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If you DC



  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I never defended the issue, only the point. I think it sucks, and people DC on me a lot too, I get just as mad as you. I mean you really think I 'support them'? I hate DCing people, but if they legitimately have a reason, I can't get mad. Anyways, I've played on console where framerate was literal trash, so it wouldn't affect me at all even if it did happen nowadays, since I'm used to it, but for people who've never experienced the low FPS, I can definitely understand why they'd DC.

    Anyways, the salty DC's I can never support, so stop acting like I do when I've pointed it out numerous times that I don't support them smh. But the DC's which have reasons, I can definitely understand. Anyways, I've had that hook bug before, never DC'd, in fact, I haven't DC'd in DBD since 2 years ago probably.

    'Legit unbelievable you guys support them' stop strawmanning and acting like we support it, just deal with it, smh. If they can't play with low FPS, then there's no point in playing. And some people wont be used to low FPS like me, so I can definitely get WHY they'd want to DC. You need to open your mind to it as well.

    I mean, they don't do it for their 'ego', some people do it because they CAN'T play. And I think your a console player, so you wont even understand what I mean by some people can't play on low FPS, as I used to, but if you play PC for a while, you will definitely see why.

    Who even cares about an 'ego' if they DC? Such a flawed argument, people who DC literally show their name and basically humiliate themselves. So therefore, if people explain why, and say that they can't have played in the circumstances I'd happily take the L and move on.

    Don't quote me unless you have something useful to say, and not driven of your rage of being DC'd on. ( just FYI in case you didn't STILL get it, if they're DC's from salt, then I'm on your side, if they have a reason to, then I'm not).

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Being laggy would make it worse for the survivors, and invite salt lmao cause you hit them from miles away.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    "I mean, they don't do it for their 'ego', some people do it because they CAN'T play."

    The people that DC for this reason (or some kind of emergency) is very very VERY rare. I'm not talking about these people. I'm talking about the vast majority of people that DC to avoid a loss. Like overwhelming majority. 99 times out of 100, being generous.

    I'm on Xbox. Frame rates suck. Still not an excuse to DC mid-game though. In most cases where bugs occur the game is still entirely playable. I can literally count on both hands in my 3k hours instances where a player, either someone else or myself, had some kind of absolute game breaking bug where they were unable to play, and half of those have been since the last update when killers get stuck at pallets/lockers/hooks. So I don't buy this "well the game bugs/there is an emergency" bull ######### because nearly every DC is going to be from salt.

    "stop strawmanning and acting like we support it"

    You are though. By pointing out that maybe 1 in 100 DC's is legit and that any sort of bug or technical issue enough reason for it that's called enabling. Just look at some of the replies. They IMMEDIATELY jump to "well what about when I get stuck or something happens I need to leave?" That accounts for less than 1% of the DC's that occur. And like I said, those DC's are fine, but when you jump down my throat for calling people out on their bull #########, you're just making the problem worse.

    I would rather have a laggy teammate than no teammate at all.

    PS. My wall is not a place to debate this. Keep it in the thread, I don't see why you would put this on my wall.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited May 2020

    'And like I said, those DC's are fine'

    You never said they're fine, you literally said they're supposed to play it out in your little rulebook and enjoy the terrible FPS. Anyways, it's like you literally didn't read anything I said, I said if it's the other percentage of DC's, then I'm on your side, you had no reason to quote me again, and argue out the same exact point that I ended.

    If some people DC because of frames, let them. If they don't wanna play at 5 FPS because they aren't used to it, let them DC. Stop making a fuss over it and being a lil kid over it, I literally said I'm on your side for the point your supposed to be arguing, which is that most the DC cases are to 'avoid a loss'.

    You're literally wasting your own time going in circles, it's hilarious, and on top of that, you're also contradicting what you said earlier by now agreeing with me. Again, don't quote me unless you got something useful to say. Also, stop repeating your same points and contradicting other points. What are you even achieving out of it?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    "You never said they're fine, you literally said they're supposed to play it out in your little rulebook and enjoy the terrible FPS."


    But when I say this I'm talking about the game literally being unplayable. Poor FPS is not unplayable unless it's 1 frame per second. 20 FPS is still entirely playable. It will suck, but you can manage. 5 FPS is a complete exaggeration. That's basically a slide show, I've never seen frame rate this bad, either from my own Xbox or watching my friends stream. Hell I doubt this would actually even happen on PS or Switch. MAYBE it's happened a few times over the course of the game's life span, but don't sit there and tell me it happens enough to justify a DC.

    "I said if it's the other percentage of DC's, then I'm on your side, you had no reason to quote me again, and argue out the same exact point that I ended."

    Then why are you arguing with me?

    "Stop making a fuss over it and being a lil kid over it"

    Gee I'm the one that shouldn't make a fuss over it and I'm being a lil kid. But then when someone DC's from a game because they have less than optimal frame rate that is still entirely playable that's not making a fuss/being a lil kid. Seems hypocritical if you ask me.

    "you're also contradicting what you said earlier by now agreeing with me"

    I'm not. This thread has been about people that DC to avoid a loss. People came in here to cry "but muh frames" or "but these bugs" or "but my real life problems" I wasn't talking about them. They made it about them and tried to fight with me about it.

    "Also, stop repeating your same points"

    Could literally say the same thing to you. If I'm such a lost cause why continue to reply?

    Just to make it clear:

    1. This thread is about people that DC to avoid a loss.
    2. If you have a GAME BREAKING issues or a real life emergency or something more important than the game, this thread is not about you.
    3. Poor frame rate, bad ping, or single instances of bugs that have no long term impact on your ability to play the game are not LEGIT REASONS to DC. Seriously you can tough it out in these instances and fix the issue AFTER the game ends.
    4. Vast majority of DC's fall into #1. A very tiny fraction fall into #2. Another tiny fraction (though likely larger than #2) fall into #3 which then people use as an excuse to DC and selfishly screw over the other 4 players in the game.

    Nothing you say will convince me that it's okay to DC when you are having a bad time. Poor frame rate is a bad time. It's not unplayable. Being stuck without any way to move is unplayable. Having your character fall through the floor is unplayable. Having a completely black screen is unplayable. Getting hit when 10m from a window on time because of a lag spike is NOT unplayable. It sucks, but that's no reason to DC. You're never going to convince me it is, so stop trying if that's what you intend to do.

    Post edited by thesuicidefox on
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    So you took it back? Then my goal was achieved ages ago, sorry, been only looking at your replies to me so I had absolutely no clue, you should've told me ages ago. But yes, then, overall I agree with you completely now, if you took it back.

  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    It comes down to reasons. Are there good reasons to DC? Yes. Is there reasonable disagreement about what counts as a good reason? Sure. At the end of the day, can you compel someone to play a game if they feel they have no incentive to do it? Nope.

    Given the DC penalty, I'm surprised that, at least according to the devs, there hasn't been a discernible increase in hook suicides. I'm wondering if people have found that to be true in their experience? I feel like hook suicides have skyrocketed.

  • Gomolazoli
    Gomolazoli Member Posts: 336

    I DC when I have 4 or at least 3 survivors on the hook at the same time. You can’t be more alpha than that.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I DC against Ghostface sometimes. Fight me.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    That's because people still DC and just eat the 5 minute timer. I've seen no difference in DC rates since the penalty was added to Xbox very recently.

  • HuDawg
    HuDawg Member Posts: 312

    Its democracy?!

    The killer has right to not want to be so horribly bullied!

    Yes i had dced matches against swf bullying its their problem not mine so calm down!

  • HuDawg
    HuDawg Member Posts: 312

    However me personally i would remove the option of dcing when pressing start of course people will dc via alt-f4 but at least remove the option of dcing when accessing the menu

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited March 2021

    First off, stop necro'ing year old threads. Makes me sad to see all the old faces who aren't here anymore :(

    Secondly, don't DC. It's literally against the rules.

    And yay, even Sluzzy is in this thread from a year ago.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    NGL the only killer that makes me DC is Freddy. He's SO boring that I actually start hating the game and I get bitter.

    I'd rather DC then let my mental health and opinion of the game die.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    I just played a game where our Chinese Dwight was doing a gen in the sky

    killer dc’d

    but you know by your logic he should have manned up and taken the L

  • poomanchu
    poomanchu Member Posts: 242
    edited March 2021

    I started reading these posts, and realized it was from a year ago, just curious if that guy SuicideFox committed suicide due to DC’s because he had some serious issues with DC’s, holy jeebus!

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    I bet half yall commenting have rage dced yourselves lol. All up in here acting high n mighty knowing they're guilty too on some days!