Detail Mode for Perks/Addons/Offerings

Hey all!
I'm sure this has been requested before, but I'd really like the ability to see some actual percentages on perks, addons, offerings, abilities, etc.
Currently it's really inconsistent: perks like Botany Knowledge say that they increase healing speed by a percentage while items like medkits say they 'slightly/moderately/considerably/tremendously' increase healing speed; I really wish there were a mode that replaced all of those keywords with percentages or numbers...
I understand that the numbers may be counterintuitive - IE, action speed being plugged into a formula that means just because something is increased by 33% doesn't mean it's exactly 1/3 faster, and multiple speed bonuses stacking in weird ways, but I think that putting these options in an 'advanced mode' would make it clear that the numbers aren't necessarily 100% accurate, and it would make deciding how to spend bloodpoints and which addons to use SO much easier...
I think this would be met with a lot more positive attention than BHVR currently believes... Every stream I go to I see at least one comment about it, and some addons are potentially overlooked because they say they only 'slightly' increase something when in reality the difference between using and not using the addon is VERY noticeable...
Thanks for your time!