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Steve prestige reward


How many auric cells do you get for Steve Harrington prestige?

Best Answer


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    None. The only thing that prestiging characters grants you is a cosmetic piece (part of the character's default outfit covered in blood splatters) and a very slightly higher chance of getting rare items in that character's bloodwebs going forward.

  • kurtakedown101
    kurtakedown101 Member Posts: 25

    So besides the cosmetics there's basically no reason?

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    I don't know where you got the idea that prestiging gives you aurelic cells, prestiging a character gives you bloody clothes, the increased chanses on the bloodweb are insignificant.

    Most of the time you prestige to show off how many bp you wasted doing that