As Deathslinger, what would be slightly considered 'toxic?'

The title says it all. I've been having survivors scream at me during my ungodly amount of playtime as Slinger for small reasons, like just looking at them and standing there for some fun when they're the last person alive and i've speared them, or even just shooting them off of the exit gates. Even though Slinger seems like one of the more fun killers for survivors even though he's underpowered, I really just don't want to be seen as 'that guy.'
Best Answers
standing there staring at the last survivor is a little bit toxic, kind of like a last F.U. i surpose the same as t-bagging at exit gate, makes no sense really on ether part unless they were T-bagging at the exit gate and you caught em i would do the same.
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There's nothing in particular that I've seen, at least not that is unique to Deathslinger over other killers. Spearing people who are on the gate, or at the exit ready to leave, isn't toxic, it's smart play, and it's up to them to know better than to put themselves in that position against a Deathslinger. The only people who call plays like that 'toxic' are people who are salty about getting caught by them. In other words, you're toxic because you outplayed them. Best to ignore those types.
I am not familiar with how he plays, but if you are saying that you spear them, but don't reel them in (no idea if that is possible), then that could probably be considered toxic behavior, because you are just toying with them rather than playing the game. Shooting someone at the gates definitely is not toxic. If they are just hanging out at the gate, then they deserve what comes to them.