So many people complain about NOED I complain about it when its becoming an issue

So the point is NOED is easily Counterable

Do the bones

Detectives Hunch

Small Game

Rainbow Map


But NOED rewards bad killer gameplay because the killer didn't prevent the gens from being finished they chase a survivor not thinking about their main objective and yes gen rushing is a problem but their are perks that prevent gen rushing like

  • Discordance
  • Corrupt Intervention
  • Thrilling Tremors
  • And Ruin

if anything killers should earn NOED they don't have to just get the ability Like Snap just like that you need to work for it like Devour Hope so it should be reworked to where in endgame the maximum of tokens are up to 4 and each token is consumed per survivor knocked down then when they all are consumed the only way to get them back up is by hooking them again to regain the token

Ok now the killer POV

So perks Like Decisive Strike and Adrenaline are rewarded to survivors for doing their objective Decisive Strike encourages survivors to volunteer to get hooked so they can give others time do objectives and heal. And Decisive Punishes Tunnelers and campers its absolute bull crap that killers do this and Killer mains alway say it should be removed just because you tunnel that one survivor? Wow pathetic

adrenaline is reasonable to get nerfed its being overused and its just hard to deal with as long NOED gets its nerf so should adrenaline because they are overused make adrenaline only give you the health upgrade and no speed boost

same with NOED just remove the speed hoost

honestly i hope i Don't get comments like

haha cute trap shut up by ||| a Baby legion main cause that ######### gets annoying as hell.

Do you guys agree?

and don't post just ######### comments cause this community is toxic enough i just want to know your guy's opinion :D


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Noed doesn't need a nerf. Like seriously. It does not. Unless you count a "Totem count" thingy as nerfing it, then yes.

    And Adrenaline could use a little nerf on how it works (when healthy you get sprint burst, when injured you heal a state). And thats' pretty much it.

    Oh also

    honestly i hope i Don't get comments like haha cute trap shut up by ||| a Baby legion main cause that [BAD WORD] gets annoying as hell.

    This kinda makes (atleast me) don't wannt comment on posts... so yeah.

  • TotemAreMeButCool12
    TotemAreMeButCool12 Member Posts: 14

    Yeah well sorry if your uncomfortable commenting but thank you for reading though :)

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    "NOED rewards bad killer gameplay"

    Just like Decisive strike or Iron will.

  • TotemAreMeButCool12
    TotemAreMeButCool12 Member Posts: 14

    Okay so Decisive Strike becomes available when unhooked. decisive won't favor the survivor as long as its disabled so things i can help you with how to counter it

    • Slugging may be the only option. you cant afford to waste time on ONE survivor you need to pressure the generators
    • If they stay in a locker leave them they themselves will be pressured whether to exit or not
    • If your trying to secure a hook wait until they are unhooked then pick them up and hook them again you must be directly at the hook
    • Iron will is countered by hearing them closely hearing grass or sprinting or walking remember that iron will isnt like MOM they can still die

    also decisive doesn't reward bad gameplay it simply gives them the chance to escape when being tunneled i wouldn't recommend you doing that it rewards a safe gameplay NOED rewards bad gameplay because Killers failed to pressure the generators and focused on that ONE survivor

    And iron will award the survivors if they are willing to refuse to heal if your seeing this often in your game use bloodhound

    you just need to expect alot of ds's survivors dont really like to be tunneled or camped so you cant really blame them and no they dont reward bad gameplay Only Prove Thyself and Head Onn

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    ds and iron will does reward bad gameplay. You get knocked down and you get rewarded by breaking free with ds also just because you got knocked down does not mean you where being tunneled(especially when most people run ds). You get hit, you get a speed boost, killer is stunned, now the search begins again but you crouch in tall grass the killer would rely on hearing you but you get rewarded by getting hit you no longer make no noise.NOED rewards you the ability to down late game if you cant kill them before (it is cheap) but there are perks on both sides that are strong that reward bad gameplay.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    ''But NOED rewards bad killer gameplay because the killer didn't prevent the gens from being finished they chase a survivor not thinking about their main objective and yes gen rushing is a problem but their are perks that prevent gen rushing like''

    • Discordance
    • Corrupt Intervention
    • Thrilling Tremors
    • And Ruin

    Alright out of these perk only Corrupt is usefull, the 3 others work in a way that don't relly slow gens

    Discordance, This don't slow gens, It just help you know where survivors are. Yes, that mean I know where to put pressure, but if 2 survivor work on a gen while I chase someone I wont care. Let not forget survivor do better when they all work on differant gens. That not a bad perk, but it not a a slowdown perk either.

    Corrupt is the best out of the 4 you mentioned, it mendatory on set up killer. It become a useless perk after it effect end too, and it questionable on others killer. Losing a perk for the rest of the game is risky. as setup killer too it worh as your game are likely to go well the longer they are and 2 minutes is good

    Thrilling Tremors sound extremly good on paper, you know what the issues? Chances are if you a picking up a survivor, the others are working on a gen or trying a save, so you eithr block gen when no one want to do them or gens wont be blocked at all.

    Ruin is a better Thrilling Tremors, dosen't make it good too. It regress generator that aren't work on. so... Ruin is good to capitalise on the moment you manage to stop the gen rush. BUT it wont help you reach that state. You still have no tools to stop the gen rush, Ruin help capitalise the moment no one on gen, and that rare... Oh an it an Hex. a very weak perk to be an hex imo.

    Yes killer go tools to slow the game down, but most those tools have questionable usefulness,requirement or downside.

    ''So perks Like Decisive Strike and Adrenaline are rewarded to survivors for doing their objective Decisive Strike encourages survivors to volunteer to get hooked so they can give others time do objectives and heal. And Decisive Punishes Tunnelers and campers its absolute bull crap that killers do this and Killer mains alway say it should be removed just because you tunnel that one survivor? Wow pathetic''

    okay, first, what a nice delusional survivor main.

    now let analyse that.

    I don't have problem with adrenaline and agree it reward survivor doing objective, however, there objective are questionably easy to do and killer lack tools to stop them. Anyway, you wont have problem if you run NOED since it counter Adrenaline.

    Now, Decisive Strike rewarding survivor for doing their objectives? Wow, do you honestly believe this? That sound as stupid as saying ''NoED reward Killer for doing their objectives'' No letting the other team doing there objectives aint completing your.

    Survivors don't colunteer to get hooked. Killer catch them and temporaly remove 1 survivor from the game, if anything getting hook mean 2 people have to go off gens, your slowing down your objectif that not helping. Plus, if your volunteering to get chase good killer will ignore you, you clearly wont be the team weaker looper, your acomplishing nothing but lie to tell yourself. OH yea, going on hook to give your team time to heal?...Look im a killer main and I can tell this is a stupid mindset. If someone need to heal you need to delay the next hook, otherwise no one gonna be on gens or a slug incoming.

    DS give a 1 minute immunity to being picked up each time you go down the hook until it used, You do nothing to earn it. The game don't care if you looped the killer for 1 min, 10 second or if you were afk when you got caught. you get the DS anyway.

    ''And Decisive Punishes Tunnelers and campers its absolute bull crap that killers do this and Killer mains alway say it should be removed just because you tunnel that one survivor? Wow pathetic'''

    alright let me do the same but for killer okay?

    ''And NOED punishes gen rusher, it absolute bull crap that survivor do this and survivors mains alway say it should be removed just becasue you gen rush? Wow Pathetic''

    If your okay with Gen rushing existing you should accept the fact killer should be allowed to tunnel. You don't deserve a 1 min immunity. if your teamate unhooked you in a bad situation that suck but guess what? he did a mistake and mistake are punished by the killer. They should'nt have to slug you for a whole minute just cause you happend to be in weak state or because your teamate did a stupid unhook.

    With noed you can just do bones or brute force to the exist, if you have DS even if I slug and do the best play I can around the fact I can pick you up, I lose a Whole minute anyway. no matter the situation, the game don't care if you were healing behind a rock and I had nurse calling 30 seconds after the un hook. Ds reward stupid play and make you way to much safe.

  • TotemAreMeButCool12
    TotemAreMeButCool12 Member Posts: 14

    Well i know there was some things you don't agree with that's completely fine but um it's different for me because i don't play PC its REALLY different for me because i play switch cause its underrated so I hope i didn't trigger you in any way also id like to thank your for moderating my question i know i may not he smart but this is just how I say things so im sorry :)

  • TotemAreMeButCool12
    TotemAreMeButCool12 Member Posts: 14

    hope i Don't leave anything that might not be smart but i am thankful that there wasnt any ruthless people here that decide to b!tch ahout stuff

  • TotemAreMeButCool12
    TotemAreMeButCool12 Member Posts: 14

    Also my user got confused with this one so oof