No Mither Rework to Make it S tier

Alify Member Posts: 347

Now No Mither is usually put in the very last tier, I want to fix it and do the opposite so that it is put in the best tier! I want to not only “fix” its ability, but to give him something new and unique, to leave the Broken Status Effect but to make it worth it.

No Mither

Once you become Injured, No Mither activates for the Whole Match.
When No Mither is activated, you receive the Broken Status Effect and don't leave a Bloodtrail.
The Killer doesn't see YOUR Broken Status Effect Indicator.
Press the Button (not an Active Ability Button) to perform a Hit.
If the Killer is within the radius of your Hit, you stun the Killer for 3(or 3.5?) seconds.
If you Hit successfully or unsuccessfully, you get the Exhaustion Status Effect for 60/50/40 Seconds.
Hit ability cannot be used while Exhausted.
You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.

If the perk was the way I imagined it, then it would obviously be popular and strong. I believe that everything is balanced here and I did the right thing that removed a feature of decreasing the Grunts of Pain and ability to recover from Dying State to Injured one withoud anyone's help.

What do you think? Would you like such a version of No Mither? What would you add or remove in this concept?
