Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Balancing Suggestions


im open from feedback



3s -> 4s 

Exhaustion Perks:

i honestly feel they are super strong and unfair for killers

Exhaustion from every perk: 60/50/40s -> 100/90/80s -> you recover from exhaustion 10% slower while injured and 10% faster while healthy

(buffs Legion and Plague)

Sprint burst:

can be activated with E after walking for 3s , otherwise you can run normally which removes the forced playstyle of walking trough the entire map

150% over 3s -> 125% over 5s


150% over 3s -> 125% over 5s

Balanced Landing:

150% over 3s -> 125% over 5s

Dead hard:


Head on:

Activation time:

3s -> 2.5s


only grants the speed boost while healthy, doesnt heal when downed, heals trough deep wound and injured

150% over 5s -> 150% over 3s 

Boil over:

75% -> 100%

struggeling affects can even go backwards and forward

killer cant see hook auras -> removed

killer moves 1/2/3% slower

regarding auto aim for killers:

the auto aim should focus the unhooker not the person hooked


Odd Bulb:

Slighty increaed consumption -> Considerebly

Brand New Part:

Stops the increased repair when missing one of the two skillchecks


Petrifed Oak and Murky reagent:

-> should not stack

Exit gates:

When canceling the bar regresses by 1% every sec

End game collapse:

120s -> 80s

while someone downed hooked: 240s -> 120s


Fire up

4% -> 5%


Not anymore a hex perk

for every survivor alive, gain a 1% speedboost

your attacks apply the deep wound status effect for 20s that DOES NOT pause WHILE IN A CHASE

(gives more counterplay by buying more time for your team

Monstrous Shrine:

Name: Monstrous Shrine -> Monstrous Hooks

5% faster entity progress

9% more penalty

Huntress Lullaby:

(passive) +7% extra regression

5 tokens -> 3 tokens

The third seal:

(passive) survivors cant see the auras of hooked survivors

Blindness does apply on frenzy, hatchets, ambush and shred


shows a thin red scent above the blood stains that follows the survivor


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