New update should be out now. Tell your first experiences here.

Title is the description.
If you inevitably have a long que time as either killer or survivor, you could spin a tale here.
Haven't finished downloading it yet but I will update how I feel with the new map updates because that is what I am most excited for.
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Lol so after Marths video showing a lot of the loops were death traps for survivors but one was bad for killer....the devs adjust the one that was bad for killer and ignore the ones that were worthless for survivor. Groaning storehouse in particular made zero sense since going through the window forced you to run towards the killer anyway.
Well this just confirms what we all knew - it really is all about killers now. I mean nerfs are one thing but actively changing the maps to ensure it screws one side is something else entitely.
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Rolled some people as spirit fury instasaw billy. As expected. Long killer Q times.
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I expect Killer queue times will be awful as killer/survivors players realize how lopsided the game is right now and switch to killer only and as survivors get frustrated and stop playing the game until the next patch.
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Big update, must wait... soo long
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So they really went for the PTB-Version with some of those Maps? Because from the Patchnotes they just wrote that they removed the Window on Storehouse (for example), which sounded like it is blocked off every time. Which would be a better solution than the crap on the PTB.
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Had a first game as a Solo Survivor.
Loved it, was able to basically run the killer around the whole map. I didn't notice any dead zones and the map looked so different.
I was playing in Ironworks of Misery. Can't wait to try these new maps as Killer. (Yes I am aware of the Rainbow Ranks, but I didn't notice a difference, everyone seemed to be playing as optimally as they can.)
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Welcome to deadzone by daylight though. Good lord. There were 2 pallets on one entire side of the map, and 1 of them was a crappy one?
Free wins for killer now. No wonder killer Q times are so high.
Worst update I have ever seen in this game, and there's been some pretty bad ones.
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Pallets are bugged again
Sometimes you can get stuck literally next to pallets when stunned and are forced to break them
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The Doctor Rework can be called anything, but not a Nerf, lol.
Confirmed it myself, the Storehouse still has this horrible solution.
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Played one match and I am not playing again until the high ping is fixed. I also got stuck under the hook after getting unhooked, don't know if anyone else had the same bug.
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Ironworks didn't have any deadzone issues when I tried it on the PTB. Let us know if you encounter any on other maps. I noticed them on Autohaven maps especially on the PTB.
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How does a QA team miss one of the fundamental parts of the game being bugged? lmao
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Great update!
Ive played on coldwind farm with doctor and I actually feel a fair map according to structures and pallets.
I dunno why but I felt like killers and go slower in speed and survivors speed buff when hit or using exhausting perks are like less time (maybe my imagination) but overall good. First time I dont have to play harder on a SWF game.
(They of course still spread sh1t on me)
I also had the ping problem but i didnt experienced any lag on the game neither kicked me out.
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Whole maps are deadzones now. They say they didn't reduce the number of pallets but I honestly don't believe that from what I have seen so far.
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This is going to be the urban evasion, sprint burst blendette meta. It's worse than I ever thought.
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God, that looks terrible lol. I always hated the swamp and it's even worse now.
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To be fair, this could happen before on Swamp Maps. Those can spawn with nothing in the middle, leaving the Grim Pantry Window as the only option as Survivor. But we know what happened to this.
(Because of this, Swamp was horrible for both sides... Now it is only one side...)
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Survivors complaining they cant abuse maps incoming.
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It's terrible. The dedicated servers are broken, AA can no longer be turned off, hillbilly looks dope, legion vaults are broken :(
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Played a game on Sanctum of Wrath as Legion. 1 guy started right by me and disconnected when I downed him, other 3 did 2 gens before I killed them all. When my power ran out I was helped when I saw some faint scratchmarks left by Ace so I like the change. Pallet wise I think they dropped 5? or so pallets. I was matched with 2 people 6-7 ranks above me, and 2 people ranked 3-4 ranks below me (8/9/17/18) which is a bit stupid. The rank 17 went down after not mending.
I don't think Sanctum was changed at all by the patch though.
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And also my FPS are falling like crazy
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The old Trapper intro is back, so I'm immediately enjoying this patch FAR more than other recent ones
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I've never seen a swamp this empty. There was the shack, 1-2 filler pallets, and I think a pallet under the staircase. Maybe a 4 walls (aka unsafe) jungle gym in the corner of the map, but I didn't check. That was it. There were usually 2-3 pallets in the center area, and a few rock pallets where the Jake was hooked.
There's no way the number of pallets was not reduced.
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Nice even more boring as killer, i wonder for what kind of idividuals bhvr is balancing the game around.
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Nerfed Doctor? What? They buffed him!
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I'm loving this update so far on ps4
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Legion vaults are still broken?! They didn't fix that from the PTB?
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Defending infinites in 2020? Making up stories of shadow palletnerfs?
Glad nothing changed, lets see how good this game could've been
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They also did not fix Billy. And apparently Huntress is bugged as well. Always a good sign when 2 out of 2 Killers in a Tome are bugged.
Seriously, they wanted to take 3 weeks between PTB and Live to fix stuff like this. When those Bugs are kept in the game, there is no reason to not push the Live UPdate on Friday after the PTB released on Tuesday.
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Insane fps drop. Thanks devs, keep giving us the reason to quit. :)
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I can 360 faster it’s nice especially in corn
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Just had a game where Survivors didn't even try. 2 just walked to me and 1 threw shack pallet down then AFKed.
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I've noticed that gen spawn cramped on reworked maps. I played on Mother's dwelling, Tomphson's House and Rancid Abbatoir and I had a 4-gen strat right from the beginning around the main buildings. I don't mean long 4 gen, I mean literally in LoS and TR distance. I could have just stayed there and never bothered moving.
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The doctor got nerfed? Are you in madness tier 4 or something
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Awful ping, awful offering loading screen, awful palett changes, some awful and great window changes, good gen speed changes, unwanted graphic changes aka AA, weird killer breathing and I had the feeling that my survivor was.. a bit smaller? I played dwight and thought that the camer was more down or I was a bit smaller. dk about that one.
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Its just me or you feel killer going slower i mean movement speed.
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Pale Rose can have quite the bad rng. I had layouts like the one on your pictures before the Update, nothing in the middle and just a 4 lane at the side, so I do think it's possible that you just got the worst rng.
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Well I don’t know what people were talking about on the PTB with window hits being less awful, they’re as bad as ever if not worse. Hits through windows and pallets are pretty terrible, I hear the sound of the killer’s weapon smacking wood and still get hit lmao.
Shelter Woods looks bizarre - the grass is sunk into the ground in some areas. Same with one or two Coldwind maps as well it seems.
I played Blood Lodge and it seemed fine. Fewer pallets than usual in the centre but enough to make do.
Survivor queue times were super fast my first few games, I’m talking 20 seconds. They’ve increased over the last hour as more people play I guess, but even then it’s only up to a minute.
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Horrible upgrade as a survivor, almost no pallets, smaller maps, high ping, side-by-side engines, deadzones, hits at 20 meters. Free games for the killer
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Windows hits were definitely better for me on the PTB. Currently, people are constantly getting very high ping , are you having the same issue?
My ping went from 60-90 to 180- 200, it wasn't like this before.
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My ping was consistently in the low 30s pre-patch. Now it’s between 30 and 50 and a bit less stable (going from 32 to 48 and back), but that’s a tiny difference.
I think the game may be assigning people to different servers. I’m pretty sure I was on London before and Germany now, which would explain it.
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almost like how it was for killers not too long ago.
It really is one way or the other isn't it
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Read the “changes from the ptb” part. The only thing they changed after Marths video was the ironworks, which was the one bad for killer. The rest of the notes are just what was on the ptb.
They also added more breakable walls to saloon which im guessing was to address the infinite there. Thats good and all but some of the loops in the ptb were suicide for survivors and yet they remain unchanged. The groaning storehouse was so bad it was literally unuseable with one spawn because you would have to run around into it and then around out of it and the door was right next to it anyway.
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nothing has changed for killer imo still just get gen rushed
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i like playing wraith, and playing him today felt so goddamn sluggish
i feel like they shadow nerfed him because his cloak and uncloak animations feel much longer than before... guess im not playing him for 5 weeks :/
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3 games on red ranks as a solo survivor
all of them were full red ranks games. yes, believe it or not: killers and survivors all in red!
wretched shop against huntress. 1k, she camped the last person. the map felt empty on one side but I just avoided being caught there
temple against oni, another 1k, obsession moried because of rancor. this map is SO SMALL NOW, shack is almost inside the temple!
lerrys against doc, 2k, camped the last one and caught the second in a kamikaze unhooking failed mission. not apply
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Played one round, closed the game. Now patiently awaiting a fix for the godawful anti-aliasing.
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Played a few games on both sides, ps4.
The killer sensitivity change is a big plus.
For some reason every match its like someone played the purple extra mist offering. Its great really makes the game feel spookier than normal I hope they leave it.
Games seem more fair.
Only downside so far is i got unhooked on lerys between two bunk beds, and got stuck. Couldn't get out, the asshat demogorgon came and downed me, couldn't crawl out, got healed, couldn't get out again, downed and hooked, then when unhooked again I was free. That was the coolest dbd ever.