The DC Penalty And Why It Isn't Healthy For DBD

DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
edited May 2020 in General Discussions


ALSO PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT I AM SAYING. Many people just go into the comments blaming me for the penalties when I've constantly said to people that I have good internet and no particular problems with my game. Rather, it's the other people who lose connection that I feel for. I've lost connection and received bans for fighting games before, and I know how it feels to be falsely punished.

I should probably also point out that I play on PS4, not PC. Many people are getting confused about that.


The DC penalty, most people have experienced it whether it be from exiting a match, losing connection, or the game crashing, but that's just it. The penalty doesn't affect dcing as much as it affects poor connection or the game dying, meaning innocent players will receive bans for unfair reasons. Not just that, but the game is in such a 50/50 state that it could almost be considered early access by some. A game that has been out for 4 years, has over two thousand dollars worth of dlc, and is riddled with glitches is...not good?

I mean, the game is stable, but it's foundation is weak, and the path it is taking can closely resemble that of DayZ, a game that has been in early access for years upon years. The only difference between the two is one isn't glitch infested and doesn't have a month's pay worth of dlc.

With all that being said, this game does need a dc penalty, but the state the game is in, and how the penalty was implemented is bad. The penalty should at the very least reset over a period of a week. Or even just go back by one penalty period.

These posts are repetitive, but they pinpoint a huge issue that is plaguing the game, and if it doesn't get fixed, then much of the playerbase (that's even left) will always be left with a "sour taste" in their mouths.


Please be civil in the comments. Danke.

Post edited by DetailedDetriment on


  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773
    edited May 2020

    Agreed. All DC penalties do is punish those who have poor connection or bug out, or they are stuck in super toxic games and they just don't want too deal with it. I've gotten some penalties like when I'm survivor and i'm getting nothing but farmed all game, or killer the gens get done in 3 minutes. Plus as survivor you don't even need too quit, you just suicide on hook and boom, no penalty. It's such an obvious oversight that it makes it worse that BHVR won't do anything about it.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Why can't it have a system like Last Year where you get 3 strikes then you're out? Plus survivors don't have a way too get around the penalty by just suiciding, in that game you HAVE too take a punishment. In DBD as survivor you literally just ######### on first hook 1 minute into the game and boom, avoided a penalty.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Well, EAC went nuts last night and booted me out of a lobby. I did get 5k BP for it, which was odd. No idea if there was a timer, since I had to validate my files. I've also heard if your game crashes, you don't get a timer, outside of a match that is. My husband has crashed a couple of times recently between loading screens, and he wasn't punished for it. From all that I've seen, most of the time actual game crashes occur then for folks. Mid-game crashing seems more on the rare side, apart from people's internet bleeping out. You're right about bugs occurring during game though. I've gotten stuck a few times now, and the only thing that fixes it is being downed by the killer.

    People still quit if they want to. They just suicide on hook, and sometimes openly run to the killer to do so. I will stay in a game 'till the bitter end, so this doesn't effect me much. It does suck when I think for a bit we're playing a normal game, and then someone suicides. At least with DC, I know what's what.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited May 2020

    A dc penalty needs to exist, but the game just isn't able to properly handle one. Or at least not the one that is currently implemented.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    I just die on hook if I don't feel like playing a boring/decided match. Not going to waste my time trying super hard for 15 minutes only to have my team stick it in my azz at the last second. Nah, I'm good man. Next game.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I see a lot of people saying stuff like this: that there should be a reconnect feature. I don't even see what would be the harm in letting people reconnect after disconnecting. It would keep people from being able to DC just to spite the killer and deny him a hook or whatever on top of being more forgiving for people with bad internet. They should have it be like League of Legends does it, where you can't play another game on your account until the game you disconnected from is over, and until it finishes all you get is a "Reconnect" button on your screen.

    As for the DC penalties themselves, I'm in the same boat as some of these other people. I'd rather eat a 5 minute soft ban once in a long while and know that people that are really disconnecting on purpose aren't getting to do it anymore. Either way, the thing with most online games, is that you shouldn't honestly be playing a lot of "competitive" ones with poor connection, unless you're just a glutton for punishment. I have almost never crashed in DbD, save for a couple rare times, so waiting 5 minutes if that ever happens again is well worth it.

    People still continue to blatantly disconnect. Perfect example, I was playing a survivor game (that wasn't even going that badly) and this Jake on my team just tried killing himself off first hook. I was able to run up and save him as he went into struggle so he didn't just instantly die, and then he decided to just disconnect right then and there being taken off the hook instead.

    I'll continue to have this viewpoint until the day that stops.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    You may see it as it's unfair to punish someone that has poor internet connection but it's also unfair that your dc ruins the experience of all the other players in that game.

    It isn't their responsibility for you to have a good connection, it is yours and if it has come to a point that it's really hindering you from playing the game then you really need to consider fixing your connection before you continue to play.

    This would probably solve alot of issues.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited May 2020

    I personally don't have internet problems, but the amount of daily players is constantly decreasing because of this system. The game is enjoyable, but it seems with every new update or implemented feature, a problem arises.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    He just summarized that you were complaining about something that isn't a problem. If you don't dc and get connection errors every other day or so the penalty should already be gone when you come back online but if you dc all the time then complain about getting big penaltys when your internet cuts out its your own fault you cheated people out of games by dcing so this is your just reward. Also $2000 worth of dlc of which you might only use $40 at most to play the game on one side or around $90 for both.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    DC penalty is good for the game. It was terrible before it.

    That being said. I am currently waiting for my matchmaking to be unlocked because when I got picked up by the killer an error popped up saying EAC something something... And closed my game. And now I have to wait 5 minutes. Maybe we should fix the buggy game before we enforce such penalties xD

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    The point is that the devs had the time to draw up thousands of dollars worth of cosmetics but spend half that time on game health.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Husks should've be added by now. No idea what the hold up is. Probably just coding.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    That's average, not overall. But it's a good estimate.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    around every other cosmetic is also just a recolor or slight retexture of a similar cosmetic. There are tons of originals but they usually come out in pairs of two for example bunny feng min. Also visual design and coding a video game are two different things. Of course making a 3d model will take less time that coding every map to have breakable walls especially if they already have the idea for the design or a baseline to go off of. None of the cosmetic dlc is forced also you buy it if you want it.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    it also shows that people aren't leaving just because they don't like being banned for dcing too much.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited May 2020

    Sure, but most of the players aren't new. Rather, they are people who originally dropped the game and decided to give it another chance (excluding all of 2016, 2018 and early 2019).

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    You don't know that and even if that is true it is irrelevant to the point which is DC penalties have not decreased the playerbase at all and you could argue it might have played a part in increasing it instead.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    The fact of the matter is the player count isn't increasing really at all, it's slowly dropping as some people don't come back at all.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    Dc penalties are healthy for this game. I have had 1 dc penalty for 5 minutes from a small outage but never again. Literally only stops people like you who want to dc every game with no penalty.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    If you can play matches why do you care the penalty has seemingly done nothing but good so why question it. The more toxic members of the community who just wanted to dc and ruin every match are lowering and full matches are being played out more often rather than just becoming a 3v1 although it still happens

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    First of all, there is obviously no way to physically simulate a network crash or to use the pc to simulate a game crash... oh yea you can do both!!!!! Please tell me how it would be easy for an automated system know the difference between an intentional network outage, or client crash? no you can't. without the dc penalties i've seen people dc multiple matches in a row, leaving their teammates to win without them. and they STREAMED it... didn't give a damn about it just kept doing it. one time it was 10 matches in a row. some of the reasons? "I don't like this killer." "the killer nodded at me" "The killer came back to the hook but didn't chase me" "I got tunneled" that's just some of the crap she said herself ON STREAM. people like this are why they are NECESSARY!

    Also there is a case about the client crashes that SOME people get, but till they start sending in their logs to behavior and the proper tickets put in so it can be looked at so we can find out what is wrong. I know two people that can play games like dbd but not dbd. I know people like myself that have a problem once in a blue moon, and I know people that have issues when there is an update. I've run into a few with network issues, but rarely. I have lag issues when i'm playing with friends in sweeden but rarely when i'm in the usa with friends, even across the country. Windows varies from computer to computer, because of the model of computer, the age of the computer, the age of the video card, the last time windows had maintenance done to it. all of these are factors in both client crashes as well as network drops. I've seen people running programs to keep their drivers up to date but the programs they are using are known trojans and viruses as well as link to sites that are infected with viruses. We need to stop blaming the game and send the information in and figure out what it is and FIX everything! and you might find dbd isn't as bad as you say it is.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    So you would punish 10 innocents in case you get 1 real quitter instead? That is a healthy mindset.

    Another issue I see with this argument: People on the forums are nothing like in game. These people here are really... whiny... whereas people I actually play with don't really care (they do, they just don't whine). Maybe that is an Xbox thing, but I don't think so. I think a minority of people actually stay on the forums.

    It would only fall apart because they made their game unfun. Like old Ruin, DC penalties only cover up the issue, not fix it (the issue this case being general game balance for fun). And, on top of that, they encourage people to kill themselves on hook instead, which is just a work around. If people want to leave, they will find a way to do it.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited May 2020

    What data do you have that it's because of the DC penalty system? DbD's numbers on steamcharts have been holding well. Are they starting to have a slight (emphasis on slight) decline now? Yes. And it was expected by many of us to be coming. Why? Because States in the U.S., and other countries as well, are relaxing the quarantine and opening things back up bit by bit. People are going to start heading outside more again, especially with summer just about here.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    first of all, it's not 10 innocents for 1 guilty. the dc problem was much more than a 10 to one.. it was more like 10 dcs to 5-7 non intententional dcs. but people look for ways around this as posts like this always show. "I can't possibly have my internet intentionally disconnect" "video of streamer reaching over to their router and turning it off" (not a real situation but it can be and it's been questionable at times). This is the problem with this no one here knows where the problem really lies, to be honest I know it has caused a rise of first hook kills but you know what? that isn't cheating. cheating is using any means outside of the rules to gain advantage or change in game that benefits you or is a detriment to the others in the game. So disconnecting was done to circumvent the ranking system when it worked (by deranking faster) so you'd be matched against easier opponents. and it utilized a command outside of the match functionality where as struggling or choice not to struggle as well as trying to get off the hook are all possibilities in the match!

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    @DetailedDetriment why should all the other people be punished for your poor internet connection or sub par PC ? I have played this game for 2 years and haven't had a game breaking issue that I would need to dc for.

  • zone_dymo
    zone_dymo Member Posts: 93

    "The DC penalty, most people have experienced whether it be from exiting a match, losing connection, or the game crashing, but that's just it. The penalty doesn't affect dcing as much as it affects poor connection or the game dying, meaning innocent players will receive bans for unfair reasons."

    Game crashing is really an issue on your end, update your PC

    Losing connection during a match is also more then anything on your end, if you have unstable internet then you need to address that, other players should not suffer under your problems.

  • MyersIsPantless
    MyersIsPantless Member Posts: 104

    I agree because one time I was playing kate and my screen froze when a hag hit me with franklins and my dbd restarted to the main screen where it takes a couple of seconds to load into the main menu....well.....That counted as a DC so I got a penalty from it.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    as I would normally agree with you, but there are times where it is the game or EAC that cause the issue but they are in the true minority. usually the errors that cause program crashes are: Hardware failing or failures, software instabilities introduced by other programs running, game code executions and even incorrect network connections causing the instability. many people don't know that they are running lots of programs, and think oh, i'm only running my steam, dbd, windows and discord... but what they forget is windows is running 100's of programs, steam is running programs other than just the client. even dbd is running EAC in the background. all those have to fight for attention and any one of them could cause issues.

    however, there are errors in the code of the dbd main program that can happen to cause issues though, i will not say it is only on the pc's end but i'd say 80/20 or 90/10 pc/game only issues.

  • afroboi
    afroboi Member Posts: 69

    yeah i have 3 accounts cause my pc isnt the best and it crashes alot on my main account so i family shared i dont like doing this but i also dont want to wait 72 hours and after 30 minutes i crash again

  • afroboi
    afroboi Member Posts: 69

    yeah but when your game crashes like 20 times it will be 72 hours

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    This is CORRECT! I couldn't agree more. To go into a game as killer get a grab, or God forbid win mind game in the first chase with some1, and Bam a DC then you know you will black pip as best. I have been banned up to 15 min for game crashes on DBD side and I'm happy to wait it out knowing that when some crybaby does it they WILL NOT get away with it anymore. And guess what? I hardly see that crap anymore. At least if they kill themselves I still have my stacks

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Get better internet or better hardware and don't ruin countless matches for other players. I like the DC penalties.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I modified the saying to make it relevant. Doesn't take away from the point. What a great mindset to have.

    That isnt cheating. Well you are right, it is not cheating, but the spirit of what the survivor wants is still there. They still get to leave the game early, and they screw over their teammates. And keep their points. The purist win/lose scenario for everyone but the hook suicider.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    You literally showed him official data and he's still denying it somehow :/

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It sucks for people who get unfairly punished, I know. Luckily I've only had it happen to me once. But it still had to happen. It had gotten to the point where there was a DC almost every match from one side or the other, the community didn't really leave the devs much choice.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    You use developers in a way that implies they are very flexible.

    It's not a single team that decides what they want to do, there's multiple teams that make up BHVR such as programmers, artists, and level designers. These teams, of course, specialize in their own categories and can't be forced to do anything they aren't qualified for. 😄

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    This guy over here thinking that the people who make cosmetics are the same people who fix bugs.