Remove the current "chase" condition on Lithe

For two reasons:
Chase mechanic is bugged, the game sometimes think you're not in a chase anymore because you juked the killer for several seconds
Lithe is the ONLY exhaustion perk that can't be used outside of a chase in order to travel the map faster. Because of the exhaustion nerf, it's a risk to use an exhaustion perk before a chase start, and this fact alone balances my change.
Thanks for reading!
@Soren said:
For two reasons:Chase mechanic is bugged, the game sometimes think you're not in a chase anymore because you juked the killer for several seconds
Lithe is the ONLY exhaustion perk that can't be used outside of a chase in order to travel the map faster. Because of the exhaustion nerf, it's a risk to use an exhaustion perk before a chase start, and this fact alone balances my change.
Thanks for reading!
Fast vaulting without QaQ outside a chase is dumb. THE END
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@Jack11803 said:
Fast vaulting without QaQ outside a chase is dumb. THE ENDAs I said, it is a risk. Not a reason to prevent that to happen. Besides, people will only do that with Quick & Quiet, or when they are sure they're not nearby the killer at all.
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@Soren said:
@Jack11803 said:
Fast vaulting without QaQ outside a chase is dumb. THE ENDAs I said, it is a risk. Not a reason to prevent that to happen. Besides, people will only do that with Quick & Quiet, or when they are sure they're not nearby the killer at all.
Not on PS4. The rank 20’s don’t even know there’s a run button... ever seen a Dwight spin in terror then slowly inch away?
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I've wanted this for so long. There's no good reason for the chase requirement.
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Yes, chase mechanic needs to be fixed so the Killer can get bloodlust more efficiently.
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@Jack11803 said:
@Soren said:
@Jack11803 said:
Fast vaulting without QaQ outside a chase is dumb. THE ENDAs I said, it is a risk. Not a reason to prevent that to happen. Besides, people will only do that with Quick & Quiet, or when they are sure they're not nearby the killer at all.
Not on PS4. The rank 20’s don’t even know there’s a run button... ever seen a Dwight spin in terror then slowly inch away?
Awful argument.
What does total newbies have to do with a game mechanic that is known by average players?
Never ever balance the game around total newbies.Removal of chase requirement for Lithe wouldn't be an awful change. Chase mechanic by itself is extremely, so less things we have attached to "While in a chase" the better game we have.
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I agree, that requirement makes the perk totally unreliable and serves nothing