Volume Options.

I wanna start off by saying I fully understand that the sound mixing in this game is very specifically set up to work for the game.
That being said, I really wish there was a way to change specific volume. I dont play with headphones for various reasons (the primary one being I was in audio and sound and spend my entire work day in them, I dont wanna see them at all after my work day is done). I also play primarially at night, since I'm a night owl. Ontop of that I am hard of hearing. Its a big mix of crap.
What it ends up meaning though, is that inorder for me to acurately hear the heartbeat of the killer and all of the important sounds I kinda have to turn my volume all the way up, which ins't a problem for others in the house, but what IS a problem is the MASSIVE LOUD SCREAM whenever you hook someone or get hooked. I end up having to quick mute my entire system for that scream. I would absolutely kill for an option to turn that down in the mix so I am not constantly having to have my hand on the mute button.