Feedback/Suggestion Regarding Teachable Perk Acquisition

I’m sure it’s been brought up plenty of times through the years but…
I don’t like the way teachable perks work. The fact is, the more teachable perks I unlock the more crowded the pool of perks becomes. To me, there are just some teachable perks that are too valuable not to unlock. At the same time, there are plenty of non-meta perks I would love to try with other combinations I think might be fun to play. The problem is, if I unlock those off-meta teachable perks then I lower the odds of receiving the meta perks in my blood web. This means if I want the best chance of a character being effective, I need to limit the number of teachable perks I unlock to just the meta perks.
I suppose it’s possible the game is designed to encourage us not to unlock all the teachable perks. Then again, that still leaves a massive amount of unused teachable perks which is a lot of wasted development time. Not to mention, it makes some characters practically pointless to buy with real money.
The only solution I can really think of right now is: instead of the blood web coming up with a random teachable perk from the unlocked pool, it could just come up with a ? perk. If we buy the ? perk, it allows us to choose one perk from the unlocked pool. If people think this is too OP, then make it a Prestige thing. Maybe implement a prestige 4 where instead of a bloody cosmetic, you allow us to choose the teachable perks that pop up. At least, this way, I’m not disincentivized to unlock teachable perks. As it stands right now, I just want to get the meta teachable perks and stop. I don’t think I should feel this way. I should want to buy every character and grind my butt off to unlock everything I possibly can. I simply don’t feel that is in my best interest with how things stand now.
Thanks for your time.