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What is your ideal perk set-up and why?

Nospar Member Posts: 8
edited May 2020 in Ask the Community

Curious about this from both a survivor and a killer point of view. I can't seem to decide which to run and it'd be nice to hear some imput regarding your own perk choices and synergies.

Edit: I think I posted this in the wrong place, re-posted in Discussion!

Post edited by Nospar on


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    On survivor I run Spinechill to give me the early move on the killer, Balanced Landing to turn dead zones into loops, Ironwill to make a juke aswell as to work on gens, and the last perk could be anything, but atm it's Small Game due to NoeD being on the rise.

    For Hillbilly I run BBQ & Chili to find survivors quickly, Whispers to patrol gens faster aswell as to camp exit gates, Hex: Ruin to regress gens quicker as no one will be on them and Enduring so I can be cocky with my M1s.