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PC/Console | 5-15 FPS dip when any particle effect appears.

For instance, when hitting a survivor with Sloppy Butcher, the spraying blood after the hit will dip the FPS by around 10-20 frames, on top of the normal stutter when updating icons, character states.

So it ends up working out like this:

  • Hit survivor, FPS dips by around 5-10 while updating everything
  • Particle effects of perks/add-ons (Sloppy Butcher, Fine Stone, etc.) dips FPS by another 5-10

Of course, on higher end systems it'll still maintain a very playable framerate (120 dipping to 110, etc.) but it feels choppy, and for lower-end systems (most notably console) it'll make the game borderline unplayable with the 10-20 FPS dip on top of the already generally low framerates.

I don't expect this to be a simple or fast fix, as it's hard to optimize particles and things of that nature, but this is a very frequent issue.

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