that map as survivor when I’m looking for gens so lol
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One 360 isn't enough lol, the killer recovers to fast from missed swing. Need more like two 360s and then the pallet still being up
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What Killers? The VAST majority definitely do not enjoy the Meat Plant
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Do you honestly think I keep a tally of which killer has put the offering on..? Lol I’ve played too many games to have a recollection of every single game that I’ve ever had, so unfortunately I can’t answer your question of which killer ever willingly picked this map
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Good one mate,except scratch marks literally dissapear around corners. Dunno if you ever tried chasing someone on indoor maps,but scratch marks dissapear around corners for some reason. Dunno what you mean with "pallets are 100% breakable". I think you are agreeing with me on the safe pallets,but I can't tell.
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What rank survivor are you?
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3/4, depends on the day.
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You should be able to loop pretty easily on meat plant then lol
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Others have also said that this game is good for killer? Oh so suddenly, she says he says is fact?
my opinion is that this map is killer sided, and this can also be seen statistically because it’s the map that killers get their wins on the most. If that doesn’t say something to you then I don’t know what will.
im not an entitled survivor, I understand how balance works, I play both sides of the game, but the fact that a killer can currently patrol gens on the “big maps” and them getting reduced with things removed ISNT an alarming thing, then I don’t know what to say.
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I find looping on the map pretty difficult actually, because you break LOS with the killer really easily - and whilst other claim this to be the best thing for survivor ever - it’s the worst thing for me. I can’t tell where the killer is so it’s hard for me to decide where I should go.
maps like institute? I can run the killers with ease (though I do get lost on the map because for some reason I can’t envision the layout of it in my head) but meat plant is very difficult and as I’ve mentioned, the tight corridors and narrow spaces are a godsend to killers with long range abilities.
i don’t think I’ve ever lost a game on meat plant either as killer, and I play wraith mainly which that map isn’t really good for because his stealth is useless due to how small the map is generally speaking lol