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Getting Stuck on Hooked Survivor w/ Mori

Thatboio101 Member Posts: 2

Okay, so I was playing on PS4 as Michael Myers on Badham. I downed a survivor and put them on the hook. I chased another survivor back to the hook a bit later and downed them too. I went to use my mori on them and as the animation was playing, I guess I sort of clipped into the survivor on the hook and ended up having to wait until all three stages passed. I don't know if other survivors could have unhooked them since none came to try, but it stopped right after the survivor died, leaving me able to move.

I'm guessing this isn't something super frequent that happens all the time, I guess my angling with the other survivor was weird enough that when the mori animation started playing, I just sorta phased into the already hooked survivor. Unfortunately, I don't have any screenshots or videos since I was just more or less sitting there, confused.

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