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So maps are becoming like Meat Plant?



  • Member Posts: 1,346

    Ah, I understand a map simply being difficult for you. That happens, but you can’t claim it’s hard for everyone, you know? You just have a play style and mindset that doesn’t mesh with the map.

  • Member Posts: 819

    I don’t complain about survivors because when I play Killer, I don’t find issues with the things that people complain about when going against survivors.

    everything I talk about is from my personal experience and just because your experience or perspective doesn’t match mine doesn’t make mine any less valid or an entitled survivor.

    if I can play killers with no perks and win games against red ranks then of course I’m going to see issue with killer because it’s based on my experience, and yes, I am going to speak on my experiences

  • Member Posts: 974

    i suck and i usually escape the plant

  • Member Posts: 906

    they are safe pallets, not safe loops. once the pallet is down, the pallet is broken. any killer with half a brain would not try to loop that.

  • Member Posts: 1,151

    But you have a ton of pallets one near another. Also, don't matter the map, the killer will chase you lol

  • Member Posts: 1,151

    What do you mean as victory? Kill someone, two or three people or 4k?

  • Member Posts: 257

    Literally all loops on gideons are safe loops

  • Member Posts: 216

    my god can people stop complaining about the map changes you'll barely even notice them when they're in the actual game

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    If you get mindgamed any time you lose LOS on a Killer at rank 3-4, then you are boosted. It's not the map's fault.

  • Member Posts: 819

    Imagine that a human is not perfect and can’t do everything perfectly, surely it means their boosted? Get off your high horse lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Being able to predict a Killer that you can't see is basic stuff for a survivor at rank 3-4. I can't do it either, that's why I'm not at that rank.

  • Member Posts: 819

    Actually you can’t always predict, and it’s something that I commonly see as slip up in red ranks.

    anyways, I climbed to my all time high, rank 2 so gg

  • Member Posts: 712

    Like almost all of meat plants pallets are strong

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Ok you might be surprised to hear this but I think currently the map is actually quite balanced and if not it's more survivor favoured. I'll explain why now.

    1. The two pallets next to the basement are God Pallets and good players know how to use them.

    2. Above the bathroom there are 2 really good pallets that are also incredibly safe.

    3. One of the 2 exit doors always spawns a pretty safe pallet. It's the one that doesn't spawn between the 2 bins.

    4. Above and below the corner stairs there are even more safe pallets.

    This map is was killer sided before the ruin nerf. If the killer has noed then it can be a problem but that's unlikely. If the killer plays the map offering its probably because they have a build that suits that map like Scratched Mirror Myers or Giant Terror Radius Doctor.

    Babies will always lose on this map but experienced red rank players can win on this map pretty easily.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Wrong comparison. Maps are becoming like Shelter Woods/the old maps/ which is just as bad

  • Member Posts: 2,055

    Meat plant really only sucks against Myers and Nurse honestly.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    And that is one of the mistakes that Killers capitalize on. If you can properly predict the Killer, you will NEVER get caught if you can keep LOS broken. And like I said, your rank clearly means nothing since you can't perform a basic task expected of high-rank survivors, which means you are objectively boosted. Chances are you were one of the baby survivors whining that Ruin checks were "too hard"

  • Member Posts: 819

    I never complained about old ruin, it helped me to hit great skill checks. I’ve been playing the game for nearly a year and only recently found the forums.

    I love how you think that every “high skilled” player has to play like the 1% that can read into everything the killer does and counter it. This is so ridiculous

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    It's not ridiculous to expect a rank 2 survivor to play like one lol

  • Member Posts: 819

    The only difference is that the community likes to use ranks against players when arguing about things. But then also likes to argue that ranks are meaningless.

    people need to pick a side

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    ACHIEVING ranks is meaningless due to a lack of reward despite constant resets, but you should still be expected to not be a potato at red ranks assuming you aren't SWF

  • Member Posts: 819

    I think you misunderstand. People say ranks are meaningless because people like you believe you can be “boosted” on a game that requires objective play to rank up.

    it’s actually quite funny that people complain about this ranking - I think they’d have a heart attack if they played other games

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    The only way you can easily become boosted is through SWF due to the inherent ease given by proper comms and good teammates. You can technically get boosted by randoms, but you need to either have phenomenally good randoms or catastrophically bad initial skill. In normal solo survivor gameplay, you generally shouldn't end up at an improper rank imo

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    I don't think you know the map all that well. Most of the loops are safe, which is a bad thing. Yes it is small and confusing, but that is what makes people find it unique and fun sometimes. Yes there are few windows, and this is super boring. It means end game there are pretty much no chases, and early game is just holding w on pallet loops. The new maps/changes are nothing like meat plant because loops are becoming less safe. Yes, tiles will be further apart on most maps but there are still plenty of resources and they are all still bigger than Meat Plant.

  • Member Posts: 214

    I thinkl your issue is you get potatoe survivors. As you can see alot of people have stated how they think the game is either pretty balanced or a bit survivor sided. I understand you have had your games of which it was a lost cause so because of that I can think of 3 things.

    1. Your not a high rank killer thus giving you potatoes.
    2. You just get potatoe survivors due to the matchmaking system.
    3. You get god awful teammates when your on the game.

    Also the devs themselves have said not to use the statistics so you using it is pretty pointless, and as others have said it only affects this map and none of the others. @DuckCast Makes a good point too. You seem to think everything you can do with the killer easily means they are OP while anything similar on survivor is ok. Just because you seem to have good games as killer doesn't necessarily mean your a pro or that your opinion is more important. I'm not saying your opinion isn't but you should be respectful to others that share there opinion respectfully.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    3 god pallets? dont you mean every pallet on the map is one

  • Member Posts: 819

    Using the logic of another person that has been arguing that red ranks are essentially meant to be “flawless players”, I am mostly (if not entirely) put against red rank survivors, I’ve never lost on the map as a perkless killer.

    I’m not a pro, I don’t consider myself even a pro on the game - but to continually have my opinions discredited just because I hate a map and struggle on it is annoying - so, yes, I am going to progressively get more aggressive. I don’t see my opinion or experience as above others - but it’s what I see, it’s what the stats back up and that’s that.

    only because Devs say not to use something means you shouldn’t? The stats are there, they show a comparison of performance on those maps.

    yes, those stats don’t really consider ingame conditions but it’s the only thing we have.

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    Really? because I watched a video on every single map change from the perspective of a killer main and it really looked like they took pretty much every safe window and added an open door right next to addition to increasing dead space and removing palettes while making more of them unsafe. I humbly disagree that this just leaves more "opportunity for mind gaming" and instead will be a cluster ######### of 10 foot lunges and killer hit priority. You can call it a "rebuilding" if you will, but it doesn't change what the outcome is. 🤨

  • Member Posts: 2,410

    There are 6 (sometimes 7) god pallets on that map.

    Why are you so mad?

  • Member Posts: 214

    I don't think your opinions are discredited I think your expecting your opinions to be accepted or relatable where as you reject everyone else's opinion, which is just selfish and entitled to me regardless of who you play. My point is others have provided their experience so it must be just a personal issue as I hate the game map and I'm a killer main who sits in the low red ranks high purple ranks. I can barely see anything and scratch marks really suck when there are turns or corners. Something else I'll note is that just because a killer that normally sucks on that map worked doesn't just mean they are fine on the map, that just means the maps rng was on the killer side and thats something nobody has control of. Also you really shouldn't expect to escape no matter what map your on just as killer shouldn't think they won or lost. If the game is so hard for survivors what about Haddenfield that killers have had issues with? Before DC penalties that map and Ormond were maps killers DC'd on because they are so heavily survivor sided and now its getting looking into.

    Long story short = No the maps are not becoming like the meat plant, they are just taking the infinites away and making the maps a bit smaller to help killers with no mobility. They are not shrinking it to a pinhole. They are not adding a second floor the size of the map. And I'm not sure about this one but I'm sure their not getting rid of any pallets. Literally infinites gone and a bit smaller.

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