Controller Settings on Console MUST be Addressed

The increase in sensitivity isn't enough. It is incredible difficult to play range based killers like Huntress or Deathslinger especially because of the way the deadzones, ramp up, and auto-aim work. So many times I'll try to scope in on a running survivor, I'll think my aim is moving at a consistent rate, and right as I try to lead my target a bit my sensitivity spikes at the last second because of auto-aim, and I miss because the game is poorly optimized.

This has been out for a very long time, you have a huge quantity of console players, and yet even changing your sensitivity is a chore, as you have to use the God awful slider with your joystick. Let us change more than just our sensitivities. In order for us to even hold a candle to good K&M players we need to be allowed to adjust auto-aim strength, deadzones, ramp up, etc.