"Last Man Standing" Score Event for Survivor?
Hey all,
It's been brought up that if you play well during the match and don't get hooked until the very end, you don't get the chance to escape from the hook or struggle for points... We also know that survivors notoriously get fewer BP than killers - that's not an inherently bad thing, but I think giving one survivor the potential to get some extra BP for playing well would probably be fine... so my suggestion: a new score event called "Last Man Standing."
If you get instantly sacrificed on hook, you still instantly go down (because having escape attempts and struggle phase is really just annoying for the killer and not likely to get you an escape).
This event awards 1500 BP in the Survival category: the ~900 you would have gotten for a struggle phase and a little extra to compensate for all the potential BP you COULD have gotten if you escaped the hook. I think 600 probably makes a decent average since the possibility of escaping the hook is small, but the potential BP gain when you escape is huge.