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Unintentional dc + penalty


Lately people including myself have been getting "disconnected from host" and earning matchmaking locks for insane amounts of time, and my internet is perfectly fine. I remain in my playstation party yet i keep getting removed from the game. They need to fix this ive spent so much time and money on this game to not be allowed to play it.


  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Some streamers have just had the game crash and been banned for something unavoidable. It's something that has to be lived with for now.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    This has been a common issue for a lot of players since the DC Penalty was introduced. There isn't much about what they're going to do about it, so I can't really tell you something that's reassuring or helpful in your situation.

    You're not the first to suggest a change with unintentional DCing not giving penalties, but there hasn't been much feedback on that suggest, nor does it seem possible for the penalty to discern a crash from an intentional DC at this time. It might not even be possible, it's not entirely known right now. I always say that I hope something improves with this certain issue, but that's honestly the best I can do for you at this time.