Putting this NOED totem discussion to rest



  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Inner Strength was underrated at launch (I started running it immediately after release) but I think now a lot of people are starting to use it. Personally I'm surprised they haven't already added a totem counter.

    The perk idea I had was meant to slow down gens early game and lessen the use of noed without actually needing the perk.

  • TheOneTrueTristan
    TheOneTrueTristan Member Posts: 85

    In a perfect world, you wouldn't have to rely heavily on your teammates pulling their weight in *any* online multiplayer game. Shame its not the world we live.

    I do appreciate you looking out for the little guy (solo survivors) tho, but if there are any solo survivors on this forum who have a problem with the power of solo survivors vs NOED, they should either realize they're in a forum that is not just for complaining or accept the fact they are choosing to hinder themselves concerning the thing they have the biggest problem with.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I only cleanse if I'm running a dedicated totem build or I recognisethe killer's playstyle/cosmetics and know they're a noed/devour user

    Otherwise I just try to memorise them. A good killer wont give you the time to waste on totems so spending the total rime of trying to find one + cleanse time is better spent on gens. Especially solo. cant trust anyone to do gens but yourself

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    No, I support everyone's right to play how they want.

    Just not my style.

    Was having a little fun with the post, no need to be so serious about it.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
    edited May 2020

    Lets be honest here, NOED is fine.

    Survivors just feel entitled to escape at the endgame - and have their little teabag party in the exit gate - so they find NOED offensive.

    I don't even run it because I don't want to be down a perk all game, but eh.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Sorry but no.. this doesnt put it to rest. As a solo survivor, unless you bring Detectives Hunch or a Rainbow Map, there's absolutely no way you can tell how many totems your team cleansed. This forces every single survivor to search for 5 totems with the mentality that none have been cleansed. Thus resulting in everyone wasting time searching for totems that could have already been cleansed.

    While you're correct, they take 70 seconds to cleanse.. What you're failing to factor in is the amount of time it takes to find said totems which could easily be double the amount of time it takes to repair all 5 gens. Especially if you have those 1 or 2 rogue totems that were blessed by the entity to spawn in ridiculous spots.

  • StutteringSpartan
    StutteringSpartan Member Posts: 254

    I don’t understand why you don’t bother with totems unless you run a specific build, you’re telling me you don’t have a spare 14 seconds? I’m not saying you should go out of your way to find them. Simply running to a gen, going for a unhook, being chased by the killer you’ll spot a totem lol.

    I seriously don’t get the survivor logic when playing solo

  • StutteringSpartan
    StutteringSpartan Member Posts: 254

    You don’t need to know how many has been cleansed, it’s no different to survivors ignoring them and then NOED becomes activated. So many people are using that as their base argument.

    One survivor will probably pass at least 1-2 totems during the game at minimum. Whether it’s from running to a gen, unhook, looping the killer. Simply having the outlook of ‘I’ll check the jungle gym I just passed’ while running to another gym reduces the risk of NOED being activated massively. If all survivors did this you’ve reduced the risk of NOED by 90%. that 10% being a sneaky totem.

  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204

    I Get what you're trying to say, I really do. But I feel you get played by noed often due to how defensive you get.

    I pretty much always escape noed matches and to be quite frank with you. All you gotta do is keep an eye out for LIT totems. If your team runs by a lit totem and does not cleanse it thats in your team and you

    Its lit. Stop pretending you have to do all 4. One of you are going to run past a lit totem. It stands out. Its like you don't wanna be wrong and instead live in a fallacy. Its easy to counter in an already gen rushed game. And if u guys go back for your friends solo or SWF while NOED is up. Again that's on you.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I tried that as well, but what ends up happening is that I have to figure out what totem has NOED and more likely than not, will be enough time for the killer to catch a survivor. Even worse, I might be the survivor the killer is chasing and since I didn't do bones (your strategy), the killer will hook me and will be at the mercy of my solo queue teammates.

    It would be nice to think there's a perfect solution to countering NOED, but in solo queue, simple things are made difficult. I literally have no faith in my teammates, so I do my best to cleanse totems before the last generator is completed. At least there's a possibility that my teammates did something to disable NOED.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited May 2020

    That 14 seconds can male all the difference against an actually good killer.

    When i play solo gens are 100% my focus. the time spent running around trying to find tots can potentially be longer than 1 entire gen solo. If ratjer chance that on my teammates being competent in chases and keep that time where it matters. like the final gen or exit gates.