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Which unlicensed killer is the best?


I finally got 9k Iridescent Shards and I want to buy a killer. Which one should I buy? I've had my eye on Legion for a while because he can vault over pallots and I've also never won against legion.

I play on PS4.


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited April 2020


    Legion requires a lot of dedication and perk synergy to pull off. He isn't perk dependent, but the perks you combo with him definitely add a huge advantage to his play-style and power.

    If you want to know the "Strongest Unlicensed Killer" though, than I recommend getting The Oni. The Oni is a solid Killer that can deliver devastating results to a team when used correctly. He's quite similar to Billy, but his power, when fully charged, is actually debatable stronger than The Hillbillies chainsaw. Unlike The Hillbilly though, The Oni has to charge his power for it to work.

    This doesn't mean the power is bad though, you just need two solid M1 hits on 2 health Survivors to get to 90%. After that, just absorb any Blood-Orbs mid-chase, down that Survivor with an M1 attack, than go into Blood Fury Mode and start searching for your next target. In this mode, The Oni can dash side-ways with A (left) and D (right), but he can also use Q and E to steer left and right like the Hillbilly, so in theory you can actually dash around certain loops and flick a hit on them.

    This was nerfed a bit, but it's still possible at most loops, if used correctly of course. There's also a lot more to cover like perk combos and tips and tricks, but I'll leave that to the videos i'll be recommending at the end of this comment.

    Overall, The Oni is a solid choice for you to get. He's dependable, strong, and A LOT of fun to use. You should for sure get The Oni if you want a Killer that's reasonable and strong at the same time!

    I recommend you watch these two guides to better understand how to play the oni

    Both of these guides are great for learning The Oni, but the first one is very solid for beginners. It's informative and easy to understand when you're getting into the basics. Both guides should be still up-to-date with the current Oni, but they might be slightly off because The Oni's power needed to be tweaked sometimes. I could be wrong with that last part of course, since the tweak from his original power was small but enough to not make him OP.

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171

    I reccomend Spirit. The lady is very very cool. The learning curve is faster than Nurse and is very funny how can you surprise survs, on every rank, even on red ranks, most of the times. This character is not immediate, you need to practice a bit, but the results are ... cool.

    @EarthToGravity +1 for the statement of Legion. Probably it requires even more time and dedication you need with Spirit because is super mega underpowered. It's probably a good choice (and funny choise) when you have many many hours of gameplay.

    A good example there of Spirit in action (i love the lady ^..^):

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Legion requires a more "complex play-style". Some would argue that it's just hit and running, but it really depends on how his power works and how effective you're with it.

    Some enjoy playing him, others find him boring. For a starting unlicensed Killer, someone like The Spirit or The Oni is better to learn. It's more straightforward and simple with them.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    If you want to weigh in fun: Oni; he's good,not cheap, and has a high skillcap with his power.

    Legion is frustratingly weak compared to other killers. Same goes for Clown.

    Spirit has the potential to be fun, but she's just too easy to destroy survivors with, removing that fun.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    The spirit is fun once you get good with her if you're fine with feeling like an a**hole every time you play her.