Surrender option for Killers and Survivors

Identity V has this and it's amazing, for survivors when everyone is downed/incapacitated, survivors have the option to vote for surrender, which required everyone voting yes in order to do so. On DBD when everyone is on the floor and there is no DS, no unbreakable etc its already a loss, having a surrender option would save a lot of time rather than the killer looking for you wasting your and the killer's time
now also for Killers, they just recently added this on Identity V, survivors that like to linger around exit gates, with this option on you don't have to nerf survivors like closing gates after a minute. just give the option to surrender for Killers, note Killers can only do this once 8 minutes have passed, meaning they can't abuse this. and it's a very good feature to add, sometimes you just want to end the game rather than wasting time. after pressing the surrender button all survivors automatically escaped
This also eases Hatch stand-off or if the last survivor is trolling, refusing the leave and holding the game hostage
As much as I hate it when you guys start comparing with mobile games, I am all in for a concede option.
Just one question, why should killers only be allowed to surender after 8 minutes? How could a surender feature be abused? Deranking? You can do that by DCing too, but I would prefer a conceding killer over a DCing one
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@Master said:
Just one question, why should killers only be allowed to surender after 8 minutes? How could a surender feature be abused? Deranking? You can do that by DCing too, but I would prefer a conceding killer over a DCing oneIdentity V has it for 8 minutes mark, that was what I was talking about ;p
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I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in making changes to mimic a ######### mobile game.
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@Justicar said:
I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in making changes to mimic a ######### mobile game.These are QOL changes that we need on DBD, it's also going on PC
I wouldn't call it ######### since the Devs also helped with the game if you think it's ######### keep it to yourself, cuz I don't think it's ######### at all
There are many times where a survivor refuses to leave and is just pure wasting everyone's time, Identity V has many good mechanics that improve upon DBD
you can read the rest here-