Entity block on vaults are invisible

Fridienaut Member Posts: 2

It seems that since the latest patch on PC the entity block on windows don't show up, despite the window being blocked.

If the killer uses bamboozle, the window is blocked but you cannot see it.

The same thing applies to cruel limits as well as the normal block from overusing a vault in chase.

I went into custom games with some friends to test all of these methods out and it was the same every time. All of us, including the one who played killer, could not see the entity block on the window.

Unfortunately i don't have footage but it is super easy to recreate, any kind of perk or action that blocks windows have the same effect right now. You can still hear the sound but if you don't pick up on it it could easily get you killed since it looks like you can still vault. With this it is of course pretty much impossible to keep track of when the window or vault is no longer blocked.

Please make sure to fix this issue as soon as possible.

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