Explain the Pip System, Please


I am very confused. It seems like the ranking system makes absolutely no logical sense. Please observe the following:

I've depipped before. It happens. But then I looked at the overall scoreboard:

And I am sitting here wondering how after doing so much against a basement camping trapper (may his soul forever be trapped in the entity's realm) and not even including the 5k for escaping I am depipping with that many points against a Rank 1 killer. Don't you WANT survivors to feel satisfied with just playing well? Wasn't the point to step away from the idea that if you don't survive you lost? I sure as hell feel that if I don't escape I am being punished.

But, of course, if a killer gets eight hooks and no kills they still at least black pip. Their effort is getting rewarded. This is just obnoxious.


  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    The brown benevolent emblem doesn't look like you managed to do well against the basement trapper. Seems like you got an unsafe unhook? If noone has BT you need to work as team to get someone out of the basement, otherwise just leave him to die and do gens. And don't loop the basement.

    But basically: yeah, the emblem system is crap. If the killer is bad or simply doesn't allow unhooks, you are pretty much screwed to get a pip. You need to score in all categories to pip, and it doesn't look like there were a lot of chases or unhooks possible