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Grab made survivor invisible?

Wolfie Member Posts: 2
edited May 2020 in Bug Reporting

I'm not sure what to name this one cause it was super weird but potentially game breaking. This happened on PC.

So i was playing as survivor and the killer was doc, during the game I started opening a chest as the killer saw me but wanted to commit! That is until I didn't, I closed the chest last second to not get grabbed. And here is where the bug began. On my end it looked like the killer just stopped, which i thought he was just letting me open the chest and get my item so i started opening the chest and all seemed normal. I grabbed my item and started running he swung, whiffed and i got away. But the killer was now stuck in the carrying someone pose with his arm around nothing. I played the game thinking the killer knew me or liked me cause he wasn't hitting me or chasing me. so i did gens, healed peeps, and even ran in front and behind him at some points, honestly just messing around having a good time not knowing what actually happened.

On the killers end it looked like he started to grab me but turned out grabbing air? i guess? From this point on I was invisible, The killer could not see me or my scratch marks. The game also kept him in the carrying state but would let him hook air so it made it so he couldn't break gens/pallets, couldn't vault, couldn't pick up a downed survivor and such. and well i was invisible. He did down everyone, except me cause he couldn't see me which lead me to be able to heal everyone and we escaped in the end.

The killer happened to be streaming, which is why i know what his end looked like. Theirs his perspective in his VOD.

and some timestamps of when things happen and points i know for a fact I would be on his screen if i wasn't invisible Game starts 1:22,

Invisible Nea grab 1:24:16 (also you can hear me reopen the chest behind him after the "grab" and when he came back around and looked at the open chest i was standing their grabbing the item, at this point I'm invisible)

1:27 Invisible me picks up teammates, mainly this is to show I'm still effecting gameplay

1:32 I see the claud "dancing" and dwight standing next to her so i ran up next to them coming from the exit gate behind them and ending up in the grass to the right once again invisible and leaving no scratch marks,

1:34:18 About when the downed cluad crawls into the exit gate area I'm just standing on top of her and follow her out.

It only happened once and i cant get it to happen again but at the moment i dont have any friends playing DBD so i cant test in a kill your friends game. Hopefully someone can look into this better then i can and reproduce it. If killer wasn't streaming or didn't say anything we honestly wouldn't have known that he couldn't see me. Oh also other survivors seemed like they saw what i was seeing in that the killers arm was just stuck in the carry position but my fellow survivors could see me just fine. I hope this was a one off bug, cause if not it might break the game.

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  • pixeled4life
    pixeled4life Member Posts: 8

    Will test tomorrow to confirm.Most likely the more lag the easier to reproduce