How to deal with Toxic Survivors/Killers

Play the game as best as you can. At end game lobby chat, type "gg" or nothing at all. Leave the game and go about your business.
Being toxic to someone because they are toxic, will not teach them a lesson, will not change their mind. If it makes you feel good tho, go for it, but you might get warned or banned eventually.
"But they face camped/tunneled/slugged me!" -It's a strat in the game that is often abused. It will never not happen. Only advice I have is to get better at looping, change up perks or just move on.
"But they tea bagged me at pallets/hatch/gates!" -Bloodlust them or move on. Hit them down, they will leave the game. Only advice I have is to get better at chases, change up perks or just move on (original, I know :P)
"But my team was toxic and never saved/help/did anything!" -You can't change their behavior or the way they play the game. Do your best and move on to another game.
Many times people are toxic because they have nothing better to do, they were on the receiving end of toxicity, they lost, they're mad, they like putting others down. I've been toxic before for some of these reasons.
"But I have a right to be mad!" -Yes, you do. We all do. Such is life unfortunately. As I said before, most of the time, you being toxic back to someone will not change their mind, their attitude, or teach them a lesson. it will just reaffirm themselves, make them feel good, or make them more mad/toxic. You cannot change someone who does not want change. You cannot control what others do, only what you do.
I had a game today where I unfortunately got caught right away by LF, who facecamped me with his chainsaw, all because I was a Bunny Feng (his profile gloated on camping Bunny's). My team worked on gens and did their best. What did I do? I just left without a word. He decided it was his job to camp all Bunny Fengs and play boring, that's what he finds fun. Yeah I de piped but who cares? I can get that back easily. It's just one game!
The very next game I had a Bing Bong who played normal the first half and farmed the second half. They were both fun halves and I had a great game! You win some, you lose some.
Sorry this is long, I just wanted to share this with you guys!