karambit type knives

Lol.....so this is me just being visually nitpicky. For karambit styled knives, can we have the sharpened edge on the bottom of the hook shape? Can we also have legion hold the blade with the point of the blade pointing down?
I just got two new knives for my suz to use and while the blades look nice...I don't agree with how she holds them. I don't like where the blade edge is either.
I could never get over how they just hold it like a regular knife instead of using the safety ring.
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Lmfao it kills me inside
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What bothers me the most is the way Ghostface cleans his blade. I know it's a callback to the films, but I've never seen him do it in the films in such a way that he's likely to slice his hand open in the process. I'm going to guess that BHVR's modelling/animation staff just don't do a lot of blade-wielding.
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Stop it, now i have to play ghostface just to pay attention to the animation 😂😂😂😭😭😭...and i do like to play gf but i've never really paid attention to his blade cleaning animation because i'm so focused on the moment.
I only noticed the knives with my suzster because i was trying different looks for her.
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######### be sharp ☠☠☠
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Well, in the movies he is wearing what appears to be pretty light fabric. But the ghostface outfit in DBD looks like pretty thick leather. There's plenty of cheap kitchen gloves you can grab knives with in the same way ghostface cleans the blade, let alone something more expensive.
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Grabbing a blade is very different. Grabbing the blade of a knife or sword is perfectly safe if you're wearing gloves, as long as you don't run your hand along it. That will slice you hand (and any thin leather gloves you may be wearing, as in Ghostface's case) open. If knives didn't cut through leather easily, leatherworkers wouldn't use them for that exact purpose.
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Don't do it! It makes me cringe every time I see it >.<
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My left hand literally stung while I was reading this.
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ugh so he wipes what i would think is a sharp blade ... on vital veins ☠☠☠
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lmao righties vs lefties😂😂😂
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wait, how should he wipe his blade if he was leftie 🤔
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That doesn't mean they are actually leather though. They could be made of anything. I have a pair of motorcycle gloves I am pretty confident I could just run my hand along a kitchen knife with. Especially if I had a stainless steel mesh inner glove on as well ( I said pretty confident 😅).
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If he's wearing tactical gloves, it's possible, but they look very much like ordinary leather. They have a bit of padding in parts, but even so, that's not likely to be a good defense against a tactical knife (which is what Ghostface uses - unlike a kitchen knife, it's razor-sharp and designed for inflicting lethal wounds).
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I'm pretty certain given his attire they are tactical gloves, considering his other equipment like his knife belt are rather tactical. Though he may not have bought it, more so stole it from his victims.
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They don't look military-grade, and I'm not sure why he'd bother to wear protective clothing if he's not planning or expecting to be attacked himself, but it's impossible to tell for sure.
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The Entity granted him anti-cut gloves https://www.thesafetysupplycompany.co.uk/p/5485469/kevlar-double-lined-defender-gloves---pair---250g---conforms-to-bs-en388-ve-kevg.html
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I forgot to add visuals...
the description says it's a modern version of a karambit, but why fix what's not broken...the first image is just disgusting to me 😂😂😂
I can live with the second image because it looks more like a "fantasy" knife...