Rare opinion: Spirit is actually balanced.



  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    "Its not a 50/50 . https://youtu.be/6Lfi9mH05hE?t=547 assuming you are not giving off audio cues, at max, if there spirit is deaf and ideal conditions it is a 75/25. As you have to make two correct guesses to "mind game". If you are injured, it's almost a 99/1 I'm spirits favor. There is no way to read spirit's phasing, and there is no way to not avoid ever being caught in a chase where spirit doesn't phase."

    It kind of is a 50/50 though because if she makes the wrong read OR you provide her with the wrong information (bait) then she wastes her power going the wrong way and won't have enough to come back around.

    "You counter tips are also just guessing. If you guess right, which is unlikely as already due to phasing obviously being in favor of spirit, you have to guess again in a few seconds. And you cannot deny information if the killer has headphones or you are injured. Even walking has audio."

    It's not guessing. If you see her stand still she is doing 1 of 2 things; standing still or phasing. If you assume she is doing BOTH then the appropriate counter options open up. And if you bait her to follow the wrong path for just 1 second and bolt to the next loop you aren't guessing you are making HER guess. You are just acting. You need to pick something and do it precisely and without hesitation. If you are trying to guess what she is doing instead of trying to bait her and just going for it you will get caught.

    "Conditioning or "learning patterns" is a weak argument (time-stamped): https://youtu.be/6Lfi9mH05hE?t=695 are you sure you watched his videos?"

    1) Stop quoting this video like it's gospel. It's not.

    2) You very much can learn patterns within the first few interactions of a chase. Does she respect the pallet? Did she try to fake phasing right away? Does she mindgame or just follow you? This is indeed enough information to make plays early on. Not to mention, she has about as much information about your behavior which you can use to your advantage. Was he greedy with the pallet or camped for a hit? Did he fake the window vault? Does he look behind himself? Conditioning takes time to do but learning basic patterns does not. And then trying to make predictions base on those patterns can be done. If he respected the pallet first time, but then disrepected if the second time, then he is adapting to what you do. So you mix it up and expect him to disrespect it the next time.

    Like you know competitive rock-paper-scissors is a thing right? They usually do like best of 3/5/7, and within those VERY SHORT periods the experienced players can predict what you will do with reasonable accuracy. The more you play against each other the better that accuracy becomes.

    "Ha. You definitely did not watch the theory craft video. I'm not even sure why I waste my time here discussing this with you when every point you've made has already been countered and addressed in Scott's 4 videos on spirit https://youtu.be/6Lfi9mH05hE?t=547 . Do you have any counterpoints he did not address?"

    Again his word is not gospel. And it's not a guess, it's you being proactive of the information you give her. If she stops, the moment she stops assume she is both standing there AND phasing then bolt AWAY from her. If she was standing still you gain distance to the next loop. If she was phasing there is a good chance she wouldn't have reacted to you running away immediately (unless she deduces this from a previous encounter), so you gain distance. If she waited then started phasing, well phase charge takes 1.5 seconds by default so you gain distance and therefore she has to use more power. Scott's whole assumption that the survivor will stay at the pallet and play it out is the problem here. They don't have to do that, and in fact SHOULD NOT do that. They should just bolt for the nearest tile, preferably to a window. If they make the window, there is an almost guaranteed chance the Spirit will not have enough phase to make it around. The only way that would be possible is if she has speed AND duration add-ons and predicted you would vault long before you did, AND reacted to you leaving quickly enough to not lose too much power.

    "It's called guessing. There is no information to go off of. If good survivors are consistently being potatoes against mediocre spirits instead of consistently out playing her, more than a year after release, maybe there is a design flaw. Just a guess."

    Stop trying to guess. Start trying to bait and make decisions about what to do quicker. Look at your options, see what is the safest and do that the MOMENT you get the opportunity. If you can throw in a bait, backtrack or fake a vault, even better. You want to keep HER guessing what you are doing, you don't want to try and guess what she is going to do.

    This is the entire problem with your/Scott's argument. It's based on the assumption the survivor is trying to play reactively to the Spirit. If you attempt this you get caught. You need to play proactively, as in baiting and making moves the instant the opportunity arises. You shouldn't worry about what she is doing, if you can make it to the pallet or window regardless, then it doesn't matter what she is doing. And sometimes this isn't an option, it is a guessing game where you need to play reactively, but these are the situations you want to avoid. For example, corning yourself is a bad idea. You always want to make a move that would lead to making another move and so on.

    "Literally all the same critiques and useless counter arguments pre-rework when devs said spirit was over performing. And the collision, vault animation, and post phase speed changes didn't do much to address these design flaws."

    I'ma be honest, the real reason she was over performing was Prayer Beads and to a lesser extent Amulet. Those add-ons were ridiculously strong, alone or together. Gutting them both made a huge difference because now there's nothing to boost poor Spirit play. Bad Spirit's can't get away with cheeky free grabs from PB or just the crazy buffs from Amulet. They have to actually use her power wisely to get hits.

    You call them design "flaws" which is not the case. The flaw is in the logic that to beat a Spirit you have to know what she is doing. No you don't, you have to know what YOU can do that would avoid a hit. In most cases that means running from tile to tile, breaking LOS often, and using windows to force her to use more of her power to catch up. And this works against a lot of killers not just Spirit, it's just the most effective on Spirit because you can manipulate the information you give her. But even against say a Billy, if they think you are going to continue looping a pallet, attempt to mindgame (moonwalk maybe?) and during this moment you just run to the next tile you can keep a chase going for a LONG time without even using pallets, just windows. Chaining tiles is a really strong tactic and the best option against Spirit, especially because she is 110 out of phase.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,480

    Ah yes and when survivors are given feedback ie huntress or billy at close range they spin in circles like a lunatic but that would be more fun than having john cena in the game.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    I like your argumentation. Survivors are too used to normal looping to proactively do something without feedback from the killer. "I can see he goes left around the loop, so i go the other way".

    The whole "omg it's a guessing game"-reasoning sucks anyway, every mindgame is a guessing game. See all the dancing around pallets killers do to get survivors to do stupid vaults on pallets/windows. For spirit it's just neither can see the other.

    Not that my opinion as not-spirit user counts anyways.( im such a scrub the invisible survivors turned me away on her release lol). If a killer cant see you and still gets a hit off, more power to them.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    I'm not going to sit hear and write a 20 page thesis on how to beat Spirit dude. It's pretty simple; bait and run to the next tile (windows if possible). It's that simple. Don't try to guess what she does, hell don't even care what she does. You just want to do what you can do to gain the most distance and put something between you, hence you run for windows as most will prevent her from both following you and cutting you off.

    "Just because there are too options doesn't mean they are equally likely to occur. Phase is obviously going to be favoring spirit, and it should."

    There are only so many VALID options she has. To put it bluntly, she can stand still and wait, phase and follow, or phase and cut you off. Depending on the situation there might be other viable options, but ultimately it would boil down to those 3.

    "No responses of headphone usage or counters while being injured."

    Run to areas where there is some loud ass noise? Seems pretty obvious honestly. And again it doesn't matter what she does if you have a clear path to a window on the next tile you can almost 100% make because you gained distance from the time she charged phase, and from her taking a moment to realize what you did. Plus as I said chase music tends to drown out survivor noises for the initial phasing time which is when you want to bait her and the run to the next tile.

    "Conditioning goes both ways, if you want to keep that as a valid argument, which it is not because mindgaming requires switching things up."

    I didn't call it conditioning. I called it learning a pattern. You can learn what a killer is most likely to do pretty quickly. You just need enough information to throw them a curveball. And yes they can do the same to you, but since you are the one leading the chase you actually have more control in the situation.

    "The killer controls the pace of the match and as the power role has a better ability to control the situation."

    Uhh what? Do you play killer? Survivors definitely control the pace of the match. And if you meant pace of the CHASE then still, the survivor controls it as they are the one leading the killer. The killer can't make the survivor do things in most situations, they have to wait for mistakes and capitalize on them. Or creating opportunities for mistakes (eg. do mindgame). But to say the killer controls the chase is false. They are reactive to what the survivor does. Only in specific instances where a hit is imminent can they exert some control over the survivor.

    "No matter how hard a survivor tries, the game is designed that if the killer wants to put you in an unfavorable situation, it will happen eventually."

    Eventually is a vague term. If it means 20 seconds, then the killer is going to do well. If it means 2 minutes then not so much.

    "His word is not gospel but it is the best formated address of repeated "counters" to spirit. Everything you have said in this thread, he has already addressed and debunked 1 year ago. And the best you can do to rebuttal is to say "play proactively"."

    It hasn't actually. He makes the assumption that the survivor is both trying to guess what the Spirit is doing and that the survivor will stay on the tile. Those don't need to be things. I even point out the flaws in his arguments during this conversation.

    Furthermore, Spirit from a year ago is different than Spirit today. A year ago any low tier Spirit could put on PB/Amulet and have a massive advantage every game. Now not so much. Removing collision did make a big difference as you can now backtrack more effectively. Removing the vault meant that windows became stronger against her. It all makes a big difference.

    "He knows a lot more about the game than you, is a better player than you, and had likely had played as spirit and against spirit more than you. He has more expertise on this topic then you do, and your posts shows that you are just ignoring or can't comprehend his points, or are lying about watching his vids."

    Okay now the conversation has gone off the rails into fanboy territory. You haven't seen me played or played against me. He does have more time played but after a point this doesn't actually matter. I have 3k hours, after about 1000 hours players should be well versed in the game to have valid points. After that it's just diminishing returns. Not to mention I play with several players that indeed have more playtime than him. In his most recent video he is devotion 9. I'm devotion 8. That means since the introduction of devotion he has about 250 more hours on me. That's nothing in the grand scheme of things. Plus I know players on Xbox with devotion 23. The person I play with most often is devotion 17 or something. WAY WAY more time than Scott. Does that make their opinions more valid than his? No it doesn't.

    I've acknowledge the points he made that you keep reiterating, so IDK how I'm "ignoring" these points. Again I'm not going to sit here and dissect all his videos in text format on a forum barely anyone reads (let's be honest).

    This entire last statement just proves you are parroting what he says and don't care to acknowledge the OTHER side. I've acknowledged his side and refuted some of the things he said. To take it a step further, his entire video with him against Zubat to prove his point is completely invalidated by the fact that no smart survivor is going to try to loop a Spirit, just like they won't loop a Nurse or Hag. The best thing to do is to bait them into a bad position and run to the next tile while you have the extra distance. This is the most effective tactic against these killers. His entire premise is flawed from the beginning, why you keep insisting to use it as the defacto truth that Spirit is unbalanced is beyond me.

  • Theetis
    Theetis Member Posts: 153

    Standing still is a mindgame. peepoSmart

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238
  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I didn't see many survivors being vocal about Spirit after her nerf, most of them now complain about Iri Head Huntress, Freddy and Billy from what I have seen.

  • Theetis
    Theetis Member Posts: 153

    They just should get better at doing coinflip decisions. Silly dum dums

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    50/50 mindgames? Lmao good one. The "mindgame" aspect is totally in the favour of spirit. And let's not forget how EARS allow you to down every survivor when injured very easy.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    That is literally the purpose of Spirit! She revolves around mindgames. Just because you don't have any feedback to counter her doesn't mean that she's broken. Spirit forces survivor's to use their brain instead of sitting around the corner of a loop looking for the red stain so they can counter the killer. Just because you can't mindlessly loop a killer doesn't mean they are broken

    If your talking about Iron Will, you can throw that perk out the window (being biased to my playstyle). Yeah sure it works against Spirit, but when your playing against a Spirit that knows how to play around IW or fake phases to get a general idea of what it is your gonna do, she'll nullify IW and once again force survivor's to their brain. Spine Chill is the most effective perk against her from what I've expirenced.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    I don't think anyone ever said she wasn't balanced, I was sure that most people and myself have exclaimed at how little skill it takes to play Spirit.

    There are no 50/50 mindgames with spirit, you either drop the pallet on one side or quietly vault to the other. Otherwise, you already ran away because directly mindgaming a spirit is how you end up on the hook.

    Both urban evasion and fixated work well against, but dance with me could be an alternative if you aren't actively putting distance between yourself and Spirit. That's really all there is to it for both sides.

    Spirits require no brain power whatsoever to be effective. Basically, the best M1 killer in the game, given that her killer power does not conflict or delay her ability to M1 immediately. Survivors have a really simple approach to counter her, simply by actively evading at any sign of her approach.

    Unlike Billy or Nurse who suddenly show up and starts up a chase with their power, Spirit gives off her audio cue ahead of time and attempts to quickly end any chase with her power, more like huntress but without a skill shot (or really any skill).

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Sure, spirit's basekit is balanced. Spirit becomes op when you slap on stridor or any good addons. As a spirit main, I never use stridor because of how cheap it is. I rarely use good addons because of how broken she can become with them. Addons need to be removed from the game/heavily reworked on the killer side, because they make balanced killers like oni, spirit and billy stupid op. The only good addons are the ones that completely rework how the killer is played, like Amanda's letter or mint rag. Spirit with good duration addons or activation charge addons is just ridiculous.

    As for spirit changes, I liked Otz's idea where when she is using her power, she would flicker from her current position to where she was in her phase walk and then back every couple of seconds. It could allow good spirit players to time the flickering to mindgame the survivors into going a certain direction, and good survivors could use the flickering to mindgame her. Plus the standing still mindgame could be mmostly removed, since if there's no flickering then you would know for sure that she isn't using her power. I also think that her chase music needs to be significantly quieter, so that survivors can hear her footstep noises easier when she's phasing.

  • Yogerman1997
    Yogerman1997 Member Posts: 374

    to balance her you should pick one of these options:

    1.She had the actual phase speed but she can't hear anything.

    2.She had the actual tracking abilities but she had the regular movement speed 110% while phasing.

    actually she had the "invisibility" + "ultraspeed" advantage, very unfun to against

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Even if its a REALLY good perk that soft-counters every stealth killer in the game?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Is it really that rare of an opinion?

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I'll inform you that it took me more than a month to learn how to play with her, and after 2 months of playing her I can safely say I'm not even close on mastering her. Don't compare spirits difficulty to Freddy's

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Yeah but she'not worth reworking. These answers btw would make her worst than old Freddy imo

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    I would just like some sort of consistent info on when she’s phasing and when she’s about to reappear, maybe have some sort of mist or something appear where she’s traveling so survivors can actually have a chance to react and counter her phase. As she stands now, I would definitely not consider her balanced.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    "1. Windows- most tiles only have 1, so it's not hard to listen for a fast vault and go around with your 200% phase speed. Also most good spirits are able to use their power before you've even gotten there. The exception to this is gens in L-WALL T-WALLS. Those do counter her due to 2 windows, unless you are injured."

    Most windows she won't have enough power left to go around the tile and meet you on the other side of the window if she is following you from another tile. It doesn't matter if she knows where you went if she comes out of phase halfway around the window while you are still running to the NEXT NEXT tile nows shes a 110 killer for 15 seconds and won't catch up.

    "Do you even play this game? Lol. It is common knowledge that the killer controls the pace and direction of game as the power role. I'm pretty sure the devs have written this out as well. Take cow tree for example. Killer literally just has to turn and run it the other way to make sure you cant fast vault anymore. Found at a L-WALL twall? I'll just phase to another survivor in a deadzone."

    By this statement it's obvious you don't play much killer. Survivors lead the chase, the killer doesn't have a lot of control over it. There are exceptions, such as Huntress being able to force a survivor to not use a particular window or take a particular path by raising a hatchet, but she still doesn't control what the survivor does. She influences it and those are two very different things. Killer can sort of determine the direction to run the loop by they don't control what loop the survivor will run to or what the survivor will do at the loop.

    "You keep saying the spirit should be baited but you are ignoring that 1. She can hear and pinpoint you. And 2. That requires 2 correct guesses of the exact moment she starts phasing, and which direction she is going."

    Hearing you and reacting to hearing you are different things. She might hear you run past her but unless she reacts IMMEDIATELY (best human reaction time is 0.25 seconds BTW) it really doesn't matter. You're goal when baiting isn't to necessarily completely escape the chase, it's to make her waste her power going the wrong direction even for a second.

    Also you don't need to guess anything. You are baiting her, in other words providing inaccurate or false information. If you have a clear path to a window or pallet and can make it before she could have phased after you from the point where she stops then it doesn't matter what she does, you make the window/pallet. If she tries to go around she is going to waste her power, and if you keep running to yet another tile you gain distance on her. What she does is irrelevant and therefore you don't need to guess anything.

    "So far, you tips on using windows has been proven situational. Your tip on controlling the chase has been refuted. You going to another loop has been shown a bad guess in Scott's video."

    Literally any tip in this game is situational. There are so many things that factor into a chase and you can't account for all of them.

    And going to a new loop is not a guess. She stops, that's your chance to bolt. There's no guessing. Like I said she is doing one of 3 things, and unless she predicts you will run or reacts the instant you run you are going to gain distance running to the next loop.

    Scott also did this on Autohaven which has few windows and a lot of dead zones. Running from tile to tile is less effective on that map period.

    "Wow. It'd be a real shame if a content creator had an entire video on if spirit's design flaws were actually fixed."

    Which I refuted all the points you've brought up SMH. Stop using his videos as gospel. You say you aren't but you are. You point to them as proof of something when I've pointed out the flaws in his points.

    "Any mid range $50 headphones is good at isolating the mids and highs of survivors moaning from the lows of chase music, fire pits, skill checks. If you can hear it you might not have a good sense of hearing or haven't played her enough to get used to it. Like ive said, I've been able to pinpoint a moaning claudette behind a fire pit hidden in the junk of a jungle gym while endgame music and bells were playing. And I've been in situations where I've tried to use firepits to throw off spirits with firepits, the loud center of lerry's. It doesn't work unless they have bad hearing like you. There is no counter to a spirit with good hearing/headphones. Your points are moot, since you don't have good hearing."

    Dude I have $300 Astro a50's. They are a wireless version of the a40's which are used by professional gamers. Yet there are still times where it's hard to hear a survivor over chase music or the sound of a running gen. MOST of the time yes I can hear them just fine, but if they vault a window it doesn't matter that I know where they are I can't always make it around the window to catch them.

    "What would happen to spirit if she was deafened during phase?"

    She would be a lot less fun and more frustrating to play. Why is this even an option? Yea sure, let's purposely make a killer feel like crap to play. That's a viable solution.

    Scratch marks are too inconsistent to be the sole tracking method. Every killer tracks by sound, she just does it while invisible. I jump scare people all the time as Ghostface because I can hear them crying in pain. Should we deafening him in NS too? it makes no sense.

    Fact is you can run from a good Spirit. It's challenging, but not impossible with some basic skills. You keep pointing to Scott's videos as proof of anything, like Scott can't ever be wrong or something. I've shown you how his argument is flawed. COME UP WITH YOUR OWN POINTS HERE!

    Since her update, the amount of complaints about Spirit have dropped SIGNIFICANTLY which as I said was because bad players couldn't abuse PB/Amulet anymore. That was what actually made her over perform. Only rarely does this conversation even still come up mainly because certain people keep pushing it when it's a non-issue. They just have a bias towards Spirit and want to see her nerfed into the ground.

    Post edited by thesuicidefox on
  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793
  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    Oh, you like throwing videos a lot? Don't be shy, drop any video featuring gameplay against the Spirit and I'll tell you every second of her phasing if she stands in the line of sight. Don't be shy, drop any video!

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    A someone who has Spirit, I HARD disagree.

    1) You shouldn't need a perk just to have a decent chance against a killer or anything else that either side has at BASE.

    2) Just because that's what she was intended to do does NOT mean it was a good idea (original MoM and Legion say hi). Now don't get me wrong, she should stay invisible, but there should be cues or SOMETHING to give the survivor a better chance than what it is now.

    3) Actually it is. You learn the distance for people with IW, you learn the distance for people without it. After the first phase against them you should know whether they have it or not. Just because learning this is "really tough" for you does not mean its the same for everyone. Even if it is, just because its hard, doesn't mean its not true that if you DO do it, its a free win. Nothing in the game should be a free win on either side.

    4) Nurse gets MUCH more penalized for missing a blink and has more restrictions on her than Spirit does. Even if she didn't, making the point that "this is worse so this is fine" is never a good point in anything. Spirit is also pretty easy to play and learn, something that cannot be said about Nurse, especially on the dedicated servers. You don't juke a decent Spirit most of the time, she jukes herself. She has scratchmarks, speed, breathing, vaulting sounds, and footsteps. If you lose someone as Spirit it is most likely on you.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    They want her to be weak and easy to counter with their totally original perk builds.

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164

    literally what "simple game knowledge" allows you to counter an invisible killer (whom can hit you while invisible) whom gives absolutely no indication of where they are, where they're coming from, what they're doing? There is none. You're literally deafblind against a spirit, while she has both audio and visual cues of where you are. That's the problem.

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164
    edited May 2020

    There is no perk in the game that "fully counters" any killer's power.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    She's not even a challenge to play as. I think her hearing shouldn't be directional, it's such a dead giveaway as killer.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    IW counters her power almost completely, she replies almost entirely on sounds during her power. And don't bring up scratch marks because if you are running wild like that vs a Spirit then you deserve to go down.

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164
    edited May 2020

    yes, don't run against a Spirit, guys. just walk or stand still and go down 4 the free killz. And probably 3/4 of the Spirits I've played recently have been using stridor, and no, it doesn't "counter her power almost completely", especially when one of the most common perks on her is stridor which almost completely negates the only actual defense survivor's have with IW.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    This thread has small pp energy.

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    you can hear her footsteps when she phase, you can bait a direction, you can bait a pallet throw, fast vault twice the same window, use a flashlight on her face to see if she phase or not, if it do nothing she does, you can run in circles which as a rank 1 spirit main confuse the crap out of me, you can do stuff, learn them, or play her to know her own weaknesses, that's how you get better, stop complaning and play each killer long enough to know how they work so you know how to counter them.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    That sounds more like a personal achievement than a generalization about how little skill the spirit takes. Nothing about that killer takes any skill whatsoever, she's an M1 killer extraordinaire with one of the most boring abilities. At least wraith takes skill.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Who ever said she wasnt? People just dont like her because she is unpredicatable, but that is in my opinion the best part about her.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I don't know anyone that just played spirit and got 4ks every game tbh. And I know lots of killer mains. I bet that you haven't played her too, at least at red ranks, If you think it's that easy.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Yeah, those plays are best if they were used on an incompetente spirit. All other killers show when they're using their power except her. The only real counter she has is iron will, otherwise you're dead when it comes to an average sprit player. She's a braindead killer at most.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    People use this "incompetent Spirit" argument a lot.

    Fact is, if the killer is good it doesn't matter what killer they pick, they will catch you quickly. Good Nurse, Freddy, Billy, and Huntress players have super short chases. Hell even really good Clowns or Bubbas can catch people really fast.

    So to say that "you can only run from a bad Spirit" can be applied to literally any killer. Any "good" killer will catch you crazy fast. But it only seems to be a problem if it's a Spirit though.


  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Not to mention, Spirit cant see people when phasing. Survivor mains seem to forget this fact.

    Sure, stridor is useful, but as Caudetteinabush has said, it can also confuse Spirit players.

    Making it too obvious would make her power kind of worthless... maybe making her glass shine when she starts to use her power? That would be something that veterans could take advantage of, while still providing a skillful element for them.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Of course it shouldn't be something too obvious.A more or less subtle sign that is recognizable at close to mid range.

    It would give survivors more information/interaction with her in a chase AND give the spirit more opportunities to mindgame.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I would say that it's only a problem with spirit because there isn't much information about her power in a chase.

    Adding a subtle sign that shows when she's using her power would provide survivors much more information/interaction to work with while giving the spirit more mindgame opportunities.

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    good killers are braindead to survivors, so I am done with this argument

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It would also completely kill her power.

    Remember in the PTB where the whoosh was directional? Yea she was awful.

    If you know when she is phasing that completely defeats the purpose of her power. Try it. Play a KYF game and tell your friend every time you phase. Watch how much of a difference it makes.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    The directional audio cue was too much,that's obvious.

    But adding something like glowing shards or something else would actually give spirit even more mindgame potential.

    For example:

    If the survivor drops a pallet you could use your power,making the survivor think you would go around,but just stand still and make him vault into you.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "More mind game potential" by giving the other player more information? No it doesn't work that way.

    If you give her power a tell you REMOVE mind game potential. It doesn't matter if she can stand still in phase, the survivor knows she is phasing and can't see her. All you do is force her to potentially waste her power in order to feign her power, WHICH as proven by loading screen tips is supposed to be a thing by just standing still (in other words by design). Removing that will quantitatively hurt her.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022
    edited May 2020

    *giggles in 4k*

    Really, though, I think it comes down to survivors not thinking logically at times, or outside the box. Four of my hooks and one death came from them healing UNDER THE HOOK they were just pulled off of. Instead of taking gens from around the map, they will try to power through one gen that has even a little progress, even if I was just there a moment before. Instead of taking a different route, that may be more time consuming but is safer they will run in a straight line. Instead of using any form of stealth, they will immediately gun for the nearest pallet the moment they spot you.

    And this was on Sanctum, where a Dwight in his colorful Elf costume can disappear into the reeds.

    My problem with survivors and Spirit/Nurse, is that they 'usually' want to do the same pallet looping as they can against most other killers. Instead of thinking outside the box and taking a different mindset, they try the same tricks as most everybody else, and wonder why they fail.

    I wouldn't mind a bit of a change that lets survivors know when she's phasing, but then, I do so enjoy just standing at a pallet and having them crawl back to me.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Neither does Ghostface if he never stalks, so what's the big difference?

    So should stealth killers like Wraith and Ghostface be nerfed because you need Spine Chill too see them coming?

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited May 2020

    I've always thought she was balanced, but more in the same way Billy is balanced. Shes hypertuned and incredibly strong a good survivor can juke her and actually play against Spirit. Not a lot of people want to learn they all seem to want the exact same version of kiers they can bully.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698
  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773
  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    Well that's weird because I thought spirit was literally invisible while phasing.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Wraith is literally one step from being invisible lol, and with walls you can't see him and he has no terror radius, so what's the difference?

    Ghostface is even sneakier because of his crouch, so again, what's the difference?