The DC Penalty And Why It Isn't Healthy For DBD



  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    Why is the dc penalty such a problem for some people? Don't dc or if you have really bad internet don't play online games and ruin it for everyone.

  • xiozen
    xiozen Member Posts: 61

    /sigh... so many issues with the OP I'm not even sure where to begin:

    "The DC penalty, most people have experienced whether it be from exiting a match, losing connection, or the game crashing, but that's just it." - proof that most people have experienced...? Easy to say, now please provide facts to back up this comment.

    "The penalty doesn't affect dcing as much as it affects poor connection or the game dying, meaning innocent players will receive bans for unfair reasons." - proof please that dcing affects poor connection or game dying... where innocent (how do you know they are innocent?) players receiving bans....??? facts please.

    "Not just that, but the game is in such a 50/50 state that it could almost be considered early access by some."... who? please post your source.

    "I mean, the game is stable, but it's foundation is weak"... ah, so you have access to the games code? if not, how can you know that the "foundation is weak"...and what exactly do you mean by weak?

    "he penalty should at the very least reset over a period of a week. Or even just go back by one penalty period."... Finally a statement appears to be based on your opinion... I can go with that... why then, should it be a period of a week or back one penalty period...specifically?

    "These posts are repetitive, but they pinpoint a huge issue that is plaguing the game, and if it doesn't get fixed, then much of the playerbase (that's even left) will always be left with a "sour taste" in their mouths." OK. So you now speak for "much of the player base"... did you take a poll of much of the player base to know that they'll have a sour taste left in their mouths? Can we all get a chance to see the results of this poll? How else can you know this?

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    What it truly shows is that lots of people are home and not working and are playing DBD. Those are inflated numbers. This might be causing server issues, and might be the reason DBD is dropping some of us, like myself, tried a game last night as killer, one killed, game going pretty good several generators left and I get kicked from the server and put on a 1 hour ban.

    Thanks DBD!

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2020

    No one knows that its old players returning and not new ones. Technically new players have to come in or the playerbase would always be dropping since not everyone will play a game for hundred or thousands of hours. Games generally only have a certain percentage of overall players who stay for the long haul.

    Now if we look at this screenshot of steam it shows over 9k recent reviews. While it doesn't state old or new players it can be taken that a portion would be new. Let's say it's 50% to be objective that's still a decent amount of new players over the time period for an almost 4 year old game and since only a small percentage of players ever leave reviews at all the number should then be even higher overall.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Honestly, the DC punishments should be a tad harsher/not roll back so fast. I have a buddy who will DC to spite tunneling, even if it's to a random and not them. I tell them not to, because it's a ######### thing to do, and because I dont want to have to wait to play. They can DC 3 or 4 times before we actually have to wait. Because the timer starts AS SOON as hey DC, even if they watch the match. So if they DC, and the game takes another 5 mins, they have effectively not gotten a ban timer.

    They hit the 15 minute mark and didnt DC again that day. The next day their first DC was a 5 minute at most.

    It needs to exist, and they need to be able to identify who gets kicked and who DCs intentionally (like they said they could with dedicated servers), but as is, it's a joke.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited May 2020

    Actually, you can tell. Go to Community Hub, Reviews, Recent reviews, and it lists the hours played by each reviewer at the top of their review post.

    It's very easy to tell if a review is made by a new player or a Vet in Steam. Granted, no one in their right mind is going to check all 9k, but you can easily glance at 30-40 reviews in a few minutes.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Hours played dont indicate when they purchase the game.

    I have seen a players in two months rack up over 300h and some with 50-100h have the game for 1-2 years. The only true way is to truly check is by the achievement dates as all the hours say is how much time someone has had or put into playing the game.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    But it does indicate new or Vet in a sense as well. If I purchased DbD a year ago, but it sat and sat, and finally I fired it up this weekend and played 10 hours of it and then posted a review, I am still a new player.

    Likewise, if I purchased it a year ago, played 10 hours then and left it to never launch it again, and just now left a review based on those 10 hours from a year ago, I reviewed it as a new player.

    Purchase time doesn't make one a new or old player, a noob or a vet, play time does.

  • DarkPit
    DarkPit Member Posts: 87

    I think most people answering to the OP didnt fully read it or didnt get the gist(not ment insulting). He just said it has to be better than it is right now. I also suffer from some strange PC issues which arent related to DbD but still can cause my game to crash. At some point it happened so frequently i got banned for multiple days just trying to play normal.

    The whole point of the OP is to somehow improve the DC system. Ive heard that in some other competitive games there are also DC penalties, but they cant get longer than half an hour, which is what this game needs. Seriously, NOBODY is longer so salty to DC than half an hour. Why make it stack up for friggin DAYS?

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    alright fine lets remove the chance to get off the hook and make you sit there and do nothing for 1 minute. then you can't struggle, you have to wait another minute for death to happen. or until the last person on hook gets to stage 2. how about that? sure let people get stuck doing nothing. The have to wait for people they don't know to pull them off the hook. oh they can't then go afk becuase they could be rescued at any time. it would really make this game a great game for everyone. It is reality, there is a chance (I know it's happened for me) to get off the hook and back into the game. but if i don't trust my compatriots will come get me, I'm sure as heck not sticking around. and what difference is it if I am hooked once and left on the hook to death than if i try to get off the hook and fail and not stay in the game? I'll tell you the only differeces: 1) I'm getting no points (thus a waste of my time) and 2) the killer has one less hook to put someone on. oh wait. it's no difference in game play for the other 3 survivors if I'm left on the hook the whole time.

    if it is a choice between using something provided in the match versus something outside of match I would prefer people to use the in match functionality. even if they do get off the hook AND, go run to the killer, they waste the killer's time to down them and re-hook them. time the others can spend on the gens. OR they get off and continue playing as normal. who knows, but you don't want to allow that possibility to exist. Keep the DC penalties and accept people will get out of a match but in a way that doesn't punish as hard why? 1) the killer HAS to find them and get rid of them. trust me, if they are standing still long enough they get crows and that gets annoying to the killer so they go take them out so it's not so loud. then the killer has to take them too a hook, and once on the hook the killer has to either walk away or possibly face camp them. now that's not often done but it is a possibility. Finally once the person is removed from the game, the killer is now down a hook and it could be the hook that saves your life because others sabo'd the other hooks in the area so you get to wiggle out of their grip.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    1 hour ban??? oh yea sorry you mean a 1 hour temporary block. but how many times did you disconnect using the leave match before hand? I mean the first dc without priors is 5 minutes. not 1 hour... so you obviously disconnect more than just this one time. doesn't work like that. please move along and stop disconnecting because you don't like what killer is played.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358
    edited May 2020

    I've never been one to DC. Last time I DC'd intentionally was probably over 1-2 months ago. DBD keeps giving me the "disconnected from host" error, it appears that the killer DCs. Then when I go to lobby, low and behold I'm blocked again. It started at 3 minutes, every few games I'd get kicked and blocked, then 14 minutes, then 28 minutes, and when I posted that I had played one game that day and it kicked me and blocked me for 1 hr. You might try listening instead of projecting. It's not like we haven't seen hundreds of bugs already from DBD. As far as I'm aware this might only be a PS4 issue. There are other people having the same problem. It's making the game unplayable, literally.

    I prefer to play survivor, and the reason I played killer that time was because it game me the failure to join party error.

    Also, since I was playing killer when DBD kicked me, I didn't get a disconnected from host error, it didn't give any error that time.

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    Playing as killer if someone DC at a very beginning of a game, i just farm with survs

    So no one depip and everyone is able to get BP

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Don't play match based pvp games if you have a bad connection in the first place? It's not really any less selfish than dcing when things aren't going your way. No one likes playing cs:go, overwatch, or any of a hundred other match based games with or against someone with a poor internet connection.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    so have you sent bug reports (and support tickets) in with your logs so that they know it's happened and can investigate? if so then they are the ones to let you know what is going on. but you can be discconneted for reasons out of your control as well as out of behavior's control. network issues happen and you will never know if it was a temporary, momentary or even a permanent issue. I suggest you try pinging the dedicated server if you can find the ip address of it, or the connection name, but instead of ping really use TraceRT and that'll show you how many hops you go through to get to where you are. each of those hops you see is someone else's router. if that router has a power outage you get disconnected from the match you are in, but it appears to be the same as someone pulling the ethernet cable from their computer or router. once you are disconnected your computer will try to reconnect you to dbd again but it can't reconnect the match you were in.

    really there are no guarantees that you will have a good connection because of how the internet signal is passed from site to site. so honestly if you see yourself getting several disconnects then you might want to take a break before it gets out of hand and you get to that 1 hour time out.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    I play on PS4, so most of those troubleshooting options I don't think apply, or I don't know how. I've contacted BE. The ticket process on PS4 is very time consuming.

    That was one game that day that put be into the 1 hour mark. It's not like I just keep playing, when it reached the 15minutes I began walking away from the game, for awhile, or for a day, but it just keeps climbing.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Mobile actually has bots who take over seamlessly when a survivor or killer disconnects.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Yes, but the mobile version is less competitive as console or PC. I haven't seen the bots in action before, but I'm going to guess they act just like the tutorial bots...brainless.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    That was the actual point of what I was stating though. It was about how many new players are coming in and actually buying the game not old purchases.

    If they bought it two years ago and didn't play much well yes they are considered non vets in terms of knowing the game and how to play it but they are not a new purchaser.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    If you mean the PC tutorial bots, no. These are semi-intelligent. There is no real notification when someone disconnects on mobile though. They just "Become a bot".

    Even if we had survivor husks (Same concept, but no AI. Rather than becoming a bot and doing stuff they simply suddenly go AFK until sacrified) it'd still be better than what we have now on PC/Console because it eliminates "Tactical" disconnects to screw the killer out of achievements/perk procs, or to give hatch.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Do you know what happens if all survivors exit a match.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Hey sui, if you are who I think you are(old Gears player?)

    I don't think a freebie per day is good. I think the server should notice if you disconnected or quit out, maybe account that as the "freebie." I know a lot of people rage quit without thinking, it takes an extra several steps to get up and unplug your router/ethernet cable from the back of your computer, unless you play prepared to DC at any moment.

    But that's just another can of worms I'd rather not open. If I DC from a game on accident I usually just take a break, come back later. I think that's a fair thing for everyone to do, but not everyone will do it. And you only get the penalty when you DC after the match starts. I've been disconnected in the loading screen and received no penalty. I find the majority of accidental DC's happen in the loading screen. The majority of DC's in-game are mostly intentional disconnects.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Honestly no. I know when the killer DC's they become a bot on mobile. (While on mainline the game basically says "WELP, THAT'S IT. MATCH OVER. SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR OFFERINGS. SEE YOU IN THE NEXT LOBBY.")

    I assume if all survivors DC the match continues to play out as normal, just with everyone as bots. Now I'm curious what happens if all survivors + the killer DC. If Dwight-Bot fast-enters a locker, but no players are in the game to hear it...does it make a sound?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yes I am that Gears player. Also just call me Fox.

    The only reason I think we should get 1 freebie before the DC penalty takes effect is because I've already had 2 games (out of maybe 50) where I just got booted from the game for no reason, but still got a DC penalty. It just seems unfair to punish players when it's the servers problem. And its infrequent enough that a freebie a day is acceptable.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    That a fair enough opinion. I don't think I'd mind it, but viewing it from another perspective, I could see how this easily gets abused. One freebie per player, spread across 30,000+ concurrent players.

  • wolfkman
    wolfkman Member Posts: 1

    The dc penalty was a nice addition into the game because I could actually play a survivor match without having teammates dc whenever they feel like the game isn't going in their favor. However it becomes a problem when you get penalized whenever your game crashes or you lag out of the game due to a unstable connection.

    Would be a lot better if there was a way to detect whether a player willingly chose to dc or if it was a connection or crashing issue.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    The problem is how good is good enough? We don't have data to reflect how common dc'ers are due to a b c issue for x y z timeline. I don't even believe there are DC penalties in the game now, is there?

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 256

    Even in a perfect world if the game ran without any bugs, server was fine 24/7 and every disconnect was the users fault, the disconnect penalty would still only solve the problem of killers disconnecting. On paper it discourages disconnects for survivors but not really, it turns those disconnects into suiciding on the first hook, which has the same result as a survivor disconnecting for the remaining three left in the game.

    As for the player count dropping I have my own theories. As well as the general server issues, phantom hits etc. I think the devs have got greedy with the rift system and it has become a grind. It is very easy to burn out on it if you don't live and breath this game. It is clear what direction the devs are taking the rift in and it isn't a fun one.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    I agree with you, the game is in such a disgraceful state people should not be punished for disconnecting, even on purpose. EVERYONE is guilty of it and if there is to be a DC penalty it shouldn't span up to 72 hours. The game is ridiculous, filled with bugs, filled with toxic killers & survivors alike also.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440

    Every other online mutliplayer game not only has a penalty for DCing, but will often BAN you for several days if you continue to do it. DCing ruins games, even if it is your connection. You are still ruining a game.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340
    edited July 2020

    I am in favor of a harsher dc penalty system, where bubba appears at your home and proceeds to chainsaw the heck out of your pc or console. As he leaves, he turns around and tosses a copy of civilization at your face.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Its one of the reasons I stopped playing. EU servers are full of trolls.

    Join game, bodyblocked and sandbagged by trolls. Survivors working with killers. Or survivors who just dc in first few minutes. Why should I sit and stay in those kind of games for the full 10-20 minutes? I just went onto better games that dont punish their playerbase 🤔

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    They were temporarily disabled because of hackers banning streamers. At least that's what I heard.

  • Athanar90
    Athanar90 Member Posts: 123

    A thousand times this. You're responsible for having a stable connection when playing a pvp game.

  • Shi
    Shi Member Posts: 156

    too many quitters right now, so boring!

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 643

    I'm glad to learn that it was temporarily disabled because I ragequit a game yesterday... It's not something I do often (it was the second time since I started playing this game in December 2019 and I play pretty much every day).

    On topic, I have had false positives before and they are annoying, but I have to say the game is in a much better state now than it was before. People used to disconnect all the time... Now there's a disconnect once in every 25 games.

  • KeBBySemPai
    KeBBySemPai Member Posts: 19

    From what i read is that you want dc penalties to be removed because some people dc bc of game crashes and such which i don't disagree as i have dcd from winning games and then banned for a few minutes because of my mentally challenged ps4 but i dont think people should get away for dcing when they tbag you for the whole match and when you catch them they can just dc to be more of an #########. i guess the closest thing they can do is what they usually do with dcs if they were intentional (disconnect from the match using the Leave Match option) but no penalty for people that disconnect via hardware or internet issues. I know that people will just disconnect their Ethernet or just alt f4 but then they have to waste time restarting the game or reconnecting their stuff so either way they waste more time for disconnecting even if they dont get all the punishments.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Let's be honest.. how often do you actually "crash" out which gives you a penalty. 99% of the dc's happen when survivor is downed early first 15-20 seconds of the game. It's funny how "crashes" always happen this way.. Now, if your argument will be that "people should be allowed to choose if they want to play or not" That's true, but there are disconnect penalties in other games as well. This is not single player where u can stop playing as you please. Can you imagine playing football with friends and then you quit first 30 seconds of the match? Pretty sure you won't be invited next time.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    edited July 2020

    I think I do not know a single mp game which does not punish you when you dc from a ranked game. The reason for the dc is irrelevant. Do some people get punished even tho they lost connection due to something they are not to blame for? Sure. However on the other hand it is very common in some games to dc by simply cutting the internet "pull the plug" so you circumvent the punishment.

    To me dc punishments have to stay as there are simply too many sore losers. Also when you keep getting disconnected, you have to somehow figure out how to fix it. It simply sucks for the other 4 people to have a game ruined by someone who knows that he/she has a problem with their connection or that they keep getting booted every 2nd game.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    The ratio of fair to unfair penalties is far more on the side of "fair"

    I'd rather have to wait 5 minutes because I lost connection than have crybabies leave because they got downed first, dooming their 3 teammates

  • Lily0
    Lily0 Member Posts: 128

    Who are these people that keep getting crashes so frequently?? If your connection/PC is so bad you will regularly get kicked out of the game you shouldnt play an online game in the first place. Its a team game and when you DC you ruin the game for 3 other survivors and for the killer, stop acting like a baby

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I'm going to start by pointing out that you definitely didn't read the post, you just read the title and began typing away. So nice job on that.

    Now then, the dc penalty doesn't do anything BUT punish innocent players. Survivors can just suicide on hook, so if a survivor gets banned, then they haven't rage quit a match; they've lost connection. Killer is obviously different as you're forced to dc to leave a match.

    If you play the game on a normal basis then you'd know that the servers are ######### and players being kicked actually occurs fairly regularly.

    Now in terms of ruining the game, killers like people to dc because the match just got easier. Survs don't care because survivor matches are boring as is.

    In terms of the baby statement, I feel acting like a baby includes mindlessly throwing accusations around.

    I don't know. This is a 2 month old post still getting lousy replies from people just wanting to get in their complaint, so I'm done.