Facecamping Isn't Toxic



  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    so even tbagging at gate isnt taking game hostage cause egc is up.

  • CJ46
    CJ46 Member Posts: 54

    you could just say leave a survivor tea-bagging and go for someone else and that survivor isn't being toxic, i'm sorry but if you believe killers can't be toxic you're mistaken, body blocking, tunneling, farming and camping are all toxic

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    It's not my fault their opinion was legitimately worthless.

    "Facecamping isn't toxic." - I think we all know that something that completely disables a person from playing the game they paid for and queued for, just like you, while eliminating their ability to gain points and tanking their rank - completely outside of their control - is toxic. This isn't even a question up for debate. It's a fact.

    "I am a believer that Killers in general are unable to be toxic." - both sides are fully capable of being toxic.Just because someone plays a Killer, which has an inherent sense of immorality, doesn't mean that as a player they cannot perform their functions in a toxic manner. This is a thinly veiled scapegoat for unsportsmanlike behavior, and a pretty pathetic one at that.

    "If the Killer is Facecamping, leave them to it and go do gens." - this solution is barely viable and typically results in only 2 people escaping. Even then, they get terrible points and potentially depip because camping eliminates two significant objectives needed to generate points and pips for both side, but effects survivors more because their point structure is shared.

    "...everything a Killer does can be countered by competent Survivors." - this is a fallacy. The most competent of survivors cannot do anything to save a teammate against an insta-down, face camping Killer. The idea of "just don't get caught", for how to avoid face camping, is the most ignorant statement someone can make. Killers are designed to catch survivors and survivors are designed to be caught. If the game didn't work this way, it wouldn't be very fun.

    Nothing this person said was based in anything other than their own lack of empathy or conscience. I have no interest in really debating a narcissistic sociopath. This is, however, an open forum. Where I have every right to tell them their viewpoint failed to even meet the minimum requirements for consideration. 👍️

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Well, you are not going to win anyone over who has an opinion that isn't in line with you. They will dismiss your opinion as much as you do with theirs. Making your contribution ultimately pointless.

    Facecamping is a strategy. Not a fun or particularly good strategy, but it is in the game, and the devs are not going to change it. Is it toxic? Not really. Sure, one person doesnt have fun, but it isn't particularly fun for killer either (at least for me). I suppose it depends on the context. Early, Mid game? Definitely can be. Endgame with doors open? Not really. The killer is in a position where they just want at least 1 kill, and all they can do is try to defend it.

    You are right there, both sides can be toxic, but it is much easier for one side to be toxic than the other, at least from my experience. The perks offered to survivors (second chance and exhaustion perks) give them the leeway to be toxic and use them toxically. Killers can't really do that. Sure, they can slug, but survivors have 2 perks to counter that, and an entire build that predicates being slugged (boil over, flip flop, Unbreakable, and tenacity). Sure, they can facecamp, but they have BT and DS. Sure, they can tunnel, but it isn't like it hurts them in the long run, especially since the survivor gets extra points, and the killer gets next to nothing in return if they are a good looper. And Sure, they have NOED Bloodwarden and moris, but survivors can counter that with a key/ disabling the relevant totem.

    Not really. It takes 2 minutes for a hooked individual to die. That is 2 minutes free to do gens. Sure, 1 might be curious about the killer, but that is 2 people dedicated towards gens. That can get 2 gens done and another 2 halfway there.

    Killers inherently prey on survivor mistakes. If survivors don't make mistakes, then killers can't take advantage of them. The only one who can is Nurse, who can force mistakes through brute force, but she is the exception, not the rule. Saying just don't get caught is just saying play more stealthily to avoid the worst outcome. Looping should not be the default, but the secondary tactic to rely on (at least in my opinion).

    They may have a lack of empathy, but that alone should not discredit what they say. You claim he is all of these nasty things, but ad hominem attacks really only make you look bad (in a debate standpoint. It shows that you are forced to insult someone's personality/traits instead of actually debating what he is saying). Use this level of description in your reply to me instead of just insulting them outright.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    It's honestly so baffling that someone really believes toxicity doesn't exist within their faction. slugging someone to purposely let them bleed out is toxic, facecamping is toxic af when it's early game, repeatedly hitting someone on hook is toxic, bodyblocking a survivor into a corner and not downing them is toxic and reportable.

    Notice how all the toxic things a killer is capable of doing has a direct impact on the match, survivors being toxic has no direct impact on your game as killer, I'm not endorsing survivors being toxic but killers being toxic harms the game way more than someone repeatedly pressing ctrl and M2.

    Tunneling and camping is scummy in the early stages of the game, but when it's late game idc. Killers killing survivors isnt toxic, like no survivor has ever said killers killing is toxic, it's just nobody likes dealing with killers who can't keep their seething hatred and rage from their last match in check and they take it out on innocent players. Gen rushing honestly is not even toxic, with this new patch I do gens like my life depends on it (that's because my life does depend on it) because of how quickly chases end because of the massive deadzones on maps.

    This is the most biased and ignorant post I've ever read. If anyone thinks his claim, "Killers can't be toxic" is debatable you are very much mistaken. It's a multiplayer game, all players have the capability to "play for salt", your claim is objectively wrong.