Why bother with a DC penalty

If survivors can kill themselves on hook and killers can just give up then what is the point in penalising players who leave? If anything dc’ing is better because it gets away from inactive/farming killers or trolling survivors quicker. I get the idea but this was just the complete wrong approach.
Especially when a DC is out of your control, say your internet company is having server issues and you keep getting disconnected whilst in the middle of the game. Free soft ban for you.
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The DC penalty needs a rework. I'm all for punishing players that leave matches mid game but I don't think it's right to punish people whose games crash or their internet cuts out.
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maybe you have to go eat and your parents didnt warn you?
maybe your boss calls u too immediatly go to work?
maybe your mom says go outside?
Riot Games does this pretty well, they understand some people have to go do their IRL stuff, so you only get a penalty after dcing in a row like 3 times