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Back from a long break: What have I missed?

Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
edited May 2020 in Ask the Community

I just got back into Dead By daylight after not playing since mid March.

I know about the new map changes, whilst it will take time getting used to it was needed for the killer's perspective.

Due to the below post I know about the sensitivity changes, these changes have made playing killer really difficult. I was a rank 1 killer, now I play like a rank 20 struggling to control their killer. As a survivor I'm liking the new sensitivity so far.

Is there anything else I may missed such as, has MMR been introduced yet?


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    Some players suggest that you change your sensitivity from 100% to 50%. They claim 100% is double the amount the original 100% was, so 50% is about the same as it was before. I personally don't really notice a difference at 100% or 50%, but that's just me.

    Also no, the match-making system has yet to see changes with the new skill-based concept that was introduced awhile back. We also haven't heard much about it since that post, so there isn't anything new to report. Besides that though, there hasn't been anything drastic since the mid-chapter update that happened a few days ago. I might've missed something, but from what I can see there hasn't been anything note-worthy since Mid-March to now, the only thing that's note-worthy at the moment is the new update that you're already aware of.

    Sometimes when you leave for a bit, some things will stay the same for awhile. This seems to be one of those cases, as the two hot-fixes don't really describe anything massive being changed. The only thing that you might want to know is that some Killers like Michael Myers are experiencing a bug, this bug makes their breathing and footsteps a lot louder and more discernable from farther away. There hasn't been much evidence to support this, but a few players have been talking about this issue.

    Also, some of the animation bugs that came from the 3.7.0 PTB are still present in the LIVE game, one of these is Billies animations when in his chain-saw sprint, hitting Survivors, stopping his sprint, and some other small things as well. Other small animation changes are not really note-worthy. Don't fret though, as far as I know this wasn't an intentional change. It should be back to normal in the next hotfix.