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Sound Bugs

So, I do not know if this is what was intended when they said they were muffling gens behind walls and such, but I literally cannot hear gens I am in the room with. I played two maps recently, Autohaven Wreckers and Lerys.
In Autohaven Wreckers, I was IN the Gas station, the gen in the garage was at 90%+ and being worked on, and I could not even hear it was worked on at all. Another gen, one of those U-U gens where the - is a pallet, I could not hear the gen, which was above 50%, until I was less than a meter from the pallet. During the early patrol of that game, I had a gen pop right behind me (I was Wraith), because I had walked past it, within 16m of it, heard no progress, and kept going. It popped less than 5 seconds later.
In Lerys, in the shower room, there was a gen. I could not hear it if I was on the other side of the SHOWERS, with the gen less than 5m from me. I had to have an absolutely clear line of sight, or the sound becomes insanely muffed if I am in the same room, impossible to hear outside of one. I did a loop around one of the rooms with the pillar with the 4 basins, and I could hear the gen becoming silent as the pillar passed between me and the gen.
I understand there was some attempt to make it so walls aren't COMPLETELY hear through, but the degree to which it was turned up makes hearing the progress of most gens impossible; if it is not completely in the open, you have to physically look at it.
In both games, I was playing Wraith, so I do not know if his cloaking has something to do with it, but the effect persisted, even when not cloaked.