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If you DC

Member Posts: 8,223

I have no sympathy for you. Learn to take an L. You don't get better if you win all the time. I've been bodied as both survivor and killer before, but I don't DC. I take the L, learn from it, and move on.


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  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Sorry not a valid excuse. Unless it's an actual emergency like your kid just cut their finger off, take the L. It sucks when ######### like that happens but it's not enough to validate a DC. Just do what you can, play out the match, and accept that you lost. It's cowardly to back out of a game like that.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    Last game I played was a lagfest, my internet connection was the same internet connection I've been using for the past couple of months, so I wouldn't have known this would've happened, but I'm pretty sure the people I was playing against did not have a fun time.

    Those are the only times I DC, when I ACTUALLY can't play the game and potentially ruin it for everyone. Currently trying to fix the issue right now and I haven't played a game since knowing my Internet could tank at any minute and ruin the game for everyone.

    I accept that I lost that match, but do I want to stay in a game where everyone else is not having fun because I as a Killer is experiencing Connectivity issues? No, of course not, they're better off finding another match while I take a break from DBD and fix it for a while. That would be the same if that person's framerate is tanking. They would not be able to actually play the game.

    I understand disliking people who DC when they get outplayed or outmatched, because that sort of feeling is understandable and frustrating. Some people just want to play the game, and DCers like that ruin it for everyone. I don't like it myself when people DC in my games, it takes away sacrifice points for me and it can potentially ruin the entire team. I had a Claudette DC on me because I hit het while flashlight blinded. She was your usual cocky Survivor type while I was going for an Adept, which is why I didn't give the other Survivors any mercy (Still working towards that Adept)

    Some DCs are warranted, and those who have warranted reasons won't be complaining that they have 24 hours worth of matchmaking bans under their belt. People who actively DC are the ones complaining, and they should be the focus of your iire, not people who actually has valid reasons, no matter how small, to disconnect from the game.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Still not a reason to DC. Go AFK or at least do your best. The only technical issue where it's acceptable to DC is if your PC/Xbox/PS is on fire.

  • Member Posts: 576

    While I agree with you someone that DC's doesn't actually care what you, me, or anyone else thinks about it. If they did they wouldn't do it. That's why they implemented punitive measures for doing it.

  • Member Posts: 1,289
    edited May 2020

    When I was my doctor main switching from my Claudette main other day.I was in a match where one survivor was the only one left in game their two teammates ragequit Right after I downed the 3rd survivor 😂.I felt bad for the last survivor so I let her live😀.I know technically were supposed to kill them but sometimes you gotta have sympathy for the solo survivor especially if their teammates were useless.

  • Member Posts: 594

    Yeah if frame rates are super low. It's doubtful they will be able to properly play. If they are a survivor, might be more akin to a meat shield more than anything else. Which i did come across a survivor, they didn't dc but they were suffering from bad ping. To the point they were unable to really move very well and couldn't even heal themselves with a med kit, due to how bad their ping was. Which well i figure frame rate issues would be the same. Since anyone who has played a video game and suffer frame rate lost, can know just how massively it can effect you, if the frame rates become super low. It can become more of a slideshow, rather than a video game. If the player is the killer suffering from these issues, i don't think the survivors will have much of a challenge. It will be more of a hold m1 at gens for a majority of the game. Where a survivor might be little more than a meat shield and won't be able to do much for their team. That and since people might be unaware of their issues, might end up risking their lives trying to save them from hook or taking protection hits for them, when due to how bad their frame rates are, they are running into walls all the time or keep getting jumped forward or backwards in time.

    Yeah if someone dcs near the start of the game. Which i seen happen from time to time. I normally give them the benefit of the doubt, that it was due to their connection or something. That or when i see them running in place or seeming to take forever to cleanse a totem. Making me think, yeah that was connection issues right there. Heck sometimes my game crashes, when i was winning the match. It doesn't happen often, just every once in awhile. Which is when i restart my computer and that fixes the crashing issue for some reason. Since i know if i keep playing after getting a crash, the game just has a habit of crashing again on me, until i restart my computer to fix the issue. Than it just smooth sailing for awhile.

    That and i think Monto got stuck in a game as wraith not long ago. Due to some bug where the game didn't count a survivors as dead, even when the end game timer reach zero, he was still stuck in the game. He won the game but he was still stuck in it. So he had no other choice but to dc from a game he won. That and there was one video where i recall Ozt dcing, due to the last survivor unhooking themselves in the basement. I think that was for more of gag but i recall the dcing screen, going you admit to losing and that you give up the match. So by dcing, someone has already they admitted they lost the match. So they have already taken the L as the op likes to put it, if they choose to willing dc and it's not due to forces outside their own control.

    Which lately, i seen a fair few in game talk about how bad ping has been lately, that it seems to be higher than normal for some reason. So it could be a fair few have been suffering from connection issues or maybe it';s something with the servers. Not really sure.

  • Member Posts: 1,522

    I've had 3 DC's in 2 games today as killer. :(

    The game with 2 DC's I just ran around helping the survivors farm because that was some BS.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    TAKE AN L.

    That's all there is too it. People DC to avoid feeling like they lost.

    If your wife has a heart attack that's an emergency and a legit reason to DC.

    If you have lag or you're getting less than optimal framerate, sorry that's not a legit reason to DC.

    You are defending people that don't want to lose. No other way to say it. They do it to ease their egos. Saying "well lag" or "muh performance" is a cop out honestly. ######### happens. Take an L.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020


    One more point, I ran game tournaments for almost 10 years. I HEARD EVERY EXCUSE IN THE BOOK.

    • The sun is in my eyes.
    • It's too crowded in here.
    • These TVs have input lag (CRT TV BTW).
    • I haven't eaten yet.
    • My hands are cold.
    • The rules are stupid.
    • My controller is malfunctioning.
    • They played super lame, anyone can do that.
    • They got lucky.
    • It's too late to play video games.
    • I'm tired.
    • You made me wait too long for my next game.
    • You made me play 3 games in a row.
    • That guy just abuses an exploit (eg. a legit game mechanic like pop shot in FPS or grab tech in fighters).
    • The crowd wasn't on my side.

    Literally every excuse. I don't buy any of it. YOU LOST. Very few players can admit they were the reason they lost, most (as in more than 95%) will say ANYTHING to soothe their ego so they didn't actually lose. DC'ing is just an extension of that. I've seen people ragequit IRL in tournament games for dumb reasons too. You will never get better if you give up like that when things don't go your way.

    As we would say in the Smash community "NO JOHNS".

    So what. Take the L and move on. DC'ing is just a cop out to soothe the ego. PERIOD. You can justify it all you want but that's what is happening at the end of the day, and that player is just going to find dumber and dumber excuses to quit every time. Stop enabling it by defending DC's.

    Unless someone is IRL injured or dying, or your Xbox catches fire, or something along those lines, there is no reason to DC.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    You know playing like that might actually help you improve. Lag is part of any game, just do your best maybe you will learn something.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    If you DC you are a coward. IDC what game you are playing or the level of competitiveness. It's a cop out, a psychological defense mechanism. If you can't even finish a NON-competitive match in a video game with no actual reward, that's honestly pretty sad. You're whole argument is bass ackwards because if it's non-competitive then it shouldn't matter what happens and therefore you shouldn't feel the need to DC.

    People DC to avoid admitting to themselves "I lost". Validating any reason to DC that's not an actual emergency is just enabling that behavior and makes it worse.

    No bait. Use the experience to learn something, test something, don't just give up. By doing that you just make it easier to come up with an excuse in the future. Next time maybe you get a single lag spike that gets you hit, not even caught just hit, and then you could have kept playing but nope, I lag = DC.

  • Member Posts: 1,522

    It's not even a matter of "taking it seriously", it's just not excusing bad behavior.

    DCing is childish nonsense, just meant to hurt others in an attempt to salvage one's ego. We shouldn't encourage it, make excuses for it, or justify it as a community.

    That's it, really. That's all.

  • Member Posts: 1,522

    To be honest, it sounds like you come from a FGC tournament background.

    Players here will never understand most of what you're saying. This community just doesn't have that mindset.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Again if it's a casual game then you shouldn't care about any of the BS that people use as an excuse to quit. You would sit and finish the game to collect your points and move on. The fact it's a casual game actually means there is less valid reasons to DC.

    Just. Take. The. L.

    It might be 300 ping now, but then the next time it's 250. Then 200. By the time you know it unless you have 10 ping you are quitting the game. One excuse enables the next.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    LOL I've never seen a survivor DC because the killer was AFK. Even time I've seen an AFK killer, survivors rush gens/totems/chests, mess around for a bit, then leave.

    IF they did this, it's not avoiding an L, but no one does this. Your example is a fantasy.

  • Member Posts: 1,522

    "Just a casual game but I'm gonna get salty as ######### over losing and ragequit no matter how it affects others."


  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Quoted for truth.

    If people actually saw DBD as a "casual game" they wouldn't ragequit. The fact this is as prevalent as it is says that most people actually take the game pretty seriously, ergo they are not playing a casual game.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited May 2020

    This is a matter of playability. I'm not on the game to do absolutely nothing. I'm playing the game to play the game. Casual or competitive, that's the whole point of a game. It's dumb to expect people to not leave when they're physically unable to do that.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Some players say the game is "unplayable" when they experience a single bug that actually has no long term impact on the game. Or if they get a single lag spike because that's just the nature of the internet sometimes.

    In other words, people will sit there and say "this is unplayable" when it is entirely playable they just want an excuse to DC.

    Like I said I've heard every excuse in the book. I'm not buying it.

  • Member Posts: 594

    Glad i was able to find this video again. When you go to dc it reads. "Are you sure you want to leave this match? Leaving this match count as a defeat."

    So you have to agree that you lost the match when dcing. Agreeing you lost the match, is somehow trying to avoid a lost. So Ozt dcing once, which was most likely for a gag. When he clearly won the game and could of knock the survivors down again and still won. Is him being a coward.

  • Member Posts: 3,826
    edited May 2020

    lol I spilled Gatorade on my rug two weeks ago and I had to clean it up. As a killer, I had to go AFK.

    People on the forums told me to DC.

    I wish this thread was made 2 weeks ago.

  • Member Posts: 169

    Well, most of my games I end up getting disconnected because of some weird bug. It ain't my fault.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    "It's not because I "can't just take the L"."

    It is actually. You can do whatever mental gymnastics you want to justify it, but at the end of the day this is what is happening.

    This community I swear... stop validating the DC's, you just make the problem worse.

    "and that I am just looking for a reason to DC"

    Maybe not this time but every time you DC you make it easier to justify doing it again in the future. Eventually it leads to people DC'ing for any number of lame reasons. If you reserve it for only the most extreme circumstances you avoid that slippery slope.

    Just the fact that despite DC penalties people still quit the game because they are losing proves my points that you're just contributing to the problem by giving excuses to DC.

    Unless it's an actual emergency you shouldn't be endorsing people to leave the game.

    If the game DC's you that's different because it's beyond your control. You didn't decide to DC, it just happened.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    If you get salty you lost and leave a game I'm not going to be empathetic.

    If your kid drank bleach and you have to go to the hospital, I'll empathize with that because it's a legit reason to DC.

    Seriously stop DEFENDING DC'S. You make the problem worse. I'm not making the problem worse by calling people out for their bull #########.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I get annoyed and disappointed if they do. But if i get messaged from them saying I'm bad....oooh!

  • Member Posts: 417

    I guess he never played as killer with a swf seal team 6 lol.

    Yeah some people might play casual but every killer game i get of late feels like I am playing against a bunch of tourney level survivors and then I get to the end game screen and oh look all red ranks... Yeah casual... Mmmkay

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Not sure if you mean me or him or the other guy. I'm assuming you are validating our points?

    I've played against these squads. Regularly even, pretty much every game at rank 1 on Xbox is a 4 stack SWF. But I take my losses. I've been completely bodied as pretty much every killer. I'm still not gonna DC though.

    And yes, you make a good point that people really don't treat the game as a "casual game". This might be true at low ranks, but at red ranks it is FAR from it.

  • Member Posts: 417

    The other guy.

    Yeah I just let the matches play out. Most of time seal team 6 will mess up and then the whole team snow balls.

  • Member Posts: 650

    There is nothing to be learned from a toxic killer face-camping your first hook or walking over you as they let you bleed out as a slug. DC is fine if you use it sparingly since this new DC penalty BS went into effect. You get a particularly bad experience head out, wait 5 minutes and hope for something better next time. And if I am on your team I do not care or blame you, you go with my blessing.

  • Member Posts: 650

    Yeah, I completely disagree with your post here, but this guy saying survivors DC because it is too easy or something, has never happened in the history of ever. If you feel bad a killer is doing terrible and you have done all/nearly all the gens you go find them and give them hits/hooks maybe even a kill. You don't DC, that just screws them and yourself. And I am not even gonna address the AFK business, only an idiot would DC on an AFK match.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    If the game bugs that sucks but if you DC that's a cop out.

    Having an emergency is a legit reason to leave because you have to.

    But if the game bugs out then oh well. It sucks but ######### happens. Might as well just take your BP and take the death/loss. You're just giving people more reasons to leave, because not every bug will make you get stuck. Those are actually quite rare compared to all the other bugs in the game. I've seen killers get stuck checking a locker when the game was basically over anyway and they DC. What is the point of this if the game is going to end soon anyway? You do it to say "well I only lost because I got bugged" when in fact you lost because you lost and then just conveniently got bugged and used it as an excuse to justify leaving, which then makes it easier to make such an excuse in the future.

    Apologizing to them for "having a bad game" is literally enabling them to DC more in the future. You just reinforce the idea that the DC was justified and that they were right to do it. Instead of telling them to man up and just take a loss like they should, which then discourages them from DC'ing in the future.

    What you are doing only makes the problem worse, as I keep saying.

    PS. Being empathetic would be to say "sorry you had a bad game" if they finish the game. Then you give positive reinforcement for GOOD behavior (staying in the game). But a DC is BAD behavior you don't want to encourage that.

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